- #1
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Homework Statement
I want to calculate the flux, fluence,and dose and I know several things:
Beam energy = 40 keV
Current = 10 nAmps
Irradiated area = 10 mm^2
Time irradiated = 15 minutes
Beam is made up of TiH with a charge state of -1
The material being irradiated is TiO2.
Homework Equations
What equations can I use here? I want to calculate flux, fluence, and dose. I have many problems like this. If someone could show me how to work through the solution for one of these, that would be very helpful.
Do I use a combination of the beam energy, current, and electron charge to get ions passing through? I have my irradiated area, and the length of deposition. How can I determine the number of ions/cm^2/s?
The Attempt at a Solution
I imagine I need to start with multiplying the current by 1.602-19?
Honestly, I am very lost. I just want to calculate the fluence but have no idea where to begin/how to do this.