Find the volume of the object sticking out of the water

In summary, the conversation discusses the problem of debris in the ocean and provides a homework question involving determining the volume of an object sticking out of the water using Archimedes' Principle. Through the conversation, the concept of buoyancy and the formula for calculating buoyant force are explained, and the correct answer of 0.28 cubic meters is eventually reached.
  • #1

Homework Statement

One of the problems with debris in the ocean is that it is often difficult to see, because much of the object is under the surface of the water. An object with a density of 801 kg/m3 and a mass of 1039 kg is thrown into the ocean. Find the volume of the object sticking out of the water (use ρsea water = 1024 kg/m3).

Homework Equations

p = m/v

The Attempt at a Solution

I am not sure how to go about solving this problem?
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  • #2
What is p=m/v here?

Remember Archimedes' Principle? Use it. State it if you're not sure how to use it.
  • #3
Fb = Pf * Vf * g
Not sure how to use it though.
Pf = 1000kg/m^3
  • #4
It means that the upward buoyant force on an object is equal to the weight of fluid it displaces. So, if d is the density of the fluid, V is the vol of the object that is under the fluid, then the upward force is d*V*g. Can you apply it now?
  • #5
Ok so I understand the concept but when I solve it do I use 0 for Fb and then solve for Vf? Or am I supposed to use the weight of the object there?
  • #6
Let me illustrate by using the data given in this prob. Suppose V is the vol of the object that is submerged. Then Fb = weight of water with vol V = V*1024.

This upward force balances the total weight of the body, since the body is floating. So,
V*1024 = 1039*g.

So, you know V. You also know that the total vol of the object = mass/density = 1039/801.

Now, by subtracting, you can tell how much is sticking out.
  • #7
So is Fb always going to equal the density * V?
okay I get an answer of 8.65 m^3
it says incorrect I did 9.94 - 1.29
  • #8
I didn't mean for you to just copy me blindly. By mistake I have written, "V*1024 = 1039*g", where it should be V*1024*g, because I'm equating weights. Try it now.
  • #9
Sorry I didn't know..I am still trying to figure this out...
V * 1024 * g = 1039 * g
V = (1039 * g) / (1024 * g) = 1.01

1039/801 = 1.29

So I subtract those volumes? I get 0.28...very small?
  • #10
Right answer. What's the problem?

The whole volume of the object is 1.29 cubicm. Sticking out portion is 1/5th of the whole. In an iceberg, only 1/12 of the whole sticks out.

FAQ: Find the volume of the object sticking out of the water

1. What is the definition of volume?

Volume is a measure of the amount of space that a substance or object occupies.

2. How do you find the volume of an object?

To find the volume of an object, you need to measure its length, width, and height and then multiply these measurements together.

3. What is the formula for finding the volume of an object?

The formula for finding the volume of an object is V = l x w x h, where V is the volume, l is the length, w is the width, and h is the height.

4. How does an object sticking out of water affect its volume?

If an object is partially submerged in water, the volume of the object sticking out of the water will be equal to the volume of water displaced by the submerged portion of the object.

5. Can you use the same formula to find the volume of an irregularly shaped object sticking out of water?

Yes, the same formula can be used to find the volume of an irregularly shaped object sticking out of water. However, accurate measurements of length, width, and height may be more difficult to obtain for irregularly shaped objects.
