Looking for oscillator learning material

In summary, an oscillator is a device used to generate a periodic waveform and is essential in various electronic applications. It works by converting DC to AC through a feedback loop and there are different types such as RC, LC, and crystal oscillators. Learning materials for oscillators can be found online, in textbooks, and through educational resources from manufacturers and universities as well as online communities and forums.
  • #1
Hi, I am looking for some plain english teaching of oscillators! I am particularly interested in the use of posotive feedback as I have just studied op-amp's and negative feedback and now want to understand oscillators.

I have plenty of information from an old book but to be honest it is written in gobbledygook!
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
Some theory

i think this will help you


  • theory of oscillator design.pdf
    1.8 MB · Views: 377
  • #3

Hello! Oscillators are devices that generate a repeating waveform, such as a sine wave or square wave. They are used in a variety of electronic applications, including signal generation and frequency control. Positive feedback is a key component in many oscillator circuits, as it helps to sustain the oscillation by amplifying and feeding back a portion of the output signal to the input.

To better understand oscillators and positive feedback, I recommend starting with some basic concepts such as frequency, amplitude, and phase. From there, you can explore how positive feedback works in different types of oscillators, such as the Wien bridge oscillator or the LC tank circuit oscillator.

There are many online resources and tutorials available that explain oscillators and positive feedback in plain English. You can also find some helpful videos on YouTube that visually demonstrate these concepts. I suggest starting with a basic overview and then delving into specific circuits and their functions.

Remember, practice makes perfect, so don't be afraid to experiment and build your own oscillator circuits. This hands-on experience can greatly enhance your understanding and help you apply these concepts in real-life situations. Good luck with your learning journey!

FAQ: Looking for oscillator learning material

1. What is an oscillator?

An oscillator is a device or system that produces a periodic, repeating waveform, such as a sine wave or square wave. It is commonly used in electronic circuits to generate and maintain a specific frequency of oscillation.

2. Why would I need to learn about oscillators?

Oscillators are used in a variety of applications, including telecommunications, audio signals, and electronic clocks. They are also a fundamental component in many electronic devices, making it essential for scientists to understand their principles and operation.

3. How do oscillators work?

Oscillators work by converting direct current (DC) into alternating current (AC). This is done through the use of a feedback loop, where a portion of the output signal is fed back into the input to create a continuous oscillating cycle. The type of feedback circuit used determines the type of waveform produced.

4. What are some common types of oscillators?

Some common types of oscillators include the RC oscillator, LC oscillator, and crystal oscillator. The RC oscillator uses a resistor and capacitor for feedback, while the LC oscillator uses an inductor and capacitor. The crystal oscillator uses a quartz crystal to generate a precise frequency.

5. Where can I find learning material about oscillators?

There are many online resources available for learning about oscillators, including textbooks, articles, and video tutorials. You can also find educational materials from electronic component manufacturers and universities. Additionally, joining online communities and forums can provide access to valuable insights and discussions about oscillators.
