Ranking Electric Potential Energies: A=C>B=D

In summary: E0. For D: Bringing a third charge, this one positive, into its position requires zero work. E0 to overcome the repulsion of the 1st positive charge & -E0 due to the attraction of the negative charge. But then there is a fourth charge! Total PE ... 2E0.In summary, the correct order of electric potential energies for the systems of charges shown in the figure is: A > C > B > D. This is because A and C have a higher potential energy due to their shape, while B and D have a lower potential energy due to the presence of a negative charge. The potential energy of each system is determined by the amount of work required to bring the
  • #1
Rank the electric potential energies of the systems of charges shown in the figure below from largest to smallest. Indicate equalities if appropriate. (Use only ">" or "=" symbols. Do not include any parentheses around the letters or symbols.)

I was thinking A=C>B=D

Please help me if I am wrong!


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  • #2
tracyellen said:
Rank the electric potential energies of the systems of charges shown in the figure below from largest to smallest. Indicate equalities if appropriate. (Use only ">" or "=" symbols. Do not include any parentheses around the letters or symbols.)

I was thinking A=C>B=D

Please help me if I am wrong!

Hello tracyellen. Welcome to PF !

A & C have higher Potential Energies than B & D. Otherwise, you're incorrect.

Explain your thinking, so we can help you.
  • #3
I was thinking that because q is the same distance that A and C/B and D would equal each other because they have the same potnetial energy. If this is not the case due to the shape of each I would say that A>C>D>B due to the triangle being smaller and having a greater potential energy? Thank you so much for your help!
  • #4
tracyellen said:
I was thinking that because q is the same distance that A and C/B and D would equal each other because they have the same potential energy. If this is not the case due to the shape of each I would say that A>C>D>B due to the triangle being smaller and having a greater potential energy? Thank you so much for your help!
That's not the right order. That analysis is overly simple .

How do you calculate the potential energy of such a system?
  • #5
I am sorry. I don't really know how to find a PE of an item without any numbers. I am used to a length or something to help me out. That is why I am having such a hard time with this problem. :(
  • #6
Maybe E=KEo...but again I don't know how to make that work with this problem. I am not really looking for an answer for I have already turned in the wrong one. I am just trying to figure out how I got it wrong and how to do it right. :)
  • #7
tracyellen said:
I am sorry. I don't really know how to find a PE of an item without any numbers. I am used to a length or something to help me out. That is why I am having such a hard time with this problem. :(

tracyellen said:
Maybe E=KEo...but again I don't know how to make that work with this problem. I am not really looking for an answer for I have already turned in the wrong one. I am just trying to figure out how I got it wrong and how to do it right. :)
I think it's helpful to show the figure full size.


Start with no charge -- empty space.

It takes zero work to bring the first positive charge into position (for all four configurations).

For A & C, bring a second positive charge into position into position a distance, d, from the first charge. The potential energy stored in such a system is equal to the amount of work required to bring the second charge into position. Call this amount of energy, E0 .
For A: Bringing a third positive requires twice the work, i.e. 2E0. Total PE is 3E0.

For C: Bringing a third positive charge requires a little less work than for A. E0 to overcome the repulsion of the closer charge. A bit less to overcome the repulsion of the other charge. But then there is a fourth charge!
It takes 2E0 to overcome the repulsion of the two closest charges. A bit less to overcome the repulsion of the other charge.​
The total for C: (4 + _)E0 .

For B & D, bring a second charge, this time a negative charge, into position into position a distance, d, from the first charge. The work needed to do this is -E0, so that's the potential energy stored in such a system.
For B: Bringing a third charge into position requires zero work. E0 to

  • #8
tracyellen said:
I am sorry. I don't really know how to find a PE of an item without any numbers. I am used to a length or something to help me out. That is why I am having such a hard time with this problem. :(

tracyellen said:
Maybe E=KEo...but again I don't know how to make that work with this problem. I am not really looking for an answer for I have already turned in the wrong one. I am just trying to figure out how I got it wrong and how to do it right. :)
I think it's helpful to show the figure full size.


Start with no charge -- empty space.

It takes zero work to bring the first positive charge into position (for all four configurations).

For A & C, bring a second positive charge into position into position a distance, d, from the first charge. The potential energy stored in such a system is equal to the amount of work required to bring the second charge into position. Call this amount of energy, E0 .
For A: Bringing a third positive requires twice the work, i.e. 2E0. Total PE is 3E0.

For C: Bringing a third positive charge requires a little less work than for A. E0 to overcome the repulsion of the closer charge. A bit less to overcome the repulsion of the other charge. But then there is a fourth charge!
It takes 2E0 to overcome the repulsion of the two closest charges. A bit less to overcome the repulsion of the other charge.​
The total for C: (4 + _)E0 .

For B & D, bring a second charge, this time a negative charge, into position into position a distance, d, from the first charge. The work needed to do this is -E0, so that's the potential energy stored in such a system.
For B: Bringing a third charge, this one positive, into its position requires zero work. E0 to overcome the repulsion of the 1st positive charge & -E0 due to the attraction of the negative charge.
Total PE for B: -E0 .​
D is a little more involved.

Bringing a third charge, this the other positive one a distance, d, from the negative charge, requires -E0 due to the attraction of the negative charge plus some positive work, a bit less than E0 overcome the repulsion of the 1st positive charge, because the separation is greater than d. Bringing the forth charge to its position requires 2E0 to overcome the repulsion of the other two positive charges plus some negative work due to the attraction of the negative charge. This negative PE is a bit smaller in magnitude than E0 and in fact cancels the the previous positive PE which was a bit less than E0.
Total PE for D: 0 .​
  • #9
Great thank you. This makes more sense. I appreciate your help!

FAQ: Ranking Electric Potential Energies: A=C>B=D

1. What is electric potential energy?

Electric potential energy is the energy that an object possesses due to its position in an electric field. It is the energy required to move a charged object from one point to another in an electric field.

2. How is electric potential energy calculated?

Electric potential energy is calculated using the equation U = qV, where U is the potential energy in Joules (J), q is the charge of the object in Coulombs (C), and V is the electric potential in Volts (V).

3. What is the difference between electric potential energy and electric potential?

Electric potential energy is a measure of the energy an object has due to its position in an electric field, while electric potential is a measure of the electric potential energy per unit charge at a specific point in an electric field. In other words, electric potential energy is a scalar quantity, while electric potential is a vector quantity.

4. How does distance affect electric potential energy?

As distance increases between two charged objects, the electric potential energy decreases. This is because the electric field strength decreases with distance, resulting in a decrease in the force between the objects, and therefore a decrease in potential energy.

5. What are some examples of electric potential energy?

Some examples of electric potential energy include a charged battery, a lightning bolt, and a Van de Graaff generator. In each of these examples, there is a separation of positive and negative charges, resulting in a difference in electric potential energy. When these charges are brought together, the potential energy is converted into other forms, such as light or heat.
