Laplaces Equation with Fourier Series

In summary, the conversation is about finding the Fourier series for a square wave and using it to solve a problem involving Laplace's equation. The speaker is struggling with understanding Fourier series and is asking for strategies and guidance. They eventually figure out how to make the function satisfy the boundary conditions.
  • #1
Ok, I'm going to bed. But I have to ask ANOTHER question about my homework... so I can get up early and work on it.

Q: Around the unit circle suppose [itex] u [/itex] is a square wave:

[tex] u_0 = \left\{\begin{array}{c} +1 \,\,\,\, on\,the\,upper\,semicircle \,\,\,\, 0<\theta < \pi \\ -1 \,\,\,\, on\,the\,lower\,semicircle \,\,\,\, -\pi < \theta < 0 \end{array} [/tex]

From the Fourier series for the square wave write down the Fourer series for u (the solution (21) to Laplace's equation). What is the value of [itex] u [/itex] at the orgin?

I'm seriously having trouble with Fourier series. Not clicking yet. So ANY help on this problem would be awesome. Stratagies on how to go about solving something like this. Insight of any sort. Anything !I think this is what I have to do... but I'm not sure :(

What I have so far:
[tex] \hat u(\theta) = \frac{4}{\pi} \left(\frac{\sin \theta}{1}+\frac{\sin 3\theta}{3}+\frac{\sin 5\theta}{5}+\ldots \left) [/tex]

So this is the Fourier series for the boundary condition.
I now need a function [itex] u(r,\theta) [/itex] that satisfies Laplaces equation and the boundary condition.

The Fourier series function [itex] \hat u(r,\theta) [/itex] of the form:
[tex] u = a_0 + a_1 r \cos \theta + b_1 r \sin \theta +a_2 r^2 \cos 2\theta + b_2 r^2 \sin 2\theta [/itex] satisfies Laplaces equation.

So now I have to find a way to make [itex] \hat u [/itex] satisfy the boundary condition such that:
[tex] \hat u = 1 [/tex] when [tex] 0 < \theta \pi [/tex]
[tex] \hat u = -1 [/tex] when [tex] -pi < \theta < 0 [/tex]

I'm not really sure if my thought process is even right. So a little guidance to get on track would be awesome. Have a good night everyone.
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  • #2
I figured this out. Sorry, if you read all that.

FAQ: Laplaces Equation with Fourier Series

1. What is Laplace's Equation with Fourier Series?

Laplace's Equation with Fourier Series is a mathematical concept that combines the principles of Laplace's equation and Fourier series. It is used to solve certain types of partial differential equations and is an important tool in many fields of science and engineering.

2. What is the difference between Laplace's Equation and Fourier Series?

Laplace's Equation is a second-order partial differential equation that describes the variation of a scalar field over a given region. It is a linear equation and does not involve any time-dependent variables. Fourier Series, on the other hand, is a method of representing periodic functions as infinite sums of trigonometric functions. It is used to find solutions to certain types of differential equations, including Laplace's Equation.

3. How is Laplace's Equation with Fourier Series used in science?

Laplace's Equation with Fourier Series has many applications in science and engineering. It is used to model physical systems such as heat conduction, fluid flow, and electrostatics. It also has applications in image processing, signal analysis, and quantum mechanics.

4. What are some important properties of Laplace's Equation with Fourier Series?

Some important properties of Laplace's Equation with Fourier Series include linearity, superposition, and the principle of superposition. Linearity means that the equation is additive, so the sum of two solutions is also a solution. Superposition means that the solution can be expressed as a linear combination of simpler solutions. The principle of superposition states that the overall solution to a problem is the sum of the individual solutions for each part of the problem.

5. Are there any limitations to using Laplace's Equation with Fourier Series?

While Laplace's Equation with Fourier Series is a powerful tool for solving certain types of problems, it does have its limitations. It can only be used for problems with certain boundary conditions, such as those that are bounded and have a finite number of discontinuities. It also assumes that the system is in a steady state, so it cannot be used for problems involving time-dependent variables.

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