Troubleshooting Nonlinear Pendulum Movement with Air Friction: Tips and Analysis

In summary: Conservation of Energy to try and get an expression for θ'(t) as a function of θ(t). However, this is not possible due to the presence of the dissipative force of air friction.In summary, the problem at hand involves a differential equation of movement with a non-linear term due to the consideration of the friction force of air. The individual has attempted to use methods from homogeneous linear differential equations and conservation of energy to solve the equation, but has encountered challenges in doing so. They are also seeking clarification on the use of velocity in kinetic energy and plan to explore using parametric equations to solve the problem.
  • #1
Michael Nelo
The Problem
So, I know the basic, the basic differential equation of movement in terms of the angle it is formed, which has the form: 0 = g⋅sin[α(t)] + α''(t)⋅l. However, I decided to consider the friction force of the air, which is always contrary to the movement, and proportional to the tangential velocity, the expresion I get is this one:
Weird Differential.jpg

So I thought maybe I could use some of the methods from homogeneous linean differential equations, but it doesn't (or at least I think it doesn't) fulfill the requirements, because the variable that isn't derivated is in a Sin().
What I have tried
I used the usual Consideration of Forces, using an X and Y plane supportive towards l⋅Cos(θ) and l⋅Sin(θ) respectively as can be seen from the picture:
Plano Horizontal.JPG

So doing the respective analysis I found said weird differential equation, here's the full process of it:
Consideracion Fuerzas.JPG

Then, I went and used the Conservation of Energy, to try and get a expression of θ'(t) to be a function of θ(t), so here's what I got:
1st Derivative Function of the variable.jpg

Doing this process:
Consideracion Energia.JPG

And while yes, I achieved to reduce the weird differential equation to one that doesn't involve θ'(t), the expresion just gets wierd, it isn't as easily solved as the would-be equation without the friction force of the air.
What I wish to know, and What I'm going to do
I wish to know if the concepts and analytical expressions I've used are correct (for example, is the velocity used in the kinetic energy the tangential one? If no, then must I take it to be the norm of the vector →v, which includes normal and tangential velocities? If so, would I be better off just including the vectorial components?), as well as any kind of tip I can get to solve the differential equation. For this problem as well, I'm going to try to use parametric equations as well, taking advantage that the pendular movement depicts a trayectory of a circumference, I could use the canonic equation of a circumference, then derivate it regarding to time, and see what I can get.


  • Weird Differential.jpg
    Weird Differential.jpg
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  • 1st Derivative Function of the variable.jpg
    1st Derivative Function of the variable.jpg
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Physics news on
  • #2
In general, please type out your efforts rather than submitting images. It is extremely difficult to see what you are writing. Also, you are just writing down a bunch of equations on your papers rather than explaining what you are actually doing.

Michael Nelo said:
So I thought maybe I could use some of the methods from homogeneous linean differential equations, but it doesn't (or at least I think it doesn't) fulfill the requirements, because the variable that isn't derivated is in a Sin().
Indeed, your differential equation is non-linear. You can obtain a solution close to the equilibrium point by linearising it around it.

Michael Nelo said:
Then, I went and used the Conservation of Energy, to try and get a expression of θ'(t) to be a function of θ(t), so here's what I got:
You cannot use conservation of energy when you have a dissipative force. Energy will dissipate out of the system.

Michael Nelo said:
for example, is the velocity used in the kinetic energy the tangential one?
There is no radial movement, so yes.
  • #3
Orodruin said:
In general, please type out your efforts rather than submitting images. It is extremely difficult to see what you are writing. Also, you are just writing down a bunch of equations on your papers rather than explaining what you are actually doing.Indeed, your differential equation is non-linear. You can obtain a solution close to the equilibrium point by linearising it around it.You cannot use conservation of energy when you have a dissipative force. Energy will dissipate out of the system.There is no radial movement, so yes.

