Contour integral with exponential in the denominator

In summary, the problem involves using the contour integral to evaluate a real integral with a given contour. The contour is a closed rectangle in the positive half of the complex plane with a height of 2i∏. The residue theorem is used to find the value of the complex integral, with the simple pole at z = iπ being the focus. The residue is found by taking the limit of the expression as z approaches iπ using l'Hopital's rule.
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Homework Statement

Use the contour integral
to evaluate the real integral
[itex]\int^{\infty}_{- \infty}\frac{e^{px}}{1+e^x}dx[/itex]​
The contour is attached.
It is a closed rectangle in the positive half of the complex plane. It height is 2i∏.

Homework Equations

[itex]\oint f(z)dz = 2 \pi i \sum Res[f(z)] [/itex]
[itex] Res[f(z=z_{0})] = (m-1)! \frac{d^{m-1}}{dz^{m-1}}(z-z_{0})^{m}f(z)|_{z=z_{0}}[/itex]
where m is the degree of the pole.

The Attempt at a Solution

I found that there was a simple pole at z = i∏, so I must use the residue theorem to find the value of the complex integral.
[itex] Res[f(z=i \pi)] = (z-i \pi) \frac{e^{pz}}{1+e^z}|_{z=i \pi}[/itex]
In the past I've had to fiddle with the denominator to get the z-z0 terms to cancel out, but in those cases it involved something nice and simple. I have no idea what to do with this equation.
Physics news on
  • #2
The residue is defined as the LIMIT of your expression as z->i*pi, it's not the value of the expression at z=i*pi (unless you do your magic cancellation). Try using l'Hopital to find the limit.

FAQ: Contour integral with exponential in the denominator

1. What is a contour integral with an exponential in the denominator?

A contour integral with an exponential in the denominator is an integral that involves an exponential function in the denominator of the integrand. It is used in complex analysis to evaluate integrals along a contour in the complex plane.

2. How is a contour integral with an exponential in the denominator different from a regular contour integral?

The presence of an exponential function in the denominator makes the contour integral more challenging to evaluate, as it requires techniques from complex analysis such as Cauchy's integral formula and the residue theorem.

3. What are some applications of contour integrals with exponentials in the denominator?

Contour integrals with exponentials in the denominator are used in various fields such as physics, engineering, and economics to solve problems involving complex functions, such as calculating the probability of quantum mechanical events or determining the behavior of electrical circuits.

4. How do you calculate a contour integral with an exponential in the denominator?

To calculate a contour integral with an exponential in the denominator, you need to first parameterize the contour and then use techniques from complex analysis, such as the Cauchy's integral formula and the residue theorem, to evaluate the integral. It is important to ensure that the contour and the function satisfy the necessary conditions for these techniques to be applicable.

5. Are there any special cases of contour integrals with exponentials in the denominator?

Yes, there are special cases of contour integrals with exponentials in the denominator, such as when the contour is a closed curve and the function has a pole on the contour. In these cases, the integral can be simplified using the residue theorem, which states that the integral is equal to the sum of the residues of the function at the poles enclosed by the contour.
