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Homework Statement
How fast would a electric arc be when it ionizes through normal, unpressured air between say, two electrodes? Not the same as lightning as it is hypothetically from an artificial source.
Homework Equations
How would one calculate (please include your formula's and which units used in them and what they are with an example of solving a similar problem to mine please?) the velocity of the electric charge based on only knowing that the arc had 230 voltage and the arc length was 10 meters long?
Bob S tried explaining a similar problem here but it was years ago and didn't the include relevant units somone would use in solving the problem? And he's not here anymore...using the variables in the equation, I can't really solve based on knowing only how to solve part of the problem. This is my attempt. :(
The Attempt at a Solution
I can give other specifications to my problem if this information is not sufficient enough to be able to solve this hypothetical problem.
Its for how fast an electric bolt would propagate at a human being if it was discharged in standard atmosphere pressure and temperature from 10 meters when mechanical source that had the electrical discharge from a cathode was about 230 volts?
Any questions about my question, I will be happy to respond, I am a college student and eager to learn, I have little to no background in physics, so please, be as simple and patient with me as you can be. I would like an answer preferably in m/s or however it would be translated to such units.
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