Derive E=mc^2 - Doubts at Red Place

In summary, the conversation discusses the derivation of the equation E=mc^2 and its correctness, as well as the confusion regarding the use of limits and the meaning of m in the equation. It is clarified that m represents relativistic mass and m0 represents rest mass, and the limits of integration are correct as they account for the change in mass as kinetic energy is added to the body.
  • #1

Is this derivation of E = mc^2 correct? ... I have some doubt at the red place ...

[itex]\large{ F = \frac{dp}{dt} = \frac{d}{dt}(mv) }[/itex]

[itex]\large{ F = v\frac{dm}{dt} + m\frac{dv}{dt} }[/itex]

Let this force cause a displacement dx

[itex]\large{ dW = F \cdot dx }[/itex]

Assuming body was initially at rest and this work is converted into kinetic energy and increase it by dK

[itex]\large{ dK = F\cdot dx }[/itex]

[itex]\large{ dK = v\frac{dm}{dt}dx + m\frac{dv}{dt}dx }[/itex]

[itex]\large{ dK = mvdv + v^2dm }[/itex] --- Equation 1

Now using eqn

[itex]\large{ m = \frac{m_o}{ \Large{ \sqrt{1-\frac{v^2}{c^2}} } } }[/itex]

Squaring both sides,

[itex]\large{ m^2= \frac{{m_o}^2}{1-\frac{v^2}{c^2}} }[/itex]

[itex]\large{ m^2c^2 - m^2v^2 = {m_o}^2c^2 }[/itex]

differentiating the expression

[itex]\large{ 2mc^2dm - 2mv^2dm - 2vm^2dv = 0 }[/itex]

[itex]\large{ c^2dm = mvdv - v^2dm }[/itex]

Using this in eqn 1

[itex]\large{ dK = c^2dm }[/itex]


[itex]\large{ K = \int_0^K{dK} = \int_{m_o}^{m}{c^2dm} }[/itex] < --- HERE

[itex]\large{ K = c^2(m - m_o) }[/itex]

Total energy of body,

[itex]\large{ E = K + m_o c^2 }[/itex]

[itex]\large{ E = c^2(m - m_o) + m_o c^2 }[/itex]

[itex]\large{ E = mc^2 = \frac{m_o c^2}{ \Large{ \sqrt{1-\frac{v^2}{c^2}} } } }[/itex]

Also [itex]\large{ K = E - m_o c^2 = (m - m_o)c^2 }[/itex]

[itex]\large{ \Delta E = \Delta m c^2 }[/itex]
Physics news on
  • #2
cupid.callin said:
[itex]\large{ c^2dm = mvdv - v^2dm }[/itex]

Using this in eqn 1

[itex]\large{ dK = c^2dm }[/itex]

I think this step isn't right. Maybe you got the negative sign in the wrong place? Up until this bit, I'd say it was all correct.
  • #3
Oops ... it was a typo
It would be ...

[itex]\large{ c^2dm = mvdv + v^2dm }[/itex]

What i was confused was that, we write E = mc2 and not moc2 because when moving mass increase, and that is a way of saying (if I'm not wrong) that KE of body adds to its mass.
So is it ok for me to take limits as mo → m ?
I mean, when I'm treating KE as separate and not a part of addition in mass, should i really take these limits? ... Well i know my these sentences are also against some steps of my derivation above ... but ,,, ummm,,, i don't know ,,, please help me get rid of my confusion ...

[itex]\large{ K = \int_0^K{dK} = \int_{m_o}^{m}{c^2dm} }[/itex]
  • #5
Yes, I see it was simply a typo, and the rest of the derivation is correct :) (for 1-d motion, of course).

m is the relativistic mass. m0 is the rest mass. So you can say that the KE of a body adds to its relativistic mass, but not to its invariant (rest) mass.

And yes, those are the correct limits of integration, because when KE is zero, m=m0 (in other words, the only energy it has is rest energy).
  • #7
BruceW said:
Yes, I see it was simply a typo, and the rest of the derivation is correct :) (for 1-d motion, of course).

m is the relativistic mass. m0 is the rest mass. So you can say that the KE of a body adds to its relativistic mass, but not to its invariant (rest) mass.

And yes, those are the correct limits of integration, because when KE is zero, m=m0 (in other words, the only energy it has is rest energy).
So you mean that, the integrated eqn of K accounts for change in mass, ... m-mo mass is added to the particle when it moves ...
Well is makes sense now ... I don't know why i was thinking all that before ,,, thank you for your help BruceW ! :biggrin:
  • #8
No worries. Practice makes perfect!

FAQ: Derive E=mc^2 - Doubts at Red Place

1. What does E=mc^2 mean?

E=mc^2 is the famous equation discovered by Albert Einstein that describes the relationship between mass (m) and energy (E). It states that the energy (E) of an object is equal to its mass (m) multiplied by the speed of light squared (c^2).

2. How did Einstein come up with the equation E=mc^2?

Einstein developed the equation as part of his theory of special relativity, which he published in 1905. He realized that mass and energy were interchangeable and that the speed of light played a crucial role in this relationship. Through mathematical calculations and thought experiments, he was able to derive the equation E=mc^2.

3. Is E=mc^2 only applicable to objects at rest?

No, E=mc^2 can also be applied to objects in motion. However, in this case, the equation becomes more complex and involves the concept of relativistic mass, which takes into account the object's velocity.

4. Can E=mc^2 be proven experimentally?

Yes, E=mc^2 has been proven through various experiments, including the famous nuclear reactions at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, where a small amount of mass was converted into a tremendous amount of energy, as predicted by the equation.

5. What are the implications of E=mc^2?

The equation has had significant implications in the fields of physics and technology. It has allowed for a better understanding of the relationship between mass and energy, leading to advancements in nuclear energy and the development of nuclear weapons. It also plays a crucial role in technologies such as nuclear power plants and medical imaging devices.
