Electric Fields and vertical deflection

In summary, the conversation is discussing the deflection-plate system of a conventional TV tube and how to calculate the vertical deflection of an electron based on the electric field and its initial velocity. It also briefly mentions the use of electrostatic lenses in TV tubes. The conversation then shifts to discussing a problem involving two fixed charges and finding the net electric field zero and the magnitude of the force on a third charge placed at that spot.
  • #1
We usually go over stuff after getting the assignments, so I have no clue how to start this question.
Figure 23N-14 shows the deflection-plate system of a conventional TV tube. The length of the plates is 3.2 cm and the electric field between the two plates is 10^6 N/C (vertically up). If the electron enters the plates with a horizontal velocity of 3.8*10^7 m/s, what is the vertical deflection y at the end of the plates?
I think F=-1.6E10 but have no clue where the direction of the electric field plays in.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
It's a trick question -- conventional TV tubes use magnetic deflection coils, not deflection plates. LOL.

Conventional TV tubes do use electrostatic lenses to help form the beam though, so I'll cut the textbook a little slack. The force from the electric field is F=qE, so the force acting on the electron is directly opposite of the E-field vector (because the charge on the electron is negative). Get it now?
  • #3
Yes, but I still can't get the vertical distance for some reason knowing that the time is 8.421E-10 and using F=ma with a=(-1.6E-13)/(9.1E-31)=-1.756E17.
  • #4
I was also wondering if anyone could help:
1. Two charges, -15 and +4.4 µC, are fixed in place and separated by 3.0 m.
(a) At what spot along a line through the charges is the net electric field zero? Locate this spot relative to the positive charge. Let the positive charge be at x = 0 and the negative charge be at x = 3.0 m.
(b) What would be the magnitude of the force on a charge of +23 µC placed at this spot?
I know for a that you must get E1=E2 and b is also dependent on F=kq/r^2.
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FAQ: Electric Fields and vertical deflection

What is an electric field?

An electric field is a region in space around an electrically charged object where other charged particles experience a force. It is created by the presence of electric charges and is represented by the direction and strength of the force acting on a positive test charge.

How is the strength of an electric field measured?

The strength of an electric field is measured in units of volts per meter (V/m). This represents the amount of force acting on a charged particle per unit of distance. The greater the electric field strength, the greater the force experienced by the charged particle.

What is vertical deflection in relation to electric fields?

Vertical deflection refers to the movement of charged particles in an electric field. When a charged particle is placed in an electric field, it will experience a force that causes it to move in a direction perpendicular to the direction of the electric field.

What factors affect the strength of an electric field?

The strength of an electric field is affected by the amount and distribution of electric charges, as well as the distance between the charges. The closer the charges are to each other, the stronger the electric field will be. The presence of conductive materials and the shape of the electrically charged object can also affect the strength of the electric field.

How can electric fields and vertical deflection be applied in real-life situations?

Electric fields and vertical deflection have numerous applications in various fields such as physics, engineering, and medicine. They are used in devices such as cathode ray tubes and particle accelerators. They are also utilized in medical imaging techniques like MRI and in the development of new technologies such as touchscreens and solar panels.
