- #1
- 30
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Homework Statement
Determine the Finite Difference Method stencil for approximating a second derivative u''(x) at a discrete set of nodes with maximum accuracy for stencil of sizes (0,4) (off-centered).
My questions:
I think I am able to answer the question I am just not sure about what is asked about. First of all, what is a FDM stencil? The way I understand it the stencils is the five points (a+h*0), (a+h*1) (a+h*2), ... and (a+h*4), where the approximation is centered around a. Am I correct?
What is ment with "maximum accuracy".
Homework Equations
The standard equations for Finite difference method
The Attempt at a Solution
To be honest I have not made any attempt yet because, as mentioned above, I am not sure what I am asked about