Following behaviors of GD members

  • Thread starter JamesU
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In summary: That's "ask a stupid quetion, get a stupid anser." The spelling is important. Obviously, no actual questions are asked, only quetions. Obviously you haven't read through that thread in its entirety either. I think you have your summer reading cut out for you.I just said that I don't have to. I'm not saying that I don't have to read it, I'm saying that I don't have to read it in fullUninteresting? Topics in GD are uninteresting? Blasphemer! :eek:The reason why I said that is because the main reason for GD is to get away from Physics, but at the same time, we
  • #1
Gold Member
if you want to post in GD, act like the other members and...

-in case of a word like ****, use stars on less letters to make it s**t or something simaler

-in the case of crap, use an at symbol to make it cr@p

-Make sure your thread has lost topic by at least page 5. if not, it could result in thread death

-PM Evo and complain about closing franzbear

-know what franzbear is (very important)

-read the entire thread killer champions thread... :rolleyes:

-make sure at least 1/2 of your posts do not make sense

-Try to kill the "ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer" thread

-make sure your threads are uninteresting so you can have them change topic as quick as possible

-Be weary of Bicycle Tree, you could get Btoli

-Make plenty of smart@$$ comments

-make sure the location in your profile is a smart@$$ comment like mine(see left)

-avoid direct discussion with moonbear at all costs

in other words, follow what everyone else does
Physics news on
  • #2
Yomamma, don't give up, I will not let Franzbear die so easily.
  • #3
Actually, this link captures the essence of PFers better.
  • #5
BobG said:
Actually, this link captures the essence of PFers better.
That always makes me laugh. :biggrin:
  • #7
BobG said:
Yes, but have any of those others been UL certified?
Yep, not to mention containing a link to an actual light bulb forum and members who actually get excited about that enough to keep the link updated! :biggrin:

The joke is generic, the rest of the thread is classic PF.
  • #8
BobG said:
Actually, this link captures the essence of PFers better.
we are lakking about people who frequent GD, not PF in general
  • #9
yomamma said:
we are lakking about people who frequent GD, not PF in general

does lakking mean talking? and sides, isn't GD sposed to be for regular members who just want a break, or comedic relief or you know... its kinda odd how GD has its own following... but at any rate, pf in general includes gd.
  • #10
I'm saying people who frequent GD, I will list them below:

Bicycle tree
any other members who I didn't mention and are going to make a big deal out of it
  • #11
w00t! I made the top ten list! Even though there's only 8... s**t! (or something similar)
  • #12
hmmmm... you you missed quite a few... like really... tons... but i guess I'm honored as well? even though i don't do half of that stuff. if i want to say *****, or **** or ****... i'll just say it and let someone guess what those little stars mean.
  • #13
I'm just posting some frequent posters, god, you people are picky!
  • #14
I guess this requires a proper response. :rolleyes:

yomamma said:
-in case of a word like ****, use stars on less letters to make it s**t or something simaler
No need, stars do just fine. Like this: ******* **** ******* *** :biggrin: It's like morse code, but better.

-in the case of crap, use an at symbol to make it cr@p
Meh, that's for amateurs.

-Make sure your thread has lost topic by at least page 5. if not, it could result in thread death
No, it's not the thread starter's job to send it off topic, it's the artful skill of those responding to the thread to gradually send it off onto a tangent in a way that nobody really notices until too late.

-PM Evo and complain about closing franzbear
Oh, no, the timing seemed perfect. I'm still collecting from the Genco families for that hit.

-know what franzbear is (very important)

-read the entire thread killer champions thread... :rolleyes:
Uh huh...have you? I'm sure that's why we all had to explain to you who franzbear was, right? :-p

-make sure at least 1/2 of your posts do not make sense
Mine always make sense. They are carefully crafted for GD connoisseurs. :approve:

-Try to kill the "ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer" thread
That's "ask a stupid quetion, get a stupid anser." The spelling is important. Obviously, no actual questions are asked, only quetions. Obviously you haven't read through that thread in its entirety either. I think you have your summer reading cut out for you.

-make sure your threads are uninteresting so you can have them change topic as quick as possible
Uninteresting? Topics in GD are uninteresting? Blasphemer! :eek:

-Be weary of Bicycle Tree, you could get Btoli
Okay, some things don't require comment.

-Make plenty of smart@$$ comments
Who, me?

