Calculating Heat Needed to Heat 5 kg. Water from 20C to Steam at 100C

In summary, to heat 5 kg of water from 20C to steam at 100C, you will need a total of 12,934.8 kJ of heat energy. This includes the energy needed to raise the temperature of the water and the energy needed to convert all of the water to steam. The specific heat capacity of water is 4.1813 kJ kg^-1 K^-1 and the specific latent heat of water is 2260 kJ kg^-1. It is important to have access to your class materials and notes in order to fully understand and solve problems like this.
  • #1
1. How much heat is required to heat 5 kg. of water from 20C to steam at 100C?

I have no idea how to do this, i looked at some stuff online and i don't understand it, could someone explain how i can work throw this problem maybe even work throw it and explain the steps for me. I am more of a backwards learner if that makes sense. thanks
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  • #2
What formulae does your textbook provide with regards to this topic?
  • #3
This is a fairly straightforward problem. All materials have what is called a specific heat capacity, which is quite literally the amount of heat to raise a unit mass a unit degree of temperature. The ubiquitous equation describing heat relationship to temperature is
[tex]Q = mC\Delta T[/tex]
Where m is the mass, C is the specific heat capacity, and [tex]\Delta T[/tex] is the change in temperature.

This will only tell you the amount of heat needed to raise 5 kg of 20° water to 100° water though. There is additional heat required to go from 100° water to 100° steam.

Do you know any type of relation or property to that describes change in state?
  • #4
All i remmeber is it have a bunch of Q's and the heat was defined by KJ
  • #5
ok by online sources the formula to change water 100c to steam 100c is mLv, wat exactly is specific heat capacity? what i got so far is Q=5C80, would it help if i say I am in a 100 level physics class?
  • #6
I have no idea what a physics level 100 class is. That said c is a material constant you will have to look it up in some kind of table book. The L is the specific latent heat which is the amount of energy you need to convert 1 kg of liquid to 1 kg of gas in this case. Again this is a material constant you will have to look it up. The total heat required for your problem is therefore the heat it takes to warm up water from 20 to 100 degrees plus the heat it takes to convert water at 100 degrees to steam at 100 degrees.

[tex]c_{water}=4.1813 kJ kg^{-1} K^{-1}, \;\;\; L_{water}=2260 kJ kg^{-1}[/tex]

ok by online sources the formula to change water 100c to steam 100c is mLv, wat exactly is specific heat capacity? what i got so far is Q=5C80, would it help if i say I am in a 100 level physics class?

Do you not have a textbook or any kind of information supplied by your physics class? These formulae should be contained within the text, including the numerical values for c and L.
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  • #7
ok so if i got this right [tex]Q = mC\Delta T[/tex] so Q=(5)(4.187)(80)=1674,8kj. So what does v stand for in mLv?? m is mass and L is specific heat constant of water right?
  • #8
im poor i don't got the text... heh. and i can't barrow the text from a friend right now
  • #9
In the formula you listed v is just a subscript therefore [itex]L_v[/itex] is the specific latent heat. You have correctly calculated the energy needed to heat 5kg water from 20C to 100C. You also need to calculate the energy needed to convert all the water to steam.
  • #10
Spaniard said:
im poor i don't got the text... heh. and i can't barrow the text from a friend right now

How about class notes? If you are failing to grasp this concept, then things are going to be much, much more difficult for you very soon. I would either look into finding an International edition of the book, or working out some sort of arrangement such that you can have access to the class material.
  • #11
mv= 5 x 2257 = 1.30j. so over all it all equals 167.1J
  • #12
No that is not correct, 5*2257=11.3 kJ.

FAQ: Calculating Heat Needed to Heat 5 kg. Water from 20C to Steam at 100C

1. How do you calculate the heat needed to heat 5 kg of water from 20C to steam at 100C?

To calculate the heat needed, you can use the formula Q = mcΔT, where Q is the heat needed, m is the mass of water (5 kg), c is the specific heat capacity of water (4.186 J/gC), and ΔT is the change in temperature (80C). This will give you the total heat needed in Joules.

2. What is the specific heat capacity of water?

The specific heat capacity of water is 4.186 J/gC. This means that it takes 4.186 Joules of energy to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius.

3. How much heat is needed to raise the temperature of 5 kg of water from 20C to 100C?

Using the formula Q = mcΔT, we can calculate the heat needed to be 1674.4 kJ (kilojoules). This is equivalent to 1,674,400 Joules.

4. What is the specific heat capacity of steam?

The specific heat capacity of steam is 1.99 J/gC. This is lower than the specific heat capacity of water because it takes less energy to raise the temperature of steam due to its lower density.

5. How much heat is needed to turn 5 kg of water from 20C to steam at 100C?

In addition to the heat needed to raise the temperature of the water, you also need to consider the heat needed for the phase change from liquid to gas. This is known as the heat of vaporization and for water, it is 2257 J/g. Therefore, the total heat needed will be 12,285,057 J or 12,285.057 kJ.
