Torque and Rotational Equilibrium with a slanted Rod/Cable

In summary, the homework statement is about a lever with a cable at an angle of 47 degrees with the rod, and the tension in the cable.
  • #1

Homework Statement

There is a lever rod of length 3.43 m, weight 44 N and uniform density. The lever rod is
pivoted on one end and is supported by a cable attached at a point 0.902 m from the other end. The lever rod is in equilibrium at angle of 68◦ from the vertical wall. The cable makes angle of 47◦ with the rod. I want to know the tension in the cable.

Homework Equations

Since everything at equilibrium all net forces and the net torque are equal to 0.
Fnetx=Horizontal Tension-Normal Horizontal Force=0
Fnety=Vertical Tension-Normal Vertical Force-The weight=0
tNet = Torque caused by the cable- Torque caused by the rod=0

The Attempt at a Solution

Well, in order to get the horizontal and vertical forces of the tension, I need the angle that makes the altitude of a triangle from the vertex connecting the tension cable and the rod. So if we draw the altitude we now have a right triangle.
-One of the vertices in the triangle is 65 degrees since it is also a vertex in the triangle created by the lever rod, the cable, and the wall. Therefore since a triangle has 180 degrees, we subtract 68 and 47 and then get 65 as the angle for that vertex
-The other angle must be 25 since there are 180 degrees in a triangle and 180-90-65=25.

So now we can update the equations like this:
and therefore plugging in 3.43 for L will yield
T = 44(3.43/2)/((3.43-0.902)*sin(25))
And solving for T gives out 70.63.
Physics news on
  • #2
Hello. Welcome to PF.

Your equations for Fnetx and Fnety look correct (except for possibly the sign of the Nv term).

I don't think your torque equation is correct. First, when setting up a torque equation, you should always state the origin (axis) that you are using.

Can you explain how you got the expression 44(L/2) for the torque due to the weight? Note that the weight does not act perpendicularly to the rod.
Similarly, the use of sin(25) does not look correct for finding the torque due to T.

Can you confirm that the setup is as shown?


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  • #3
TSny said:
Hello. Welcome to PF.

Your equations for Fnetx and Fnety look correct (except for possibly the sign of the Nv term).

I don't think your torque equation is correct. First, when setting up a torque equation, you should always state the origin (axis) that you are using.

Can you explain how you got the expression 44(L/2) for the torque due to the weight? Note that the weight does not act perpendicularly to the rod.
Similarly, the use of sin(25) does not look correct for finding the torque due to T.

Can you confirm that the setup is as shown?
View attachment 218455
Yes, the setup shown above is correct, and sorry the origin axis I was using was the wall.

I got 44(L/2) for the weight because the rod weighs 44 N and from the center of the rod to the pivot point is L/2. So I guess that means I need to multiply that by cos(68)?

I multiplied the sin(25) with T in order to get the vertical component of it. Should I be multiplying it with the sin of a different angle?
  • #4
JwdePhysics said:
Yes, the setup shown above is correct, and sorry the origin axis I was using was the wall.
Which point of the wall are you taking to be your origin for calculating torques?

I got 44(L/2) for the weight because the rod weighs 44 N and from the center of the rod to the pivot point is L/2. So I guess that means I need to multiply that by cos(68)?
No guessing. :oldsmile:

I multiplied the sin(25) with T in order to get the vertical component of it. Should I be multiplying it with the sin of a different angle?
Review the definition of torque for a force in an arbitrary direction. For example, see
  • #5
TSny said:
Which point of the wall are you taking to be your origin for calculating torques?
The hinge on which the rod pivots is the point I used for the origin.

TSny said:
Review the definition of torque for a force in an arbitrary direction. For example, see
Oh, so the board is like the radius and the force is like the cable, which in that case, the angle should be 47,not 25.
  • #6
JwdePhysics said:
The hinge on which the rod pivots is the point I used for the origin.Oh, so the board is like the radius and the force is like the cable, which in that case, the angle should be 47,not 25.
  • #7
Oh oops, it should be sin of 68 not cos, and thanks for the help!
  • #8
OK. Good.

FAQ: Torque and Rotational Equilibrium with a slanted Rod/Cable

1. What is torque?

Torque is a measure of the rotational force applied to an object. It is calculated by multiplying the force applied to the object by the distance from the pivot point to the point of application of the force.

2. How is torque related to rotational equilibrium?

In order for an object to be in rotational equilibrium, the net torque acting on the object must be equal to zero. This means that the clockwise torque must be balanced by the counterclockwise torque.

3. How does the angle of a slanted rod or cable affect torque and rotational equilibrium?

The angle of the slanted rod or cable affects the distance from the pivot point to the point of application of the force, which in turn affects the torque. A larger angle will result in a larger distance and therefore a larger torque.

4. What is the role of the pivot point in torque and rotational equilibrium?

The pivot point is the point around which an object can rotate. It is also the point where the distance from the point of application of the force to the pivot point is measured to calculate torque. In order for an object to be in rotational equilibrium, the net torque must be zero around the pivot point.

5. How can I calculate the torque of a slanted rod or cable?

To calculate the torque of a slanted rod or cable, you will need to know the magnitude of the force applied, the distance from the pivot point to the point of application of the force, and the angle of the slanted rod or cable. Once you have these values, you can use the formula: torque = force x distance x sin(angle).

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