Understanding Indefinite Integrals

In summary, the indefinite integral is a way of abbreviating a function that gives the area under the curve of the original function up to any point. It is denoted by \int f(x)\,dx = F(x) + C, where F(x) is the indefinite integral of the function f(x). This allows for easier calculation of the area under a curve and can be used to find functions for related quantities, such as velocity and distance.
  • #1
This is really a full on homework question but it WILL help me to solve my homework... by helping me fully understand the integral.

So I am trying to understand exactly what the indefinte integral means?

heres my train of thought...
if our function F(x) = x2 then its derivative is F'(x) = 2x
and this F'(x) will give you the slope of a tangent line to F(x) at any point x .

If the graph was Distance vs. time this slope would be the velocity in let's say m/s.

Now with the integral.. let's say F(x) now represents velocity vs time...
then i understand if i take the DEFINITE integral on an interval of this graph i will get the area under the curve of F(x)= x^2... and let's say again its m/s vs time (s) then (m/s)(s) = m i.e. velocity x time = displacement...

so what exactly is happening if i take the indefinite integral? I'm having trouble visiualising this... does is it trying to find the area under the entire function? i,e to infinity.. this doesn't make sense.. can someone please explain that too me?
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  • #2
  • #3
It means not "trying to find the area under the entire function", but "trying to give a function which gives the area under the original function up to any point". That is, think about the indefinite integral as a way of abbreviating the function you get by letting the value of the upper limit in a definite integral vary.

Suppose [tex]f: [a, b] \to \mathbb{R}[/tex] is an integrable function, and let [tex]F(x) = \int_a^x f(t)\,dt[/tex]. Then we say [tex]F[/tex] is the indefinite integral of [tex]f[/tex], and abbreviate this as [tex]\int f(x)\,dx = F(x) + C[/tex]. The constant [tex]C[/tex] comes from the fact that our choice of [tex]a[/tex] as the lower limit in the integral is sort of arbitrary, and [tex]\int_a^x f(t)\,dt - \int_{a'}^x f(t)\,dt = \int_a^{a'} f(t)\,dt[/tex], where the last integral is a constant depending only on [tex]a[/tex] and [tex]a'[/tex].

In your example, if you have a velocity function [tex]f(t) = 2t[/tex] (corresponding to a constant acceleration of [tex]2\,\mathrm{m}/\mathrm{s}^2[/tex]) then the corresponding distance-traveled function is [tex]F(t) = \int_0^t f(\tau)\,d\tau = t^2[/tex].
  • #4
thank you very much ! very helpful to me! not even my textbooks could explain that part as clearly as you.

FAQ: Understanding Indefinite Integrals

What is an indefinite integral?

An indefinite integral is a mathematical concept that represents the antiderivative of a given function. It is denoted by ∫f(x)dx and is used to find the original function when only its derivative is known.

How is an indefinite integral different from a definite integral?

The main difference between an indefinite integral and a definite integral is that a definite integral has specified limits of integration, while an indefinite integral does not. This means that a definite integral gives a numerical value, while an indefinite integral gives a function.

What are the steps to solving an indefinite integral?

The steps to solving an indefinite integral are as follows: 1. Identify the given function and its variables. 2. Determine the basic form of the antiderivative. 3. Use any known derivative rules to simplify the function. 4. Apply the power rule, product rule, or chain rule as needed. 5. Check for any remaining constants and add them to the final answer.

What are some common techniques for solving indefinite integrals?

Some common techniques for solving indefinite integrals include substitution, integration by parts, and partial fractions. These techniques can help simplify the given function and make it easier to find the antiderivative.

How can understanding indefinite integrals be useful?

Understanding indefinite integrals can be useful in many fields of science and engineering. It can be used to calculate areas, volumes, and other physical quantities. It is also used in solving differential equations, which are essential in many scientific and engineering applications.

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