Hermitian conjugate of differential operator

In summary, the conversation discusses finding the Hermitian conjugate of the differential operator D and using partial integration to do so. The conversation also touches on the use of complex conjugates and operators in integrals. The participants also mention using LaTeX for mathematical notation.
  • #1
Hi everyone!

How can I find the Hermitian conjugate of the differential operator D, with

D psi = 1/i dpart/dpart(x) psi?

I know you can do this with partial integration starting from

<phi|D|psi>* = <phi|D+|psi>

but how exactly does it work?

I'm sorry for using such an ugly notation but I am new to this forum and not yet familiar with other more beautiful notations.

Thanks a lot in advance, everyone!

Best regards
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Eismc[] said:
Hi everyone!
How can I find the Hermitian conjugate of the differential operator D, with
D psi = 1/i dpart/dpart(x) psi?
I know you can do this with partial integration starting from
<phi|D|psi>* = <phi|D+|psi>
but how exactly does it work?

This should be:

[tex]\left( \frac{1}{i}\frac{\partial}{\partial x} \right)^\dag\ = \ \left( -\frac{1}{i}\frac{\partial}{\partial x} \right)^*\ = \ \left( \frac{1}{i}\frac{\partial}{\partial x} \right)[/tex]


[tex]D^\dag \psi = \ D \psi[/tex]If you consider that the differential has two diagonals (+1 and -1) where the
unity operator has a single diagonal (+1). The two diagonals exchange place
when the operator is transposed. This inverses the sign once. The conjungate
then reverses the sign for the second time.

The background is that the operator is "Hermitian" or "SelfAdjoint" Regards, Hans

P.S. Thus: [tex]
\frac{\partial}{\partial x}\ =\ \left(
& 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & . \\
-1 & & 1 & 0 & 0 & . \\
0 & -1 & & 1 & 0 & . \\
0 & 0 & -1 & & 1 & . \\
0 & 0 & 0 & -1 & & . \\
. & . & . & . & . & .
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  • #3
You can click on any of the images to see what you have to type to get them to appear.

I know you can do this with partial integration starting from

<phi|D|psi>* = <phi|D+|psi>

but how exactly does it work?
First off, I think you meant <phi|D|psi>* = <psi|D+|phi>,
or maybe <phi|D psi> = <D+ phi| psi>

Well, starting with the definitions is almost always a good first step:[itex]\langle \phi | D \psi \rangle = \langle D^\dag \phi | \psi \rangle[/itex] is the same thing as

\int \phi(x)^* (D \psi)(x) \, dx
= \int (D^\dag \phi)(x)^* \psi(x) \, dx

and thus

\int \phi(x)^* \frac{1}{i} \frac{\partial \psi}{\partial x}(x) \, dx
\int (D^\dag \phi)(x)^* \psi(x) \, dx

isn't it? You had a hint to use partial integration here, and as far as I can tell, there's only one way to try it that makes sense. Have you at least gotten this far? (You should generally show what you have tried when asking a question, even if you think you haven't gotten anywhere) Have you tried to apply partial integration at all?
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  • #4
Hi everyone,

thank you very much for your answers!

Indeed I should have been more precise, I'm sorry. I did get to the point at which the partial integration can be done and I've actually done it. Two questions arise here:

1. What happens to 1/i phi* psi with x between plus and minus infinity? I know these functions are elements of a Hilbert space but does this mean they disappear? At a first look, only the integral of the both disappears.

2. If I have to take the complex conjugate of an integral, can I put the star into it, placing it behind the functions in the scalar product? What if there is an operator aiming at one of the two - can I pull the star behind the operator?

Sorry again for my vague question. I hope you can help me from here! Many thanks in advance...

Best regards

P.S. And thank you also, Hurkyl, for the tip for LaTeX! I will try to get into that, doesn't seem to be too complicated...
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  • #5
It might help if you were able to post what you got.

For 1, do you mean

[tex]\left[ \frac{1}{i} \phi(x)^* \psi(x) \right]_{x = -\infty}^{x = +\infty}

? That's just a limit, isn't it? Use the limit properties! I'm confused about why you mentioned integral later in the paragraph, though.

For 2, it is a fact about integrals of complex functions that:

\left( \int_a^b f(x) \, dx \right)^* = \int_{a}^{b} f(x)^* \, dx

but I don't understand the rest of your question.
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  • #6
Hi Hurkyl,

thanks again for the quick answer!

For 2: Coming back to your example (the complex conjugate of an integral of a single function), what if there was an operator like dpart/dpartx before f(x)? Could I still pull the star behind the f(x)?

Thanks in advance

FAQ: Hermitian conjugate of differential operator

1. What is a Hermitian conjugate of a differential operator?

The Hermitian conjugate of a differential operator is the operator that, when multiplied by the original operator, produces a Hermitian (self-adjoint) operator. It is also known as the adjoint operator.

2. Why is it important to have a Hermitian conjugate of a differential operator?

The Hermitian conjugate of a differential operator is important because it allows us to define inner products and norms in function spaces, which are essential concepts in many areas of mathematics and physics. It also plays a key role in the formulation of quantum mechanics.

3. How do you find the Hermitian conjugate of a differential operator?

The Hermitian conjugate of a differential operator can be found by taking the complex conjugate of the coefficients of the operator and reversing the order of the differential operators. In other words, if the original operator is written as D = an(x) dn/dxn + an-1(x) dn-1/dxn-1 + ... + a0(x), then the Hermitian conjugate is given by D = an* (x) (-1)n dn/dxn + an-1* (x) (-1)n-1 dn-1/dxn-1 + ... + a0* (x).

4. What is the relationship between a Hermitian conjugate and a symmetric operator?

A Hermitian conjugate and a symmetric operator are closely related, but not the same. A Hermitian conjugate is defined for complex-valued functions and operators, while a symmetric operator is defined for real-valued functions and operators. A symmetric operator is equal to its own Hermitian conjugate, but a Hermitian conjugate may not necessarily be symmetric.

5. Can a differential operator have a Hermitian conjugate if it is not self-adjoint?

Yes, a differential operator can have a Hermitian conjugate even if it is not self-adjoint. An operator is self-adjoint if it is equal to its own Hermitian conjugate, but a Hermitian conjugate can still exist for an operator that is not self-adjoint. However, in physics and mathematics, self-adjoint operators are preferred as they have many useful properties and applications.

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