Having a difficult time with binary IEEE .dat file

In summary: The table has columns for product ID, product version ID, creation time, type of product, standard data product ID, software name, and software version ID. The rows are the data in the file.
  • #1
Gold Member
I have been attempting to open up files on NASA’s GRS and neutron data,


but have been running into some roadblocks. The data is all stored in .dat IEEE binary format (which IEEE format they do not specify in their documentation as far as I can see), and the conversion software they have available hasn’t been updated since 2013.

Attempting to install their conversion software on Ubuntu 18.04 and Windows 10 did not work at all. I had an old laptop laying around that still had Ubuntu 14.04, and it at least let me open the program, but not do anything else.

I had one of my computational scientists work on just writing code to crack this binary format, and he concluded it was likely going to be too difficult to be 'successful' (a bit out of his field), and he wondered why anyone would format the files like this in the first place.

Any help would be appreciated!
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  • #2
mesa said:
but have been running into some roadblocks. The data is all stored in .dat IEEE binary format (which IEEE format they do not specify in their documentation as far as I can see), and the conversion software they have available hasn’t been updated since 2013.
From poking around in the files in the link you gave, it doesn't seem all that difficult to extract the data. A modestly capable programmer in any programming language should be able to cobble together a program to read the data, and display it in some desired format.

I looked in the february directory shown in the link you provided. Here are the first three files listed:
5/7/2015 9:33 AM 92160 grs_adc2015032zzz.dat
5/7/2015 9:33 AM 1950 grs_adc2015032zzz.lbl
6/8/2018 5:50 PM 19961 grs_adc2015032zzz.xml

The binary data is in the file with the .dat file extension.
The file with extension .lbl gives some general information about the .dat file
PDS_VERSION_ID                 = "PDS3"

/*** FILE FORMAT ***/
FILE_RECORDS                   = 1440
RECORD_TYPE                    = FIXED_LENGTH
RECORD_BYTES                   = 64

PRODUCT_ID                     = "GRS_ADC2015032ZZZ_DAT"
PRODUCT_VERSION_ID             = "V1"
PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME          = 2015-02-02T21:33:30
PRODUCT_TYPE                   = "ANCILLARY"
SOFTWARE_NAME                  = "PIPE-GRS2EDR"
SOFTWARE_VERSION_ID            = "1.0"
INSTRUMENT_ID                  = "GRS"
DATA_SET_ID                    = "MESS-E/V/H-GRNS-2-GRS-RAWDATA-V1.0"
TARGET_NAME                    = "MERCURY"
START_TIME                     = 2015-02-01T00:00:38.000
STOP_TIME                      = 2015-02-01T23:59:38.000
^TABLE                         = "GRS_ADC2015032ZZZ.DAT"

OBJECT                         = TABLE
COLUMNS                        = 31
ROWS                           = 1440
ROW_BYTES                      = 64

DESCRIPTION                    = "
   This table contains one set of FPGA ADC diagnostic information gathered by
   the MESSENGER Gamma-Ray Spectrometer (GRS). A set is defined as all data
   with MET timestamps corresponding to a given Earth day.
   The complete column definitions are contained in an external file found
   in the LABEL directory of the archive volume. Additional details are
   contained in the EDR SIS document.
^STRUCTURE                     = "GRS_FPGA.FMT"
END_OBJECT                     = TABLE

