- #1
GM Jackson
- 4
- 0
Homework Statement
A black body absorbs all incident electromagnetic radiation, including visible light which has wavelengths from 380nm to 750nm. IR radiation has wavelengths that are so long they are measured in microns. That suggests that visible light has a higher frequency than IR, and, higher energy. So when a black body absorbs visible light and emits IR, how does it achieve equilibrium?
Homework Equations
Ein = Eout (Energy in = Energy out)
E = hv (E = Energy; h = 6.63E-34 J-s; v = frequency in hertz)
v = C/l (C = 3.00E8 m/s; l = wavelength in meters)
The Attempt at a Solution
I'm picturing in my mind the same amount of photons going in as going out, but this would imply more energy going in than going out. So what's up with the black body?