Derivation of the area of a sphere formula.

In summary, Daniel demonstrates that the volume of a sphere is \frac{4}{3}{\pi}r^3, and that the surface area of a sphere is 4{\pi}r^2. He also provides a derivation of the area of a sphere without using integrals.
  • #1
Deduce the formula for the area of a sphere with ratio R. (I already know it is 4*pi*R^2)
Physics news on
  • #2
The volume of a ball is [tex]\frac{4}{3}{\pi}r^3[/tex] and the surface area of a ball is [tex]4{\pi}r^2[/tex]. The surface area is the derivative of the volume.

  • #3
Not really.The cube...:wink:

The simplest is:
[tex] S=\iint dS=R^{2}\int_{0}^{2\pi}d\varphi \int_{0}^{\pi} d\vartheta \ \sin\vartheta [/tex]

  • #4
How do you prove the volume of the ball is the one that u mentioned & how do you prove that the area of the 2-sphere is the derivative (wrt radius) of the volume of the 3-ball...?

  • #5
Yes, I have to prove that the volume of a sphere is [tex]\frac{4}{3}{\pi}r^3[/tex], and that the surface area of a sphere is [tex]4{\pi}r^2[/tex], without using integrals.
  • #6
The volume of a sphere is zero...There's a giant thread here (i think in the "Calculus & Analysis" forum) bearing this meaningless name (the volume of a sphere),in which Saltydog,Mathwonk & Galileo give Archimede's rationale...

  • #7
The volume of a sphere can be obtained without using integrals by remarking that the volume of a cylinder of radius r and height r is equal with the volume of a cone having the radius of the base r and the height r + the volume of a semisphere of radius r. If I remember well the demonstration involved the use of the principle of Cavalieri. So the volume of a semisphere is (2/3)*π*r3. But I do not think that the area of a sphere can be obtained without calculus, at least I do not think there is an easy (and exact) method.
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  • #8
I don't know of any method that doesn't rely on caculus, but the volume is a pretty easy "volume of rotation" integration. Just set up a hemi-sphere as the volume of rotation of the function y=+sqrt(r^2 - x^2) over x=[0..r].

& how do you prove that the area of the 2-sphere is the derivative (wrt radius) of the volume of the 3-ball...?

dV = A dr can be obtained "by inspection".
  • #9
missing calculus...integrals are good to solve such.
  • #10
Start from the equation y = sqr(x^2 - r) (r is a constant)
Integrate it to get the surface of a circle, pi*r^2
Then say you are putting a whole bunch of discs, with volume pi*r^2 * dx along the x-axis with radius y = sqr(x^2 - r) to get this function:

Integral[-1 to 1]: sqr(x^2 - r)^2 * pi = pi*Integral[-1 to 1]: x^2 - r

Of course, you'd also need the proofs that a semi circle is defined by y = sqr(x^2 - r) and all the calculus ones.
  • #11
Archimedes solved the problem of finding the area of a sphere with given radius.

I don't know how he did it, but I know it his solution counts as one of the most notable mathematical achievements.
  • #12
Whoops, my mistake, I meant to use the perimeter of a circle formula (2pi*r) * dx, which would give you the sum of the areas of the rounded edge of all the discs (which would approach sphere's area as dx -> 0)
  • #13

I don't work for zazzle or care to serve as an ad campaign for them. But this was
the clearest and most concise derivation of the area of a sphere that I found.
  • #14
This does not precisely deduce the area formula for a sphere, but it's nonetheless a very nice video representation, conceptually:
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FAQ: Derivation of the area of a sphere formula.

1. What is the formula for finding the area of a sphere?

The formula for finding the area of a sphere is A = 4πr², where r is the radius of the sphere.

2. How was the formula for the area of a sphere derived?

The formula for the area of a sphere was derived using integration. By dividing the surface area of a sphere into small infinitesimal elements and integrating them, the final formula of A = 4πr² was obtained.

3. Is there a simpler way to understand the derivation of the area of a sphere formula?

Yes, the derivation of the area of a sphere formula can also be understood using the concept of slicing a sphere into infinitely thin discs. By stacking these discs, the surface area of the sphere can be calculated as 4 times the area of a circle with the radius of the sphere.

4. Can the formula for the area of a sphere be applied to other shapes?

No, the formula for the area of a sphere can only be applied to spheres. Other shapes have their own formulas for calculating surface area.

5. Is the formula for the area of a sphere accurate?

Yes, the formula for the area of a sphere is accurate as long as the radius is measured correctly and the surface of the sphere is smooth.

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