Solve Exponential Integral | Help with Methods

In summary, the conversation discusses the integral of the product of two exponentials and the use of contour integration to solve it. The method of completing the square and the change of variable u=(x-c) are mentioned as possible approaches. The conversation ends with the acknowledgement that sometimes the simplest methods are the most effective.
  • #1
Need help solving this.

[tex]\int^{\infty}_{-\infty}[/tex] [tex]e^{\frac{-x^{2}}{\sigma^{2}}}[/tex] [tex]e^{-ikx}dx[/tex]

That's the integral of the product of the exponentials , couldn't get latex to make it look right.

Supposedly usefull information(I can't see how);
[tex]\int^{\infty}_{-\infty}[/tex] [tex]e^{\frac{-x^{2}}{\sigma^{2}}}[/tex]dx =[tex]\sigma\sqrt{\pi}[/tex]

Not looking for answers, just suggestions of methods. I have been trying to expand the complex exponential via the Euler theorem and then use integration by parts to solve, but can't get anywhere.

If anyone knows of an integration method I can look up to deal with this your help would be appreciated.
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  • #2
<--- said:
If anyone knows of an integration method I can look up to deal with this your help would be appreciated.
Are you familiar with the method of contour integration to evaluate improper definite integrals?

If so, consider completing the square in the exponent, so that, if I is your original integral, we have [tex]\Large I = e^{\frac{-\sigma^2k^2}{4}}\lim_{a,b\to \infty} \int^b_{-a} e^{\frac{-1}{\sigma^2}\left(x+\frac{i\sigma^2 k}{2}\right)^2} \, dx[/tex]. Then you can look to close the contour with a rectangle and apply Cauchy's integral theorem.
  • #3
No, I don't know anything about contour integration or Cauchy's integral theorem. I also doubt my professor would expect us to.
But thanks for the suggestion. I'll look into that at some point, it just won't be useful to me right now.
  • #4
You only need contour integration to know that the integral of from x=-inf to x=inf of exp(-(x-c)^2), where c is a complex constant, is the same as the integral of exp(-x^2). If you want to know why, it's because exp(-(x-c)^2) has no poles. If you don't want to know why, then just do the completing the square that Unco suggests and do the change of variable u=(x-c) without asking why it works. This might be what your professor expects.
  • #5
Thanks, Dick and Unco. That is all I needed to do. Last night I was too worn out and unnecessarily threw out all of Unco's post at the sight of "contour integration".
It's always the simple things I miss while trying to make problems much more complicated then they should be.

FAQ: Solve Exponential Integral | Help with Methods

What is an exponential integral?

An exponential integral is a mathematical function that is used to solve integrals involving exponential functions. It is denoted by En(x) and can be defined as ∫1x (e-t / tn) dt.

What methods can be used to solve exponential integrals?

There are several methods that can be used to solve exponential integrals, including integration by parts, substitution, and the use of special functions such as the gamma function or the error function.

What are some real-world applications of exponential integrals?

Exponential integrals have many applications in physics, engineering, and statistics. They are used to model exponential decay in radioactive materials, describe the distribution of particles in a gas, and calculate the probability of events in a Poisson process.

Why is solving exponential integrals important?

Exponential integrals are important because they allow us to solve a wide range of mathematical problems involving exponential functions. They are also used in many practical applications, making them a valuable tool for scientists and engineers.

Are there any special techniques for solving difficult exponential integrals?

Yes, there are some special techniques that can be used to solve difficult exponential integrals, such as contour integration, Laplace transforms, and series expansions. These techniques can be useful when the standard methods are not applicable or when the integrals are particularly complex.
