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Originally posted by Lonewolf
I'm still around. Can someone explain tangent bundles, please. Marsden defines them as the disjoint union of tangent vectors to a manifold M at the points m in M. Am I right in thinking that this gives us a set containing every tangent vector to the manifold, or did I miss something?
Such a good question! Thread would die without a questioner like that---Hurkyl and I, chroot and/or Lethe etc. wouldn't like to just talk to selves. I want to let Hurkyl answer this because will do it in clear orderly reliable manner.
But look, it is a necessary and basic construction! The tangent vectors on a manifold are the most important vectorspacetype things in sight!
And yet each tangentspace at each separate point is different. So at the outset all one has is a flaky disjoint collection of vectorspaces. One HAS to glue it all together into a coherent structure and give it a topology and, if possible, what is even better namely a differential structure.
Imagine a surface with a postagestampsized tangent plane at every point but all totally unrelated to each other. How flaky and awful! But now imagine that with a little thought you can merge all those tangentplanes into a coherent thing-----a dualnatured thing because it is both a linearspace (in each "fiber") and a manifold. Now I am imagining each tangentspace as a one-dimensional token (in reality n-dimensional) and sort of like a hair growing out of the point x in the manifold. All the hairs together making a sort of mat.
And these things generalize----not just tangentspace bundles but higher tensor bundles and Lie algebra bundles. Socalled fiber bundles (general idea). It is a great machine.
A vectorfield is a "section" of the tangent bundle. The graph of a function is a geometrical object and the "graph" of a vectorfield lives in the tangent bundle. A choice of one vector "over" each point x in the manifold. Great way to visualize things.
The problem is how to be rigorous about it! Hurkyl is good at this. You get this great picture but how do you objectify gluing and interrelating all the tangent spaces into a coherent bundle and giving them usable structure.
It turns out to be ridiculously easy. To make a differentiable manifold out of anything you merely need to specify local coordinate charts. The vectorspace has obvious coordinates and around every point in the manifold you have a coordinatized patch so if it is, like, 3D, you have 3 coordinates for the manifold and 3 for the vectorspace. So you have 6 coordinates of a local chart in the bundle.
Charts have to fit together at the overlaps and the teacher wastes some time and chalk showing that the 6D charts for the bundle are smoothly transformable one to the other on overlapping territory------why? because, surprise, the original 3D manifold charts were smoothly compatible on overlaps.
You will see a bit of magic. An innocent looking LOCAL condition
taking almost no time to mention will unexpectedly suffice to make it all coherent. All that is needed is that, at every point, right around that point, the tangent bundle looks like a cartesian product of a patch of manifold and a fixed vectorspace.
what should I do, edit this? delete it? it is attitudinal prep before someone else writes out the definition (if they ever do) of a fiber bundle-----tangent bundle just a special case of fiber bundle
once that is done, can erase this----I don't want to bother editing it since just provisional. Glad yr still around LW