-make sure the location in your profile is a smart@$$ comment like mine(see left)

-avoid direct discussion with moonbear at all costs

Methinks someone's getting a little too big for his britches around here. Just for that, I'm going to have to rethink joining that ritual dance to resurrect franzbear; and since he's my e-child, the ceremony won't work without my participation. :devil:
  • #15
Moonbear said:
I guess this requires a proper response. :rolleyes:

No need, stars do just fine. Like this: ******* **** ******* *** :biggrin: It's like morse code, but better.
then you sound like a dumb@$$ because nobody know what you're saying
Meh, that's for amateurs.
this thread is for learners, not long-time GD frequenters
No, it's not the thread starter's job to send it off topic, it's the artful skill of those responding to the thread to gradually send it off onto a tangent in a way that nobody really notices until too late.
I never said it was the thread starter's job. I said to make sure, in case it didn't
Oh, no, the timing seemed perfect. I'm still collecting from the Genco families for that hit.
Uh huh...have you? I'm sure that's why we all had to explain to you who franzbear was, right? :-p
I've read the majority of it
Mine always make sense.
They are carefully crafted for GD connoisseurs. :approve:
in other words, they don't make sense
That's "ask a stupid quetion, get a stupid anser." The spelling is important. Obviously, no actual questions are asked, only quetions. Obviously you haven't read through that thread in its entirety either. I think you have your summer reading cut out for you.
*pulls out list of excuses for summer reading*
I... damn, this is so hard to read I have stuff to do
Uninteresting? Topics in GD are uninteresting? Blasphemer! :eek:
you know it's true
Okay, some things don't require comment.
Who, me?
:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Methinks someone's getting a little too big for his britches around here. Just for that, I'm going to have to rethink joining that ritual dance to resurrect franzbear; and since he's my e-child, the ceremony won't work without my participation. :devil:
shut up :rolleyes:
  • #16
This thread is just turning into a p!$$!ng contest.
  • #17
Chi Meson said:
This thread is just turning into a p!$$!ng contest.
And as someone's grandfather once said, "Never get into a pissing contest with a skunk." The poor kid obviously hasn't seen Moonie's stripes yet. :devil:
  • #18
Danger said:
The poor kid obviously hasn't seen Moonie's stripes yet. :devil:
I smelled her a long time ago...
  • #19
yomamma said:
I smelled her a long time ago...
Oboy... there's a whippin' comining up...
  • #20
Danger said:
And as someone's grandfather once said, "Never get into a pissing contest with a skunk." The poor kid obviously hasn't seen Moonie's stripes yet. :devil:
:smile: Yeah, well, he gets uppity, but I cut him a break since he's obviously not thinking clearly through all the grief over losing franzbear. They were becoming quite good buddies.
  • #21
Moonbear said:
he's obviously not thinking clearly through all the grief
I agree that he's not thinking clearly; I'm just not so generous when citing a reason.
  • #22
yomamma said:
I'm saying people who frequent GD, I will list them below:

Bicycle tree
any other members who I didn't mention and are going to make a big deal out of it
P******k! You left over half the best GD posters off your list! No wonder you use such a rank amateur method of disguising your profanities.

You make such a stupid comment such as "then you sound like a dumb@$$ because nobody know what you're saying" only because you aren't educated enough to understand what is said on this forum. If you adequately researched the content of each of the GD threads, the meaning of every post would be perfectly clear to you ... :rolleyes: I think ... except maybe for the dadaist posts.

Spend more time reading and less time letting your fingers do your thinking. :smile:
  • #23
  • #24
klusener said:
sometimes you really crack me up, klusener :smile:
  • #25
Math Is Hard said:
klusener said:
sometimes you really crack me up, klusener :smile:
I agree.

Is it gramatically correct to use more periods at the end of your comment than there were letters in your post? Is this merely a lame attempt to bypass the minimum length on posts?

  • #26
yomamma said:
dextercioby said:
see, Bob G? people use symbols in those words you dumb@$$
No, dextercioby uses them and he isn't even on your list of GD contributors. :smile:

Some users even know how to close off a quote.

btw, u spelled my handle wrong.
  • #27
BobG said:
btw, u spelled my handle wrong.
I apologize :rolleyes:
  • #28
yomamma said:
I'm saying people who frequent GD, I will list them below:

Bicycle tree
any other members who I didn't mention and are going to make a big deal out of it

what the ********** you little **********

Snapple fact #56 : 1/4 of the bones in your body are in your feet
  • #29
yomamma said:
I'm saying people who frequent GD, I will list them below:

Bicycle tree
any other members who I didn't mention and are going to make a big deal out of it
You left me off the list. Why you little turtle headed, chicken throttling, cold, wet, girl scout screaming, monkey disciplinarian!

What did I ever do to you? :rolleyes: Oh nevermind, I guess I called you all of those things before, didn't I?
  • #30
Math Is Hard said:
sometimes you really crack me up, klusener :smile:
Gabby little bugger, ain't he?
  • #31
cronxeh said:
what the ********** you little **********

Snapple fact #56 : 1/4 of the bones in your body are in your feet
shut the **** up you little ****** before I ******* come over there, **** you up, and kick your ******* ***
  • #32
Does anyone else think yomamma just recently discovered the wide world of swear words?

Which flavor would you prefer, Dial, Safeguard, or Irish Spring? :devil:
  • #33
Moonie are you going to make him drop the soap?
  • #34
Shut the **** up cronxeh. I already told you so ******* shut the **** up or I'll kick your ******* *** and you ******* know I can
  • #35
Moonbear said:
Does anyone else think yomamma just recently discovered the wide world of swear words?
Naw, he just discovered the '*' key. He still doesn't know what most of the words mean.

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