What is the Maximum Distance for the Load on the Rod?

In summary: I think the difference is that you used 74 degrees for the angle while we used 37 degrees for the angle.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A uniform rod AB of length 5 m and weight 50 N is pivoted at A and held in equilibrium by a rope as shown. A load of 100 N hangs from the rod at a distance x from A. If the breaking strength of the rope is 50 N, find the maximum value of X.


Homework Equations

τnet = 0, τ = Fr⊥[/B]

The Attempt at a Solution

The solution I came up with is τ = [50(sin(37))*5(cos(37)) - (50*(5(cos(37)))/2) - (100(cos(37)x)) = 0, which gave me x = 0.29 m. I just wanted to verify that I'm doing this correctly. [/B]
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  • #2
hs764 said:

Homework Statement

A uniform rod AB of length 5 m and weight 50 N is pivoted at A and held in equilibrium by a rope as shown. A load of 100 N hangs from the rod at a distance x from A. If the breaking strength of the rope is 50 N, find the maximum value of X.

View attachment 81047

Homework Equations

τnet = 0, τ = Fr⊥[/B]

The Attempt at a Solution

The solution I came up with is τ = [50(sin(37))*5(cos(37)) - (50*(5(cos(37)))/2) - (100(cos(37)x)) = 0, which gave me x = 0.29 m. I just wanted to verify that I'm doing this correctly. [/B]
Could you show us the major steps that led you to that solution?
  • #3
I just calculated the torque for the rope, the rod, and the block. For the ropeI got τ = 50*sin(37)*5*cos(37), for the rod I got τ = 50*(5*cos(37)/2), and for the block I got τ = 100*cos(37)*x. Then I just plugged that into τrope - τrod - τblock = 0. I think I was slightly off the first time because I calculated it again and got x = 0.25 m.
  • #4
hs764 said:
I just calculated the torque for the rope, the rod, and the block. For the ropeI got τ = 50*sin(37)*5*cos(37), for the rod I got τ = 50*(5*cos(37)/2), and for the block I got τ = 100*cos(37)*x. Then I just plugged that into τrope - τrod - τblock = 0. I think I was slightly off the first time because I calculated it again and got x = 0.25 m.
I this the torque about the pivot, A ?

The following is wrong.
"For the ropeI got τ = 50*sin(37)*5*cos(37)"​
That's only the torque due to the vertical component of the tension in the rope. The horizontal component of the tension in the rope also produces torque about point A.

It might be easier to find the component of the tension in the rope that's perpendicular to the rod.
  • #5
Right, because it's the horizontal component of the tension that produces torque here. So this way I got τtension = (50)*sin(53)*3.01 m, which gave me x = 0.26 m.
  • #6
hs764 said:
Right, because it's the horizontal component of the tension that produces torque here. So this way I got τtension = (50)*sin(53)*3.01 m, which gave me x = 0.26 m.
The horizontal component of what force produces the torque here (where)?

You need to be much more specific in answering.

If you are splitting the tension in the rope, T, into horizontal & vertical components, you need to recognize that each of these components produce torque about point A, so you need to include both contributions in calculating the overall torque.
(As I suggested previously, you can find the overall torque that the tension in the rope, T, produces about point A, by using the component of T which is perpendicular to the rod.)​
  • #7
Ahhhh okay I was thinking about the axis incorrectly. So the total torque produced by the tension in the rope would be (50 N)*(cos 37)*(3.01 m) + (50 N)*(sin 37)*(3.99 m). Alternatively, I could just use (50 N)*(5 m)*(sin 74), right? And then solving for x gives x = 1.76 m?
  • #8
hs764 said:
Ahhhh okay I was thinking about the axis incorrectly. So the total torque produced by the tension in the rope would be (50 N)*(cos 37)*(3.01 m) + (50 N)*(sin 37)*(3.99 m). Alternatively, I could just use (50 N)*(5 m)*(sin 74), right? And then solving for x gives x = 1.76 m?

That looks good !
  • #9
Awesome, thank you!
  • #10
Hello guys. I attempted a solution to this problem as well, because it looked interesting since i am giving exams. I got a different result than you folks though. Here is my solution:

EDIT #3: I shouldn't be doing this late at night. Here is my final attempt. Not sure if right or wrong, but now i really can't spot any mistake.
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  • #11
Mkbul said:
Hello guys. I attempted a solution to this problem as well, because it looked interesting since i am giving exams. I got a different result than you folks though. Here is my solution:

EDIT #3: I shouldn't be doing this late at night. Here is my final attempt. Not sure if right or wrong, but now i really can't spot any mistake.
Do the calculation. I think it's the same result O.P. finally got.
  • #12
Yeah, I did your calculation and still got x = 1.76 m.

FAQ: What is the Maximum Distance for the Load on the Rod?

What is equilibrium?

Equilibrium refers to a state where all forces acting on an object are balanced, resulting in a net force of zero and no change in motion.

What is torque?

Torque is a measure of the rotational force applied to an object. It is calculated by multiplying the force applied by the distance from the point of rotation.

How do you determine if an object is in equilibrium?

An object is in equilibrium when the sum of all forces acting on it is equal to zero and the sum of all torques is also equal to zero.

What is the difference between static and dynamic equilibrium?

Static equilibrium is when an object is at rest, while dynamic equilibrium is when an object is moving at a constant velocity. In both cases, the net force and net torque are equal to zero.

How can you solve an equilibrium and torque problem?

To solve an equilibrium and torque problem, you need to first draw a free body diagram to identify all the forces acting on the object. Then, use the equations for equilibrium and torque to set up and solve a system of equations to find the unknown values.
