Floating Iceberg Displacing 723m³ of Water

  • Thread starter Felafel
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In summary: The rest is simple.In summary, the conversation discusses finding the volume of water displaced by an iceberg, given its emerged volume and densities of ice and sea water. The attempted solution involves using ratios and setting the weight of the iceberg equal to the buoyancy force, but it produces an incorrect answer due to rounding error. Another method, using Archimedes' Principle, is suggested and results in a correct answer of 836 cubic meters.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I think it should be pretty simple, but my result and that of the book are different:
How much water does an iceberg displace (Its emerged part is ##V_i=100m^3##)

The Attempt at a Solution

knowing the density of sea water is ##d_w=1.03*10^3 kg/m^3## and that of ice ##d_i=0.92*10^3 kg/m^3## i can calculate the volume of the submerged part of the iceberg:

##\frac{d_i}{d_w}=0.89%## meaning the total volume of the iceberg is ##100:11=x:100##
x=909. The submerged part is then 909-100=809m^3. now, since the iceberg floats, its weight and archimedes' force should be equal, then:

##m \cdot g= d_w \cdot g \cdot V_w## and so:
##809 \cdot 92=103 \cdot v_w## ##\Rightarrow## ##V_w=723 m^3##
but according to the book it should be 1050m^3
what's wrong in my reasoning?
thank you in advance
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  • #2
IMO, the book's answer is incorrect.
I don't follow your ratio method.

What I did was to say the x = submerged volume of the iceberg. Then I wrote an equation setting the weight of the iceberg = to the buoyancy of the iceberg. Solve for x.
  • #3
I don't understand your method. I get two incognitas:

Weight of the iceberg: mass multiplied g, where the mass is volume divided density and x is the submerged volume. Buoyancy= g multiplied the volume of displaced water (which i don't know) multiplied the density of the water

##\frac{x+100}{d_{ice}} \cdot g=V_w \cdot g \cdot d_{w}##
but i don't know both x and V_w
  • #4
How is displaced water different from submerged volume?
  • #5
Felafel said:
##\frac{d_i}{d_w}=0.89%## meaning the total volume of the iceberg is ##100:11=x:100##
Because it gets subtracted from 1, effectively, the rounding error in truncating it to 0.89 becomes significant. You need to use a couple more digits of precision.
x=909. The submerged part is then 909-100=809m^3.
The method looks ok to here, but as Borek points out this should also be the volume of water displaced. I don't understand what you did from here.
Fwiw, I get 836 cu m.
  • #6
haruspex said:
Fwiw, I get 836 cu m.

And you are not alone :wink:
  • #7
now everything's clear :) thank you!
  • #8
Felafel said:
I don't understand your method. I get two incognitas:

Weight of the iceberg: mass multiplied g, where the mass is volume divided density and x is the submerged volume. Buoyancy= g multiplied the volume of displaced water (which i don't know) multiplied the density of the water

##\frac{x+100}{d_{ice}} \cdot g=V_w \cdot g \cdot d_{w}##
but i don't know both x and V_w

Let x = submerged volume of iceberg

Total volume of iceberg = (x + 100) cu. m.

Mass of iceberg = 920 kg/m^3 * (x + 100) m^3

Since the iceberg is floating, the mass of the iceberg = mass of the displaced water
(this is Archimedes Principle),

mass of displaced water = x * 1030

equating displacement of iceberg to mass of iceberg,

1030*x = 920 * (x + 100)

Solve for x

FAQ: Floating Iceberg Displacing 723m³ of Water

1. How does an iceberg float on water?

An iceberg floats on water because it is less dense than water. Icebergs are made of frozen freshwater, which has a lower density than the saltwater it displaces. This allows the iceberg to float on the surface of the water.

2. How does the displacement of 723m³ of water affect the surrounding environment?

The displacement of 723m³ of water by an iceberg can have various effects on the surrounding environment. It can create waves and currents, potentially affecting nearby ships and marine life. It can also change the salinity and temperature of the water, which can have an impact on ocean currents and weather patterns.

3. How do scientists measure the displacement of an iceberg?

Scientists can measure the displacement of an iceberg by using a variety of methods, such as sonar, satellite imagery, and direct observation. Sonar uses sound waves to measure the size and shape of an iceberg, while satellite imagery can provide a more accurate measurement of the iceberg's volume. Direct observation involves physically measuring the submerged portion of the iceberg.

4. What factors affect the displacement of an iceberg?

The displacement of an iceberg can be affected by various factors, such as the density and temperature of the water, the shape and size of the iceberg, and the amount of air trapped within the ice. The salinity of the water can also play a role, as saltwater is denser than freshwater and can affect the buoyancy of the iceberg.

5. Can the displacement of an iceberg change over time?

Yes, the displacement of an iceberg can change over time. As an iceberg melts, it becomes smaller and its density changes, potentially affecting its buoyancy and displacement. Additionally, the movement of the iceberg due to ocean currents and winds can also alter its displacement over time.

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