Derivation of Source-Free RC circuit

In summary, the decay of voltage in a series combination of a resistor and an initially charged capacitor is given by the equation v(t) = Ae^(-t/RC), where V(0) = A = V0. The derivation of this equation involves integrating both sides of the equation ln v = -t/RC + A and using initial conditions to determine the value of the integration constant A.
  • #1

Homework Statement

If there is a series combination of a resistor and an initially charged capacitor, I know that the decay of the voltage is given by the equation v(t) = Ae^(-t/RC) where V(0) = A = V0. But i am unsure of how to get to this equations.

Homework Equations

If I assume Ir = current flowing through resistor
and Ic = current flowing through Capacitor and assume there both flowing out of the node.

The Attempt at a Solution

Ic + Ir = 0
C(dv/dt) + V/R = 0
V/R = -C(dv/dt)
1/V(dv) = -1/RCdt
integrate both sides
ln v = -t/RC + A
A= integration constant

Here is where i can't go no more I saw somewhere they got: ln v = -t/RC + ln A, from there I know how to get the solution but how to arrive at ln A?, can we just do this automatically because it is a constant to make life easier or is there some logic behind it?
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  • #2
Two things you can do here. You're answer is already correct even though it says "+A" and not "+ln(A)".

Let me explain.

When you get a constant of integration, it is representative of a single value determined from initial conditions. If no conditions are given, it remains a letter; in your case, "A". Now think what ln(A) is. The natural log of a constant is what? A constant! So leaving it as "A" is totally fine, because "A" just represents a constant anyway.

The reason the solution has "+ln(A)" is because when they evaluated the left hand integral of dV/V, then wrote it as ln(V) - ln(A). Personally, I write mine like this so I can evaluate the integral as ln(V/A). It's all preference. What really matters is how you implement the initial conditions.
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  • #3
Now, to elaborate on the above (sorry for separate post) equation of v(t) = Ae(-t/RC) where V(0) = A = V0.

Your equation is ln(V) = -t/RC + A.
So let's check this out with the info I gave you in my previous post:

Remove the natural log: eln(V) = e-t/RC + A
Now rewrite: V = e-t/RCeA
Rearrange: V = eAe-t/RC

Now above I told you ln(A) is a constant, as is it's literally the same thing because it just represents a constant. So why don't we look at eA. That's a constant raised to a constant power, right? So it's still just a constant. Just call it A (or C, or whatever, it doesn't matter, as long as you know it's just a single value).

Now we have: V = Ae-t/RC.

Now just implement your initial conditions!
  • #4
Brute said:

Homework Statement

If there is a series combination of a resistor and an initially charged capacitor, I know that the decay of the voltage is given by the equation v(t) = Ae^(-t/RC) where V(0) = A = V0. But i am unsure of how to get to this equations.

Homework Equations

If I assume Ir = current flowing through resistor
and Ic = current flowing through Capacitor and assume there both flowing out of the node.

The Attempt at a Solution

Ic + Ir = 0
C(dv/dt) + V/R = 0
V/R = -C(dv/dt)
1/V(dv) = -1/RCdt
integrate both sides
ln v = -t/RC + A
A= integration constant

ln v = -t/RC + A
ln v(0+) = -t/RC|t=0 + A
So A = ln v(0+)
and ln v = ln v(0+) - t/RC
so take exp of both sides to get your answer. Remember exp(a + b) = exp(a)exp(b).
  • #5
I would like to thank both of you and taking the time out to answer my question. It has made me understand the derivation thoroughly.

FAQ: Derivation of Source-Free RC circuit

What is a source-free RC circuit?

A source-free RC circuit is an electrical circuit that does not have any external power source connected to it. This means that the circuit does not receive any input from a battery or generator, and instead relies on the stored energy in its components to function.

What is the purpose of deriving a source-free RC circuit?

The derivation of a source-free RC circuit allows us to mathematically analyze the behavior of the circuit. It helps us understand how the voltage and current in the circuit change over time and how different parameters, such as resistance and capacitance, affect the circuit's behavior.

How is a source-free RC circuit derived?

To derive a source-free RC circuit, we use Kirchhoff's laws and basic circuit analysis techniques. We start by drawing the circuit diagram and labeling all the components. Then, we use Kirchhoff's voltage and current laws to write equations based on the circuit's topology. Finally, we solve these equations to obtain the desired parameters.

What are the key equations used in the derivation of a source-free RC circuit?

The key equations used in the derivation of a source-free RC circuit are the voltage and current equations for a resistor and capacitor. These are Ohm's law (V=IR) and the capacitor equation (I=C(dV/dt)). We also use Kirchhoff's laws and the concept of time constants to simplify the equations and solve for the desired parameters.

What are the practical applications of understanding the derivation of a source-free RC circuit?

Understanding the derivation of a source-free RC circuit is essential for designing and analyzing electronic circuits. It can be applied in various fields, such as telecommunications, power systems, and electronic devices. It also helps us troubleshoot and repair malfunctioning circuits by identifying the root cause of the problem.

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