Gold Electrodes and Capacitance

In summary, when gold electrodes are inserted into a saline solution with a fixed voltage, the capacitance increases briefly and then returns to its original value. The current also remains unchanged.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Well its 2 questions:
  1. Immersing a pair of gold electrodes in a saline solution in the presence of a fixed voltage causes the capacitance to:
    1. Increase
    2. Decrease
    3. Remain unaltered
    4. Increase briefly and then return to its original value
  2. Immersing a pair of gold electrodes in a saline solution in the presence of a fixed voltage causes the Current to: (same answers as above)

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I have been racking my brain over this for the last several hours. It was supposed to be made clear in a practical class that ended up having faulty equipment, but i digress...

I basically began with the idea that the parallel plates would act as capacitors and when they were submerged in saline, it would act as the dielectric (higher relative dielectric than air). Given the fixed voltage, this would increase the charge that would be able to be stored by polarising the dielectric and reducing the electric field? (Am I at least on the right track here?) So i concluded that the capacitance would increase.

The second question is the one that is giving me real trouble. I can't find any association between capacitance and current and I definitely don't understand how immersing gold electrodes in saline would change the current. The only thing I could come up with is the fact that the voltage is again fixed and given that voltage is proportional to current, would it be correct to say that the current shouldn't change? Or does the saline affect this?

I was reading about how one electrode is - and the other is + and how the electrons are both being attracted by the protons and repelled by the potential voltage and so in a capacitor there is a point where there is no net charge movement because the forces are equal?? Again this was just something that kind of made sense.

At this point I'm thinking that current would remain unaltered.

Help would be much appreciated, Thanks
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  • #2
Inserting electrodes with a voltage into a saline solution changes it into an electrolysis setup.
Since the voltage is kept fixed the question then becomes what happens to the charge at the electrodes.
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  • #3
Ahh okay that makes much more sense now. Thanks for the help.

FAQ: Gold Electrodes and Capacitance

1. What are gold electrodes and how are they used in scientific research?

Gold electrodes are conductive electrodes made from pure gold metal. They are commonly used in scientific research to measure electrical signals and for electrochemical experiments. Their high conductivity, stability, and biocompatibility make them ideal for a wide range of applications.

2. How are gold electrodes fabricated?

Gold electrodes can be fabricated using various techniques such as sputtering, evaporation, or electroplating. In sputtering, a high-energy plasma beam is used to deposit gold atoms onto a substrate. In evaporation, gold is heated until it evaporates and then deposited onto a substrate. Electroplating involves using an electric current to deposit a layer of gold onto a conductive material.

3. What is capacitance and how is it related to gold electrodes?

Capacitance is the ability of a material to store electrical energy. Gold electrodes have a high capacitance due to their large surface area and high conductivity. This makes them useful for applications such as energy storage devices and sensors.

4. How do gold electrodes affect the performance of electronic devices?

Gold electrodes can improve the performance of electronic devices in several ways. Their high conductivity allows for efficient transfer of electrical signals, while their stability ensures long-term reliability. Additionally, their biocompatibility makes them suitable for use in medical devices and implants.

5. Can gold electrodes be used in harsh environments?

Yes, gold electrodes can be used in harsh environments such as high temperatures, corrosive solutions, and extreme pressure conditions. This is due to their chemical stability and resistance to oxidation. However, the specific conditions and the type of gold electrode used should be carefully considered for optimal performance.
