Total Force on 8.00m Wide Aquarium Wall Increase

In summary, increasing the width of an aquarium wall from 8.00m can significantly impact the total force exerted on the structure. This is because the wider the wall, the greater the surface area for water pressure to act upon. This additional force can lead to structural instability and potential failure, making it crucial for aquarium designers to carefully consider the width of walls in order to ensure the safety and stability of the overall structure.
  • #1
A large aquarium of height 5.00m is filled with fresh water to a depth of 2.00m. One wall of the aquarium consists of thick plastic of 8.00m wide. By how much does the total force on that wall increase if the aquarium is next filled to a depth of 4.00m.
Physics news on
  • #2
The problem probably wants you to start by writing an equation for the pressure vs depth. Can you do that...?

Btw, we have a homework section...
  • #3
Thanks for being completely unhelpful.
  • #4
the answer is on that page although it's stupid since they haven't explained what they did and why.
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  • #5

Based on the given information, the total force on the 8.00m wide aquarium wall will increase due to the increase in water depth from 2.00m to 4.00m. This is because the pressure exerted by the water on the wall increases with depth. To calculate the exact increase in force, we can use the formula for pressure, which is force per unit area.

First, we need to calculate the pressure at a depth of 2.00m. Using the formula P = ρgh, where ρ is the density of fresh water (1000 kg/m3), g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s2), and h is the depth (2.00m), we get a pressure of 19,600 Pa.

Next, we can calculate the pressure at a depth of 4.00m using the same formula. This gives us a pressure of 39,200 Pa.

Since pressure is force per unit area, we can calculate the increase in force by subtracting the initial pressure from the final pressure. In this case, the increase in force on the 8.00m wide wall would be 39,200 Pa - 19,600 Pa = 19,600 Pa.

Therefore, the total force on the 8.00m wide aquarium wall would increase by 19,600 Pa if the aquarium is filled to a depth of 4.00m. This increase in force should be taken into consideration when designing and constructing the aquarium to ensure the wall can withstand the added pressure.

FAQ: Total Force on 8.00m Wide Aquarium Wall Increase

1. What is the total force acting on an 8.00m wide aquarium wall?

The total force on an 8.00m wide aquarium wall is dependent on a variety of factors, such as the water depth, the water pressure, and the materials of the wall. It is important to consult with a structural engineer to accurately determine the total force on the wall.

2. How does the force on an aquarium wall increase as the width increases?

The force on an aquarium wall increases as the width increases because there is more surface area for the water pressure to act on. This means that wider walls will need to be constructed with stronger materials to withstand the increased force.

3. What materials are best for constructing an aquarium wall that can withstand high forces?

The best materials for constructing an aquarium wall that can withstand high forces include reinforced concrete, steel, and acrylic. These materials have high tensile strengths and can resist the pressure from the water in the aquarium.

4. Are there any additional factors to consider when calculating the total force on an aquarium wall?

In addition to the width of the wall, the total force is also affected by the depth of the water, the shape of the aquarium, and the design of the wall. It is important to consult with a structural engineer to ensure all of these factors are taken into account.

5. How can I ensure that an aquarium wall is strong enough to withstand the total force?

To ensure that an aquarium wall is strong enough to withstand the total force, it is important to consult with a structural engineer and follow all building codes and regulations. It is also important to regularly inspect and maintain the wall to ensure it remains structurally sound.
