Doppler Effect of Light Waves at Half Speed?

In summary: The logarithm in the electromagnetic specter is the logarithm of the frequency of the waves emitted from a source moving relative to an observer.
  • #1
Science Advisor
I cannot search the forum to check if this has been posted before, because I do not know what it is called in english...

That means that i have to try to explain what i means, here it goes: When a light producer, like a star is moving, it sends out waves that is either compressed or expanded. You know what i mean?

Anyway, if the star was moving half the speed of light, will the waves be compressed to a half? Example: If the sun sends out waves at a wavelength of 800 nm, and moves TOWARDS us in the speed of light\2 (a half), would the wavelenght be 400 nm?

And let's say that the star stands still, but the Earth is moving half the light speed, would we observe the waves as half?
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  • #2
One such search for the Doppler Effect [For light].
  • #3
And if the source (or the observer) is moving as fast as half the speed of light, you should use the relativistic Doppler effect equation, not the non-relativistic one that people usually learn first.
  • #4
What is the difference between the relativistic doppler effect and the non-relativistic doppler effect? and what's the equation? (I usually don't udnerstand all the units so the hard ones can yuo please define? would be great)

Trying to put my teacher in his place although physics isn't his main subject.
  • #5
Jarle said:
What is the difference between the relativistic doppler effect and the non-relativistic doppler effect? and what's the equation? (I usually don't udnerstand all the units so the hard ones can yuo please define? would be great)
The equations for both Doppler effects are compared here:"

Trying to put my teacher in his place although physics isn't his main subject.
Perhaps this isn't the best use of your time. :rolleyes:
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  • #6
Perhaps this isn't the best use of your time. :rolleyes:

Yeah it is! Not only to put him in place, but to understand it myself!

Thanks by the way
  • #7
Ok i used the formula of Relativistic Doppler Shift, with the velocity between the observer and source to be 100 000 000 m\s. It came with this answer:


What does this answer mean?

Maybe I have done something wrong. The V divided by c in each bracket is supposed to be the same as Vsource right? If not, what should it be?
  • #8
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  • #9
And what excactly does the frequenzy of the source means? The frequenze of the emitted light waves?

All right, thanks, I could use the calculator, but i have 1 question. for the equation, is the frequenzy supposed to be like this for example: 3*10^14?
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  • #10
Yes, the source frequency is the frequency at which the light is emitted from a source moving relative to an observer.
  • #11
What is the logarithm in the electromagnetic specter? Do any of you have an equation for the graph?
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  • #12
Jarle said:
I keep getting redshifts even though I use positive velocities :(
Not sure what you are doing. What makes you think you are getting redshifts?
  • #13
Jarle said:
What is the logarithm in the electromagnetic specter? Do any of you have an equation for the graph?
:bugeye: Now I'm confused... perhaps if you could explain your question further, or post your working on the problem you are attempting.
  • #14
Uhm, sorry about the redshift comment, a little silly mistake by me, I edited my post. The reason I thought I was getting redshifts, was because the frequency of the wavelengths i got was lower when the source was moving TOWARDS the observer. My mistake was that turned the bracket inside the equation... Not so experienced with physics equations yet, trying to learn a bit.

Ok, about the logarithm question. Logarithmic graph IS when the line doesn't go straight, but in an accelerating rate for example upwards, right?

Like y=2^x is a graph where the number 2 doubles for each point on the X line. Like this:

X: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Y: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64

I'm not sure the definition, but in that graph the acceleration doubles on each point.

So, I was wondering what the logarithm was in the electromagnetic specter. Since it kind of looks like the PH meter.
The electrodynamic specter have 3*10^14 at one point, 3*10^15 at another, and 3*10^16 at another. And the length between the points are equal, but the number are not at all! So I wondered what graph you could use to show thsi logarithm, because it's not very lucid<-(is that the word? at least, not a very good overview to see the difference between the low and the high wavelentgths\frequencies)
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FAQ: Doppler Effect of Light Waves at Half Speed?

1. What is the Doppler Effect of Light Waves at Half Speed?

The Doppler Effect of Light Waves at Half Speed is a phenomenon where the frequency and wavelength of light waves appear to change when the source of the light is moving at half the speed of light. This is similar to the Doppler Effect of sound waves, but it applies to light waves instead.

2. How does the Doppler Effect of Light Waves at Half Speed occur?

The Doppler Effect of Light Waves at Half Speed occurs because the motion of the source of the light causes a change in the distance between the source and the observer. This change in distance affects the perceived frequency and wavelength of the light waves, resulting in a shift in their appearance.

3. What factors affect the Doppler Effect of Light Waves at Half Speed?

The main factor that affects the Doppler Effect of Light Waves at Half Speed is the speed of the light source. The greater the speed of the source, the more noticeable the effect will be. Other factors include the distance between the source and the observer, and the angle at which the light is observed.

4. What are some real-life applications of the Doppler Effect of Light Waves at Half Speed?

The Doppler Effect of Light Waves at Half Speed has many practical applications in fields such as astronomy and physics. It is used to measure the speed and distance of objects in space, such as stars and galaxies. It is also used in medical imaging techniques, such as Doppler ultrasound, to study blood flow and detect abnormalities.

5. Can the Doppler Effect of Light Waves at Half Speed be observed in everyday life?

Yes, the Doppler Effect of Light Waves at Half Speed can be observed in everyday life. An example is when an ambulance or a police car with its siren on passes by. The sound of the siren appears to change as it approaches and then moves away from the observer, similar to how the color of a light source appears to change when it is moving at half the speed of light.

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