Find the center of mass of a semi-circular plate

In summary, to find the center of mass of a semi-circular plate of radius r, use the equation ycentroid = \frac{\int\int_R y dA}{A} where A is the area of the plate. The x coordinate of the center of mass will be zero. To find the volume when the plate is rotated around a line along its straight side, use the theorem of Pappus which states that the volume is equal to (area of R) * (distance traveled by the centroid), where the distance traveled by the centroid is 2*pi*ycentroid. The volume should come out to be 4/3*pi*r^3, the volume of a sphere.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Find the center of mass of a semi-circular plate of radius r

Find the volume when the plate (above) is rotated around a line along its straight side

Homework Equations

2(pi) integral of r dr

The Attempt at a Solution

I honestly don't know how to do centroids. :-( I'd like to know how to actually solve this problem.
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  • #2

The x coordinate of the center of mass should be zero (intuitively).
For the y coordinate, assuming that the mass is uniformly distributed, use this equation (which can generalize for x):
ycentroid = [tex]\frac{\int\int_R y dA}{A}[/tex]

The volume is thus computed from the theorem of Pappus which states that
volume = (area of R) * (distance traveled by the centroid)
where the distance traveled by the centroid is 2*pi*ycentroid

Hope that helps, let me know if you need further clarification.
(Also, the volume when rotated about the straight side should come out to be that of a sphere, which is 4/3*pi*r^3, so you can use that to make sure you did it right.)
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  • #3

I understand your frustration with not knowing how to solve a problem. Centroids, also known as center of mass, can be calculated using the following formula:

x_bar = (1/A) * integral of x*dA
y_bar = (1/A) * integral of y*dA

Where A is the total area of the object and x and y represent the coordinates of each infinitesimal area element dA. In this case, we can use polar coordinates to simplify the integral.

First, let's determine the total area of the semi-circular plate. We know that the area of a circle is given by A = pi*r^2, so the area of the semi-circle will be half of that, or A = (1/2)*pi*r^2.

Next, we can express the coordinates of each infinitesimal area element dA in polar coordinates, where r represents the distance from the origin to the element and θ is the angle from the x-axis. We can then rewrite the formula for x_bar and y_bar as:

x_bar = (1/A) * integral of r*cos(θ)*r*dθ*dr
y_bar = (1/A) * integral of r*sin(θ)*r*dθ*dr

Now, we can solve these integrals using the limits of integration. For a semi-circle, the limits of integration for θ will be from 0 to π, and for r, it will be from 0 to r (the radius of the semi-circle). This gives us:

x_bar = (1/A) * integral from 0 to π of r*cos(θ)*r*dθ*dr
y_bar = (1/A) * integral from 0 to π of r*sin(θ)*r*dθ*dr

Solving these integrals, we get:

x_bar = (2*r)/(3*pi)
y_bar = 0

Therefore, the center of mass of the semi-circular plate will be at the coordinates (x_bar, y_bar) = ((2*r)/(3*pi), 0).

To find the volume when the plate is rotated around a line along its straight side, we can use the formula for volume of revolution:

V = integral from a to b of pi*r^2*dx

Where a and b are the limits of integration along the x-axis. In this case, a = -r and b = r, since the plate

FAQ: Find the center of mass of a semi-circular plate

What is the center of mass of a semi-circular plate?

The center of mass of a semi-circular plate is the point at which the entire weight of the plate can be considered to act.

How do you find the center of mass of a semi-circular plate?

To find the center of mass of a semi-circular plate, you need to locate the midpoint of the circular edge and measure the radius of the plate. Then, use the formula xcm = r/2 and ycm = 4r/3π to calculate the coordinates of the center of mass.

Why is it important to find the center of mass of a semi-circular plate?

Knowing the center of mass of a semi-circular plate is important in engineering and physics as it helps in determining the stability and balance of the plate. It is also used in calculating the moment of inertia and the gravitational potential energy of the plate.

Can the center of mass of a semi-circular plate be located outside the plate?

No, the center of mass of a semi-circular plate will always be located within the boundaries of the plate. This is because the shape of the plate is symmetrical and the center of mass is always at the center of symmetry.

How does the distribution of mass affect the position of the center of mass of a semi-circular plate?

The distribution of mass affects the position of the center of mass of a semi-circular plate. The center of mass will be closer to the heavier side of the plate and farther from the lighter side. If the mass is evenly distributed, the center of mass will be at the exact center of the plate.

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