The file with extension .xml is an XML file that gives specific information about all of the fields in the file, including their byte offset within the file, the length of the field, the type of data, and what kind of information is in the file.
Here's a small snippet from the xml file:
<description> The 2-byte integer contains the following bit fields: Bits - Name - Description 1 - ch1_latchup - ADC Channel 1 latchup. =0 no latchup. =1 latchup 2 - ch0_latchup - ADC Channel 0 latchup. =0 no latchup. =1 latchup 3 - pwr_ch1_inverted_adc - Channel 1 inverted power. =0 not inverted, =1 inverted 4 - pwr_ch0_inverted_adc - Channel 0 inverted power. =0 not inverted, =1 inverted 8 - fpga_reset_adc - Always reads 0. Write a 1 to reset FPGA 9 - adc_ch2_clock - ADC Channel 2 clock. =0 off, =1 on 10 - adc_ch1_clock - ADC Channel 1 clock. =0 off, =1 on 11 - adc_ch0_clock - ADC Channel 0 clock. =0 off, =1 on 12 - ch1_2_adc_power - Channel 1,2 ADC power. =0 power on, =1 power off 13 - ch1_reset_latchup - Channel 1,2 reset latchup. =0 normal, =1 reset latchup 14 - ch0_adc_power - Channel 0 ADC Power, =0 power on, =1 power off 15 - ch0_reset_latchup - Channel 0 reset latchup, =0 normal, =1 reset latchup 16 - power_sleep_adc - =0 normal operation, =1 sleep mode </description>
mesa said:
I had one of my computational scientists work on just writing code to crack this binary format, and he concluded it was likely going to be too difficult to be 'successful' (a bit out of his field), and he wondered why anyone would format the files like this in the first place.
It seems to me that all the information needed to "crack this binary format" is in plain view. Perhaps you should look for a computational scientist who is at least as compentent as a first-year computer science student, to write a program in C, C++, Fortran, Python, or whatever.
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Likes Klystron and anorlunda
  • #3
Nice to see Physicsforums hasn't lost its charm, lol.

Thanks for the info!
  • #4
mesa said:
Nice to see Physicsforums hasn't lost its charm, lol.
My sense is that whoever you talked to was probably competent to pull the data out, but was just blowing you off with a lame excuse that it would be "too difficult," or other technobabble. I suspect the real reason was that he/she didn't want to invest any time looking into the problem.
  • #5
Mark44 said:
It seems to me that all the information needed to "crack this binary format" is in plain view. Perhaps you should look for a computational scientist who is at least as compentent as a first-year computer science student, to write a program in C, C++, Fortran, Python, or whatever.

Mark44 said:
My sense is that whoever you talked to was probably competent to pull the data out, but was just blowing you off with a lame excuse that it would be "too difficult," or other technobabble. I suspect the real reason was that he/she didn't want to invest any time looking into the problem.

He is so fired, although he did get further than Mark44 did ;)
  • #6
mesa said:
He is so fired, although he did get further than Mark44 did ;)
But then, I am not getting paid to write code to display the data in those files.
  • #7
mesa said:
Nice to see Physicsforums hasn't lost its charm, lol.

Thanks for the info!
There's a wealth of information available at https://pds.nasa.gov
  • #8
Mark44 said:
But then, I am not getting paid to write code to display the data in those files.
Good point, pm sent.

FAQ: Having a difficult time with binary IEEE .dat file

1. What is a binary IEEE .dat file?

A binary IEEE .dat file is a file format commonly used for storing and transmitting data in a binary format. It is widely used in scientific and technical fields due to its efficient storage and transfer of large amounts of data.

2. How do I open and view a binary IEEE .dat file?

To open and view a binary IEEE .dat file, you will need a specific software program that can read and interpret the binary data. Some common programs include MATLAB, Python, and Excel. You can also use a text editor, but the data will appear as a series of unintelligible characters.

3. Why is it difficult to work with binary IEEE .dat files?

Working with binary IEEE .dat files can be difficult because the data is stored in a binary format, meaning it is represented by 0s and 1s rather than readable characters. This can make it challenging to interpret and manipulate the data without the proper software or knowledge of binary code.

4. How can I convert a binary IEEE .dat file to a readable format?

To convert a binary IEEE .dat file to a readable format, you can use a specialized program or script that can decode the binary data and convert it into a readable format, such as CSV or Excel. Alternatively, you can also manually convert the data using binary code conversion methods.

5. Are there any potential errors or issues with binary IEEE .dat files?

Yes, there can be potential errors or issues with binary IEEE .dat files. These can include data corruption, mismatched data types, or difficulties in interpreting the data. It is important to properly validate and verify the data before using it for analysis or further manipulation.

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