- #36
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Originally posted by Hurkyl
A Lie Algebra is simply a vector space A over a field F equipped with a bilinear operator [,] on A that satisfies [x, x] = 0 and the jacobi identity:
[[x, y], z] + [[y, z], x] + [[z, x], y] = 0
(If F does not have characteristic 2, [x, x] = 0 is a consequence of the Jacobi identity and may be dropped as an axiom)
whoa! is that true? i m not so sure. i think what you want to say here is:
[x,y]=-[y,x] is a consequence of [x,x]=0, and if the field does not have characteristic 2, then [x,y]=-[y,x] implies [x,x]=0, but not in fields with characteristic 2, so we drop that as an axiom.
I would like to point out that [x, y] is not defined by:
[x, y] = xy - yx
(or various similar definitions); it is merely a bilinear form that satisfies the Jacobi identity and [x, x] = 0.
However, for any associative algebra A, one may define the lie algebra A- by defining the lie bracket as the commutator.
An example where [,] is not a commutator is (if I've done my arithmetic correctly) the real vector space R3 where [x, y] = x * y, where * is the vector cross product.
other examples include the poisson bracket and the lie bracket (well, the lie bracket does turn out t be a commutator, but it is certainly not defined that way).