Destructive Interference and coherent light in anti-phase

In summary, the energy in the wave is redistributed so that the maximum intensity is found in regions where the two waves interfere constructively.
  • #1
I have a question about coherent light in anti-phase, I'm probably thinking about this wrong but I just can't understand what happens to the energy in the wave when two waves of the same wavelength, frequency and amplitude are in anti-phase as the resultant wave is 0.
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  • #2
Johnahh said:
I have a question about coherent light in anti-phase, I'm probably thinking about this wrong but I just can't understand what happens to the energy in the wave when two waves of the same wavelength, frequency and amplitude are in anti-phase as the resultant wave is 0.

Good question. The energy HAS to go somewhere. In most interference phenomena, it will be directed elsewhere in an interference pattern (e.g. two slits experiment). It may turn up as stored energy in a resonant standing wave pattern or be dissipated in a resistive load / absorbing surface, somewhere.
  • #3
Thanks Sophie, I was actually thinking about the double slit experiment. Could you possible expand on this point:
In most interference phenomena, it will be directed elsewhere in an interference pattern
  • #4
Johnahh said:
I have a question about coherent light in anti-phase, I'm probably thinking about this wrong but I just can't understand what happens to the energy in the wave when two waves of the same wavelength, frequency and amplitude are in anti-phase as the resultant wave is 0.
For two light waves in vacuum, if you have destructive interference in one location then you will have constructive interference in another location. The energh "lost" in the destructive interference region is exactly equal to the energy "gained" in the constructive interference region.
  • #5
For two light waves in vacuum, if you have destructive interference in one location then you will have constructive interference in another location. The energh "lost" in the destructive interference region is exactly equal to the energy "gained" in the constructive interference region.

Say a wave was sent through a waveguide one of length being an integer of the wavelength and the other being a non integer value, this produces destructive interference and a wave with a lower amplitude giving less intensity and energy, in this scenario there are no other waves present where has the energy gone?
  • #6
Johnahh said:
Say a wave was sent through a waveguide one of length being an integer of the wavelength and the other being a non integer value, this produces destructive interference and a wave with a lower amplitude giving less intensity and energy, in this scenario there are no other waves present where has the energy gone?
In that case the wave is not traveling through vacuum, it is interacting with the waveguide. The lost energy goes into the material of the waveguide itself, generally heating it, but potentially doing useful work.

For a wave in vacuum, what I said above holds, which is why I specified "in vacuum" in my comment. For a wave not in vacuum then energy can go to or from matter also.
  • #7
Thank you very much Dale, I feel I have a greater understanding now. :smile:
  • #8
Johnahh said:
I was actually thinking about the double slit experiment.

In this case the energy is "redistributed" from the locations of the minima to the locations of the maxima. The maxima are "brighter" (contain more energy) than the light would have carried if there had been no interference, just as the minima are "fainter" (carry less energy).

Specifically, if the light from one slit (by itself) has intensity I0 on the screen, then with two slits the maxima have (maximum) intensity 4I0. The maximum intensity first doubles because there are two slits, then it doubles again because of redistribution of energy from the minima.
  • #9
Johnahh said:
Thanks Sophie, I was actually thinking about the double slit experiment. Could you possible expand on this point:

Some numbers could help. Take an ideal case. At the maximum of the pattern, the amplitude will be 2A, where A would be the amplitude of one contribution. That 4 times the power. In the null, the amplitude is zero, due to desctructive interference. The power has been re-distributed but the same total power will arrive at the screen.
  • #10
thanks jtbell and sophie the explanations are very clear and make perfect sense. Is it known how this energy transfers from one wave to another?
  • #11
Johnahh said:
thanks jtbell and sophie the explanations are very clear and make perfect sense. Is it known how this energy transfers from one wave to another?
There is no "transfer" of energy. It's just the result of superposition of the fields at different places. (It's a result of the transit times and phases as the two contributions arrive at each point on the screen) Google "Double slit interference" and the diagrams, explaining it, are all over the place - the Hyperphysics site usually has understandable pages for pretty much every part of Physics at this level.

FAQ: Destructive Interference and coherent light in anti-phase

1. What is destructive interference?

Destructive interference occurs when two waves of equal amplitude and opposite phase meet, resulting in a cancellation of the wave amplitude at certain points. This can occur with any type of wave, including light waves.

2. How does destructive interference affect coherent light?

In the case of coherent light, destructive interference can result in dark fringes or areas of reduced intensity in the interference pattern. This occurs because the waves are out of phase and cancel each other out, resulting in a decrease in the overall intensity of the light.

3. What is anti-phase?

Anti-phase refers to two waves that are exactly out of phase with each other, meaning that they have opposite amplitudes at any given point in time. In the case of light waves, this can result in destructive interference and a cancellation of the wave amplitudes.

4. How is destructive interference and anti-phase used in practical applications?

In some cases, destructive interference and anti-phase can be intentionally used in applications such as noise cancellation or optical filters. By manipulating the phase of waves, certain frequencies can be cancelled out, resulting in a desired effect.

5. Can destructive interference and anti-phase occur with other types of waves besides light?

Yes, destructive interference and anti-phase can occur with any type of wave, including sound waves, water waves, and seismic waves. The principles behind these phenomena are the same, regardless of the type of wave.
