It looks like Tsu will be flying in a MIG

  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
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In summary, the article says that there is a place in Georgia where you can pay to fly in a T-34 mentor and do simulated combat in the air. The article also says that the T-34 has a wing failure because they are putting the airplanes under high loads continuously. The article also says that MIGs are very good airplanes.
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
Me too, but she gets to go first. [just to be sure it's safe :biggrin:]

Details to be provided as soon as we know how it checks out.

..and now I'm supposed to sleep?
Physics news on
  • #2
Ivan Seeking said:
Me too, but she gets to go first. [just to be sure it's safe :biggrin:]

Details to be provided as soon as we know how it checks out.

..and now I'm supposed to sleep?

WHAT, if this is true Seeking i am just so jealous.
  • #3
It is true. And I know, what an incredible opportunity!

I just hope the guy is someone with whom one would wish fly in a MIG. but as I sit here and think about it, he has a MIG and he's alive. That says quite a bit right there.

Maybe Tsu can fulfill two dreams at once and parachute from the MIG. :biggrin:
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  • #4
Word of caution.

I heard that there is a place in georgia where you can pay to fly in a T-34mentor and do simulated combat in the air. Well, one of the T-34's had a wing failure because they were putting the airplanes under high loads continuously.

Although, MIGs are very good airplanes. Plus you have ejection seats :wink:. What kinda mig, 17?

Very cool :cool:

Edit: Here's the article
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  • #5
Ivan Seeking said:
It is true. And I know, what an incredible opportunity!

I just hope the guy is someone with whom one would wish fly in a MIG.

Well i would kill to have a go in a jet, i hope you and Tsu enjoy every second
as i am sure you will, just make it clear to the pilot that you want the full monty:!)
  • #6
Do not listen to Cyrus, he is just a kill joy:biggrin:
  • #7
Actually, I did Air Combat in a Marcuzzi light attack aircraft. Tsu gave it to me as a surprise Christmas present. If you are a thrill seeker, do Air Combat no matter what it takes. I didn't stop smiling for weeks - literally! It was so intense that I was physically incapable of driving home afterwards.

I don't know which mig he owns yet.
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  • #8
No actually, I'm just saying. Don't go up in the air if the guy is some rich yahoo who likes to pull 12G stunts for fun on a regular basis. Old airplanes don't like to be mistreated.

One time I went up with a guy in a cessna (probably from the 70's) and we were doing some hard turns on it. In hindsight, that was a stupid thing to do.
  • #9
wolram said:
Well i would kill to have a go in a jet, i hope you and Tsu enjoy every second
as i am sure you will, just make it clear to the pilot that you want the full monty:!)

You bet! You don't want to walk away from this one without losing your lunch; at least twice!
  • #10
Ivan Seeking said:
You bet! You don't want to walk away from this one without losing your lunch; at least twice![/QUOTE
Ivan as you are just so lucky will you please take pictures for us lesser mortals to drool over.
  • #11
There is something fun about pulling your lips out of your ears when you done! Hope she enjoys the flight!
  • #12
Ooohhhh... you have got to post videos!
  • #13
Man.. You are going to BARF everywhere :)

Tell him to pull some G's and do some loopdaloops.. better yet give me the Pilots phn number and Ill give him/her a call and let him/her know how much u like puking :)
  • #14
Get on the mic and say, "were too close for missles, I am switching to guns!"

Then proceed to fire at pengwuinos house. I'll give you the lat and long so you can punch it into the INS computer. :devil:
  • #15
I'd be interested in what MiG you'll be in.

I did an ACM day in AT-6's. It was fun.
  • #16
I'm so EXCITED!11111111111

:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
  • #17
I am turning green over here...:approve:
  • #18
I am told that it's a Mig 15
  • #19

She's from the korean war. Treat her with care!
  • #20
Allegedly this guy can go supersonic but that doesn't agree with the listed speed of 650 mph. Were any of the 15s supersonic? I am wondering if this is the right plane. The person who said that it's a 15 has never actually gone up, so maybe he's wrong about the model.
  • #21
Supersonic :smile: no way. That thing would go subsonic at ~550mph and would be pushing it on such an old airplane.

If that's the airplane, then make sure you get a demonstration of this

wiki said:
Rate of climb: 50 m/s (9,840 ft/min)

That is like going to shoot you up 10k feet in a little over 1 min, that's amazing :biggrin:
  • #22
The one guy who went up said that it is supersonic, so maybe its not a 15. The person who said that it's a 15 has never gone up. Of course I forgot the ask the person who would know.
  • #23
If your really lucky its a 29


Man, what a sweet machine.
  • #24
wow look at this:

Sadam buried some airplanes in the sand so we wouldn't find them!

Get your shovel, we have a mission. Finder keepers, right?
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  • #25
cyrusabdollahi said:
wow look at this:

Sadam buried some airplanes in the sand so we wouldn't find them!

Get your shovel, we have a mission. Finder keepers, right?

Im comming i have my sun hat and bucket and shovel.
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  • #26
cyrusabdollahi said:
If your really lucky its a 29


Man, what a sweet machine.

Oh, PLEASE God, let it be a 29!11 :biggrin:
  • #27
It might be a mig-21

I am tending to go with it being either a 15,17 or 21. (21 pictured above)

A 29 is too modern and too expensive.
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  • #28
cyrusabdollahi said:
It might be a mig-21

I am tending to go with it being either a 15,17 or 21. (21 pictured above)

A 29 is too modern and too expensive.

They do let civies fly them in Russia, but it costs mega bucks, the 29 that is.
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  • #29
Oh hell... as long as we're speculating, let's hold out for a Foxbat. :-p
  • #30
You read my mind danger,

Standard flight on MiG-25:

powerful climbing to up-to 80,000 feet
Breaking the sound barrier and flight at speed of Mach 2.5-3
powerful diving
turns both by flight instructor as well as the customer
Your flight instructor will be a test-pilot of the Airforce of Russian Federation

Zhukovsky Airbase is the only place in the whole World where you can fly MiG-25 for hire. There is no other jet available for anybody to fly like MiG-25 that can climb to 80,000 feet in two minutes and stay there. It has reached highest absolute altitude of 123,524 feet (37.65 km) claiming the World record that still stands.
All I can say is

Flight time, 30 min, cost $19,500.00.


This is the same type airplane they dug out of the sand in iraq posted earlier.
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  • #31
I readily say that the MiG 25 is within the top 5 planes ever built. One advantage that it would have had, if the cold war had heated up, was that it's onboard electronics were based upon vacuum tubes... immune to EMP's from a nuke.
Still, it was a joke compared to the Arrow, which beat the **** out of the records that you cited.
  • #32
The avro arrow was no where near close danger.
  • #33
You're basing that upon the figures that Deifenbaker demanded be released, not the actual performance figures. If you don't believe me, ask Fred.
  • #34
Get fred in here, if it does as you say, I would like to hear more!
  • #35
I just PM'd him on that. Given the disparate time zones involved in this forum, I don't know when he'll weigh in. And even if he disagrees with me, I'll take his opinion as truth. He has the background from a couple of different directions to know what's what.

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