How Does High-Speed Travel Affect Time Perception?

  • Thread starter xquarky
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Hello guys,

I have a problem solving these two questions, anybody come up with any idea will be appreciated...

1. A jet plane circles the Earth at the equator with a speed of Mach 4. By how much time is the pilot’s watch slow when it lands?

2. A spaceship leaves Earth for a distant star. It has an acceleration g in its rest system for five Earth years, and then it decelerates at g, coming to rest. It then reverses the process to return to Earth. (Do this problem using light years (LY). Calculate c and g in those units.)

a. How far from Earch does it come to rest?
b. The trip takes 20 Earth years. How many years have passed on Earth?

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Welcome to PF!

xquarky said:
anybody come up with any idea will be appreciated...

1. A jet plane circles the Earth at the equator with a speed of Mach 4. By how much time is the pilot’s watch slow when it lands?

Hi xquarky! Welcome to PF! :smile:

Idea: what is Mach4 as a fraction of the speed of light?

and how long is the equator?

and what is the formula for time dilation? :smile: