How to create an Electric Field?

  • #1
TL;DR Summary
I want to create an Electric Field on Copper Clad Board! How to implement it? I want help with electrical connections.
Dear friends,

First of all I have one question! As per Figure 1, how to implement electrical connection in real life which are seen inside Red Box? and what is the meaning of grounding the other terminal?

Figure 1.jpg

Figure 1

And the second thing is that, I want to create and electric field on copper clad board! How I can create it? As per Figure 2, I have implemented one electrical circuit by connecting positive terminal of 9V battery with copper clad board leaving negative terminal disconnected. Is there any possibility that I will get charge accumulation on copper clad board? and If yes, How would I confirm that some charge or electric field is there?

Figure 2.jpg

Figure 2
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  • #2
-1- It sounds like you should not be considering working with 50kV power supplies.

-2- Connect the black clip to a 2nd copper clad board and hold the two boards 1cm apart (do not let them touch -- that will short out the battery). You have now created an electric field between the plates of 9V/1cm = 900V/m.
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Likes osilmag, jasonRF and BhargavRJ
  • #3
berkeman said:
-1- It sounds like you should not be considering working with 50kV power supplies.

-2- Connect the black clip to a 2nd copper clad board and hold the two boards 1cm apart (do not let them touch -- that will short out the battery). You have now created an electric field between the plates of 9V/1cm = 900V/m.

For Figure 1, I will not be using 50kV power supplies, but I just want to understand that how they make connections in real life, because as per the figure they have grounded the other terminal.

For Figure 2, I am clear with your answer and will be doing it for sure. But still I want to ask that what are the possibilities of charge accumulation if I don't connect the negative terminal, will it increase the amount of charge on copper?
  • #4
Zero. Even though you are not making a closed circuit, there still has to be polarity for charge and thus a field to accumulate. What you have pictured is unipolar.
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Likes BhargavRJ
  • #5
Figure 1.jpg

Please explain me how they connect that power supply where I have kept black arrow. The other terminal, actually it is connected where?
  • #6
That symbol is the symbol for ground and the suppressor is a large filter that smooths voltage spikes.

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