My Idea: Spinning Magnet-Powered Wheel

In summary, the conversation is about a video of a wheel that is powered by magnets and spins continuously. However, the participants warn that this concept is not feasible in real life and is considered a type of unworkable device. They also mention that even if it were to work theoretically, it would eventually stop due to factors such as friction. The overall consensus is that while it may be a cool idea for a desktop gadget, it is not a practical design for real life use.
  • #1
Here is a little animation of an idea I have, It's a wheel that spins continuously and is powered by magnets.

Here's the link :"

The description of the video will explain my idea.

Please tell if this would work in real life.
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  • #2
Thread lock imminent.
  • #3
The animation doesn't show anything about how it is supposed to work, but be advised that magnetic perpetual motion machines occupy an entire class of unworkable devices:

Rest assured, if you choose to pursue designing such devices, you will waste your entire life on the pursuit and never have anything to show for it.

If you like, we can help you understand why such things do not work, but please be advised that we don't support crackpottery here and will not help you attempt to design one and will only allow the discussion to continue if you are honestly trying to learn about why this isn't a good idea. We will not aid in the design of perpetual motion machines.
  • #4
Haven't really thought it over, but intuitively I'd say that it would wiggle a bit between two magnets, and then stop.

But even if it works theoretically, you'd have to do with friction and the like, so I doubt it would run for long.

It looks cool for a desktop gadget though (you know, those rings that keep turning, or the bird that keeps sipping fluid).

FAQ: My Idea: Spinning Magnet-Powered Wheel

What is a spinning magnet-powered wheel?

A spinning magnet-powered wheel is a device that uses the repulsive and attractive forces of magnets to create rotational motion. The wheel typically has a series of magnets placed around its circumference, and when these magnets interact with an external magnetic field, they cause the wheel to spin.

How does a spinning magnet-powered wheel work?

A spinning magnet-powered wheel works by utilizing the principles of magnetism and rotational motion. When the wheel's magnets are exposed to an external magnetic field, the forces between the magnets cause the wheel to rotate. This rotation can then be harnessed to power other devices or machines.

What are the potential applications of a spinning magnet-powered wheel?

A spinning magnet-powered wheel has many potential applications, including generating electricity, powering small devices, and creating rotational motion in machinery. It can also be used in renewable energy systems, such as wind turbines, to convert kinetic energy into electrical energy.

Are there any limitations or challenges to using a spinning magnet-powered wheel?

One limitation of a spinning magnet-powered wheel is that it can only produce rotational motion when exposed to an external magnetic field. This means that it may not be suitable for all applications, and the strength of the magnetic field also affects its performance. Additionally, the design and construction of the wheel must be precise to ensure optimal functioning.

How does a spinning magnet-powered wheel differ from other renewable energy sources?

A spinning magnet-powered wheel differs from other renewable energy sources in that it does not rely on a constant source of energy, such as sunlight or wind, to function. It can also be more compact and versatile, making it suitable for a wider range of applications. However, it may not be as efficient as other renewable energy sources and may require more maintenance and upkeep.
