General curvilinear coordinates

In summary: That is why these coordinate systems are called "non-cartesian". They are not related to the Cartesian coordinate system on a two dimensional sheet of paper.
  • #1

Homework Statement

When I work in general curvilinear coordinates and in particular for the computation of line and surface integrals, do I need to do anything apart from working through the 'usual steps?'

Homework Equations

If I am correct, computation of line and surface integrals is typically introduced in cartesian coordinates. In such a coordinate system, some basic parameterisations include those of for a circle of radius r eg. (x,y) = (rcos(t),rsin(t)), 0 <= t <= 2pi.

The Attempt at a Solution

I know that if I work in say cylindrical or spherical coordinates the expressions for the gradient, divergence and Laplacian are different (and more complicated) than in cartesian coordinates. So do the parameterisations of surfaces and paths become more complicated if I want to compute a line integral in these non-cartesian coordinate systems? If so why would anyone want to use non-cartesian coordinate systems to compute various integrals? Is it because in certain situations, this is the only possible way to compute the integrals?

I'm interested in this because I only really got as far as going through the derivations and computations for alternative forms of the gradient, laplacian etc. I don't feel as if I really learned how to apply useful techniques such as computing integrals in geometries with cylindrical or spherical symmetry apart from trivial cases where the vector field and outward surface normal were both constant.

Any help would be great thanks.
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  • #2
I don't fully understand what you are asking, but working in curvilinear coordinates is simpler when (and only when) the functions involved are simpler in those coordinate systems.

The equations modelling physical systems often have cylindrical or spherical symmetry, so many of the terms in the "complicated" expressions for grad etc in curvilinear coordinates may be zero for a particular function.
  • #3
I probably shouldn't have used that template. Anyway, if f(x,y) = x^2 + y^2 then in polar coordinates f(r,theta) = r^2 right? Then would div(grad(f)) = (r^2)'' = 2? What if I have something more complicated like g(x,y) = x^2 + y^2 + 2x + 2y then g(r,theta) = r^2 + 2(cos(theta) + sin(theta)). Would the calculation of div(grad(f)) in polar coordinates be done the same way as for the function f or do I need to make use of the relevant scale factors?
  • #4
Of course you have to use scale factors.
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FAQ: General curvilinear coordinates

1. What are general curvilinear coordinates?

General curvilinear coordinates are a system of coordinates used to describe the position of a point in space. Unlike rectangular coordinates, which use x, y, and z axes, general curvilinear coordinates use curved axes that follow the shape of a surface or space.

2. What are the advantages of using general curvilinear coordinates?

Using general curvilinear coordinates allows for a more flexible and intuitive representation of complex surfaces or spaces. It also simplifies calculations in certain systems, such as polar coordinates in circular systems or spherical coordinates in spherical systems.

3. How are general curvilinear coordinates related to differential geometry?

General curvilinear coordinates are closely related to differential geometry, which is the study of geometric properties and structures using calculus. The use of curvilinear coordinates allows for a more natural and elegant description of curved surfaces and spaces, making it a fundamental tool in differential geometry.

4. Can general curvilinear coordinates be used in any type of space?

Yes, general curvilinear coordinates can be used in any type of space, whether it is two-dimensional or three-dimensional. They are particularly useful in describing curved surfaces and spaces, but can also be used in flat spaces as well.

5. How do I convert between general curvilinear coordinates and rectangular coordinates?

To convert between general curvilinear coordinates and rectangular coordinates, you can use transformation equations that relate the two coordinate systems. The specific equations will depend on the type of curvilinear coordinates being used, such as cylindrical, spherical, or ellipsoidal coordinates.
