Calc Heat Transfer Rate for Temp Even Out

In summary, the conversation discusses the method for calculating the amount of time it will take for the temperature of a component of air to even out. The process involves calculating the rate of momentum transfer between molecules and using the heat conduction equation, which can be complex depending on the system configuration. The conversation also mentions the similar issue of thermal energy transfer in fusion plasma physics and the difficulty in finding a model for mixing fluids of different temperatures. More research is needed for a better understanding of the process.
  • #1
If say the temperature of just one component of air e.g. water vapor suddenly rises (say through IR absorption), what method can be used to very roughly and quickly calculate the amount of time it will take for the temperature to even out?
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  • #2
One would have to calculate the rate of momentum transfer from the hotter molecules to the cooler molecules. I imagine the process is described by a decaying exponential.
  • #3
Heat conduction is... well governed by the heat conduction equation which is a first order equation with respect to time and second order with respect to spatial dimensions. It would be hard to estimate the system with an easier equation without seeing what the system configuration is.
  • #4
I believe the problem, as posed, suggests that one component, intimately mixed with the other components becomes hotter than that other components, so one would need to derive an effective conductivity between the hot molecules and the colder molecules.

A similar issue is found in fusion plasma physics where electrons can be heated then they transfer thermal energy to the ions, or hotter ions are injected into a colder plasma - but this latter example involves a spatial dependence - unlike the OP.
  • #5
Hmm, I've never thought about a problem regarding mixes fluids of different temperature together and timing their approach to equilibrium. I'm blank on what model to use. You'd have a lot of convection, and conduction all happening at once together in the mixture... although I've never heard of it, the effective conduction may be the way to go for an estimate.
  • #6
Thank you for the replies. I think I'll do some more search on the Internet to see if I can find something or get hold of a gas dynamics book when I can.

FAQ: Calc Heat Transfer Rate for Temp Even Out

1. How does temperature affect heat transfer rate?

Temperature is a key factor in determining the rate of heat transfer. The greater the temperature difference between two objects, the higher the rate of heat transfer will be.

2. What is the formula for calculating heat transfer rate?

The formula for calculating heat transfer rate is Q = kA∆T/∆x, where Q represents heat transfer rate, k is the thermal conductivity, A is the surface area, ∆T is the temperature difference, and ∆x is the thickness of the material.

3. How does surface area affect heat transfer rate?

The larger the surface area, the higher the rate of heat transfer. This is because a larger surface area allows for more contact between the objects involved in the heat transfer, resulting in a faster transfer of heat.

4. What is the role of thermal conductivity in heat transfer rate?

Thermal conductivity is a measure of how well a material can conduct heat. Materials with high thermal conductivity, such as metals, have a higher rate of heat transfer compared to materials with low thermal conductivity, such as insulators.

5. How can I ensure even heat distribution in a system?

To achieve even heat distribution, it is important to make sure that the temperature difference between the objects involved in the heat transfer is minimized. This can be achieved by using materials with high thermal conductivity, increasing the surface area, and reducing the thickness of the material.
