Variable Speed Motor: Questions About Base Speed & Power for Stan

In summary, Stan is asking for advice on selecting a variable speed motor and how to control its speed electronically. He is considering using an AC control such as an inverter and is asking for advice on how to go about choosing the motor and controller. He is directed to research literature and is given a recommendation for the Cowern Papers, which cover basic information on motor-drive combinations.
  • #1

i need a variable speed motor. I came across a catalog which has a motor with a base speed of 1800rpm and power of 1hp and it is of a variable torque type.

What does base speed means here? Does it means it allows speed from 0 to 1800rpm? and does its power of 1hp is constant for various rpm and torque?

So for example if the output is at 300rpm, could i safely assume that the torque is = 1hp/300rpm? likewise for say 500rpm, its torque is 1hp/500rpm?

thanks for advice

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  • #2
Okay, as a good standard metric, the power output of a motor is proportional to the cube of the rpm. So your engine, as described, delivers 1 hp AT 1800 rpm. Using the cube metric, the engine should deliver about 0.005 hp at 300 rpm and 0.02 hp at 500 rpm.

You are correct in that the power divided by the rpm is the torque. So the engine should deliver (using the above values) 18 ft*lb at 1800 rpm, 0.5 ft*lb at 300 rpm, and 1.4 ft*lb at 500 rpm.

Hope that helps.

  • #3
inverter motor


i have a variable speed motor and i would like to control its speed electronically, does an ac control such as an inverter works?

any idea how should i go about doing it? do i select my motor first then the controller comes later?
wat specifications about the controller should i take note of?


  • #4
You're obviously starting on the ground floor when it comes to electric motors and drives. There are usually two applications of a motor: cconstant power and constant torque. Of course there are hybrids between the two, but usually you can limit your focus on these points.

The major thing you need to do is determine what kind of performance you need from your motor. Size power range, speed range etc...I would highly recommend that you start searching for literature on the topic. There are a lot of factors to look at when selecting a motor-drive combination. The motor is usually the easier part to select IMO. The drive is where you can really detail how you want the motor to operate. A good first step will be with a set of papers, called the Cowern Papers. They are written by Ed Cowern who works for Baldor. They cover a lot of the basics and will get you on your way.

FAQ: Variable Speed Motor: Questions About Base Speed & Power for Stan

1. What is the base speed of a variable speed motor?

The base speed of a variable speed motor refers to the minimum speed at which the motor can operate. This speed is typically set by the manufacturer and can vary depending on the specific motor model.

2. Can the base speed of a variable speed motor be adjusted?

In most cases, the base speed of a variable speed motor cannot be adjusted by the user. It is set by the manufacturer and is dependent on factors such as the motor's design and intended use.

3. How does the base speed affect the motor's power?

The base speed of a variable speed motor does not directly affect its power output. However, a motor's power can be affected by the speed at which it is operating. Generally, a motor will have a higher power output at higher speeds.

4. What is the relationship between base speed and efficiency in a variable speed motor?

The base speed of a variable speed motor does not necessarily determine its efficiency. However, operating a motor at a lower speed can often result in higher efficiency, as it requires less energy to maintain a lower speed.

5. How can I determine the optimal base speed for a variable speed motor?

The optimal base speed for a variable speed motor will depend on its intended use and the specific requirements of the application. It is recommended to consult with a knowledgeable expert or refer to the manufacturer's specifications for guidance on selecting the appropriate base speed for a motor.

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