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< Mentor Note -- thread moved from the Homework physics forums to the technical math forums >
Hello.I was reading recently barton's book.I reached the part corresponding to dirac-delta functions in spherical polar coordinates.
he let :##(\theta,\phi)=\Omega## such that ##f(\mathbf {r})=f(r,\Omega)##
##\int d^3r...=\int_0^{\infty}drr^2\int_0^{2π }dφ\int_0^π dθsinθ...##
##\int_0^{2π}dφ\int_0^πdθsinθ=\int_0^{2π}dφ\int_{-1}^{1}dcosθ=\int d\Omega##
then## δ(\mathbf {r-r^{'}})=\frac {1}{r^2} δ(r-r')δ(\Omega-\Omega^{'})##>>>(1)
where ##δ(\Omega-\Omega^{'})=δ(φ-φ')δ(cosθ-cosθ')##>>>(2)
My problem is that I really didn't get how he switched from ##\int_0^{2π }dφ\int_0^π dθsinθ## into ##\int_{-1}^{1}dcosθ##
same thing corresponding to relations (1) and (2), I didn't get how he obtained them?
If somebody can give me a hint for obtaining them? thanks.
Relevant equations
##\int d^3rf(\mathbf{r})δ(\mathbf{r})=f(0)##
such that ##δ(r)=1/(2π)^3\int d^3kexp(i\mathbf{k}.\mathbf{r})##
I need hints to know where yo start.
Hello.I was reading recently barton's book.I reached the part corresponding to dirac-delta functions in spherical polar coordinates.
he let :##(\theta,\phi)=\Omega## such that ##f(\mathbf {r})=f(r,\Omega)##
##\int d^3r...=\int_0^{\infty}drr^2\int_0^{2π }dφ\int_0^π dθsinθ...##
##\int_0^{2π}dφ\int_0^πdθsinθ=\int_0^{2π}dφ\int_{-1}^{1}dcosθ=\int d\Omega##
then## δ(\mathbf {r-r^{'}})=\frac {1}{r^2} δ(r-r')δ(\Omega-\Omega^{'})##>>>(1)
where ##δ(\Omega-\Omega^{'})=δ(φ-φ')δ(cosθ-cosθ')##>>>(2)
My problem is that I really didn't get how he switched from ##\int_0^{2π }dφ\int_0^π dθsinθ## into ##\int_{-1}^{1}dcosθ##
same thing corresponding to relations (1) and (2), I didn't get how he obtained them?
If somebody can give me a hint for obtaining them? thanks.
Relevant equations
##\int d^3rf(\mathbf{r})δ(\mathbf{r})=f(0)##
such that ##δ(r)=1/(2π)^3\int d^3kexp(i\mathbf{k}.\mathbf{r})##
The Attempt at a Solution
I need hints to know where yo start.
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