Thanks, I actually thought the photos were pretty unorganized and thought that writing what I was doing, on the thread, would give more order, glad to see it doesn't, also, I completely forgot I had to consider the Energy of the friction force of the air, so thank you very much for the reply
  • #4
Michael Nelo said:
The Problem
So, I know the basic, the basic differential equation of movement in terms of the angle it is formed, which has the form: 0 = g⋅sin[α(t)] + α''(t)⋅l. However, I decided to consider the friction force of the air, which is always contrary to the movement, and proportional to the tangential velocity, the expresion I get is this one: View attachment 221188
So I thought maybe I could use some of the methods from homogeneous linean differential equations, but it doesn't (or at least I think it doesn't) fulfill the requirements, because the variable that isn't derivated is in a Sin().
What I have tried
I used the usual Consideration of Forces, using an X and Y plane supportive towards l⋅Cos(θ) and l⋅Sin(θ) respectively as can be seen from the picture:
View attachment 221192
So doing the respective analysis I found said weird differential equation, here's the full process of it:
View attachment 221193
Then, I went and used the Conservation of Energy, to try and get a expression of θ'(t) to be a function of θ(t), so here's what I got: View attachment 221195
Doing this process:
View attachment 221194
And while yes, I achieved to reduce the weird differential equation to one that doesn't involve θ'(t), the expresion just gets wierd, it isn't as easily solved as the would-be equation without the friction force of the air.
What I wish to know, and What I'm going to do
I wish to know if the concepts and analytical expressions I've used are correct (for example, is the velocity used in the kinetic energy the tangential one? If no, then must I take it to be the norm of the vector →v, which includes normal and tangential velocities? If so, would I be better off just including the vectorial components?), as well as any kind of tip I can get to solve the differential equation. For this problem as well, I'm going to try to use parametric equations as well, taking advantage that the pendular movement depicts a trayectory of a circumference, I could use the canonic equation of a circumference, then derivate it regarding to time, and see what I can get.

I cannot read your images and am unwilling to even try; typed work is the standard in this forum. However, I will offer an answer of sorts: if you keep the full ##\sin \theta## in your DE (instead of the small-angle approximation ##\sin \theta \approx \theta##) then your DE is nonlinear, and must either be solved numerically (when input numbers are given) or else solved using the so-called elliptic functions. These functions are "non-elementary", but have been known for more than 150 years; they are widely tabulated and are easily dealt with on most decent computer algebra systems.

See, eg.,
  • #5
Ray Vickson said:
I cannot read your images and am unwilling to even try; typed work is the standard in this forum. However, I will offer an answer of sorts: if you keep the full ##\sin \theta## in your DE (instead of the small-angle approximation ##\sin \theta \approx \theta##) then your DE is nonlinear, and must either be solved numerically (when input numbers are given) or else solved using the so-called elliptic functions. These functions are "non-elementary", but have been known for more than 150 years; they are widely tabulated and are easily dealt with on most decent computer algebra systems.

See, eg.,
Thanks for the answer, sorry for the messy images, I will use other methods to express the process.

FAQ: Troubleshooting Nonlinear Pendulum Movement with Air Friction: Tips and Analysis

1. What is a pendulum movement?

A pendulum movement refers to the back and forth motion of a swinging object, typically a weight suspended from a fixed point by a string or rod. This motion is caused by the force of gravity and is used in various devices such as clocks, metronomes, and seismometers.

2. How does a pendulum movement work?

A pendulum movement works by converting potential energy into kinetic energy as the pendulum swings back and forth. As the pendulum swings, it alternates between potential energy at the highest point of its swing and kinetic energy at the lowest point. This continuous motion is regulated by the length of the pendulum and the force of gravity.

3. What are the applications of pendulum movement?

Pendulum movement has various applications in science and technology. It is commonly used in clocks and other timekeeping devices to keep accurate time. It is also used in seismometers to measure seismic activity and in metronomes to keep a steady beat in music. Pendulum movement is also used in some types of engines and turbines to convert energy into motion.

4. What factors affect the speed of a pendulum movement?

The speed of a pendulum movement is affected by several factors, including the length of the pendulum, the force of gravity, and the angle of the swing. A longer pendulum will have a slower swing, while a shorter pendulum will have a faster swing. The force of gravity also plays a role in the speed of the pendulum, with a higher force resulting in a faster swing. The angle of the swing can also affect the speed, with a wider angle resulting in a slower swing.

5. Can the pendulum movement ever stop?

In theory, a pendulum movement will continue indefinitely as long as there is no external force acting upon it. However, in reality, the pendulum will eventually slow down and stop due to factors such as air resistance, friction, and imperfections in the swing mechanism. To maintain a steady motion, pendulum movements need to be periodically reset by an external force or energy source.

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