Motion of a point is equal to dynamic harmonic oscilation

In summary, the given equation describes dynamic harmonic oscillation and the period (T) can be found by equating the two equations and solving for ω, giving T = 2π/ω.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Point with mass is moving along the positive direction of x axis, its velocity is described by (A-Bx^2)^(1/2). Show that its equation of motion describes dynamic harmonic oscillation and find period (T) of this oscillation.

Homework Equations

A and B is known constants

The Attempt at a Solution

Hi, guys!
My first instinct is to try to get something from F=m*a=-k*x.
Further more m*(dv/dt)=-k*x, but immediately i see that its wrong because v=v(x) not v(t).

So ,please, could someone give me some advice.
Thank you!
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  • #2
Hint short:

If energy is conserved for a SHO along the lines of
$$ stuff1 \times v^2 + stuff2 \times x^2 = constant$$

Hint, long:

$$ F = m {dv \over dt} = m {dv \over dx} {dx \over dt} = m v {dv \over dx} = -kx$$

Integrate dx both sides, what do you get?
  • #3
Thank you for your hints, I had forgotten connections between derivatives.

If I take the equation mv (dv/dx)=-kx
I obtain m*v*dv=-k*x*dx
By integrating m *(v^2)/2+C1=-k*(x^2)/2+C2
I suppose I could now substitute v with given equation but if I do so, the equation becomes very messy and I do not think that it could be reduced to something useful.

What do you suggest?
  • #4
Does your equation with the squares look like a conservation equation to you? :D (protip, you could haved used conservation of energy, but instead you derived it like a beast!)

Anyways, if you solve for v from x from that equation, what do you get? What is the equivalent of
$$\omega = \sqrt{k \over m}$$ when you try to match your equation to the given equation $$v = (A-Bx^2)^{1 \over 2}$$
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  • #5
prehisto said:
Show that its equation of motion describes dynamic harmonic oscillation and find period (T) of this oscillation.
There is a simpler alternative to showing it satisfies the usual SHM ODE: show it satisfies the solution to an SHM ODE.
  • #6
paralleltransport said:
Does your equation with the squares look like a conservation equation to you? :D (protip, you could haved used conservation of energy, but instead you derived it like a beast!)

Anyways, if you solve for v from x from that equation, what do you get? What is the equivalent of
$$\omega = \sqrt{k \over m}$$ when you try to match your equation to the given equation $$v = (A-Bx^2)^{1 \over 2}$$

If I solve for v, I obtain [itex]v = ({\frac{\ 2(C1-C2)}{m}} - {\frac{\ k x^2}{m}})^{(1/2)} [/itex]
which looks similar to given equation and if I assume that
[itex]A≡{\frac{\ 2(C1-C2)}{m}} [/itex]
it can be rewritten
[itex]v = (A - ω^2x^2)^{(1/2)} [/itex]
which means that
[itex] B≡ ω^2 [/itex]

FAQ: Motion of a point is equal to dynamic harmonic oscilation

1. What is dynamic harmonic oscillation?

Dynamic harmonic oscillation is a type of motion where a point or object moves back and forth between two points in a repetitive manner, with a constant frequency and amplitude. It is characterized by a restoring force that pulls the object back to its equilibrium position.

2. How is dynamic harmonic oscillation different from other types of motion?

Dynamic harmonic oscillation is different from other types of motion because it is a periodic motion, meaning it repeats itself at regular intervals. It is also characterized by a linear relationship between displacement and acceleration, as described by Hooke's Law.

3. What factors affect the motion of a point in dynamic harmonic oscillation?

The motion of a point in dynamic harmonic oscillation is affected by several factors, including the frequency of oscillation, the amplitude of oscillation, the mass of the object, and the strength of the restoring force. Other factors such as air resistance and friction can also affect the motion.

4. What is the equation for the motion of a point in dynamic harmonic oscillation?

The equation for the motion of a point in dynamic harmonic oscillation is x(t) = A cos(ωt + φ), where x is the displacement of the object, A is the amplitude, ω is the angular frequency, and φ is the phase angle. It can also be written in terms of the object's mass, spring constant, and time as x(t) = A cos(√(k/m)t + φ).

5. What are some real-world examples of dynamic harmonic oscillation?

Some common examples of dynamic harmonic oscillation include the motion of a pendulum, a mass-spring system, and a vibrating guitar string. Other examples include the motion of a diving board, the swing of a child on a swing, and the motion of a tuning fork.
