Multivariable Calculus: Limits

In summary: R^n (p(x,y) = max(x,y) for example)...metric p in R^n (p(x,y) = ||x-y|| for example)...metric p in R^n (p(x,y) = ||x-y||^2 for example)...metric p in R^n (p(x,y) = (x-y)^2 for example)...metric p in R^n (p(x,y) = 1 if x = y, 0 otherwise for example)...metric p in R^n (p(x,y) = 0 if x = y, 1 otherwise for example)...metric p in R^n (p(x,y) = d(x,y)^2 for example)
  • #1
1) lim [x(y^2)] / (x^2 + y^2)
Find the value of the given limit, if it exists.

Using polar coordinates, set x = r cos(theta), y = r sin(theta)
Then, the given limit = lim [r cos(theta) r^2 sin^2(theta)] / r^2
= lim r [cos(theta) sin^(theta)]
= 0 since cos(theta) sin^(theta)<=1, i.e. bounded

If I found that the limit is equal to 0 this way, can I conclude immediately that the original limit is 0 too?

What I believe is that for the part using polar coordinates r->0, it seems that it's appraoching the origin through straight lines paths ONLY, however my textbook says that "for the limit to exist, we must get the same result no matter which of the infinite number of paths is chosen"

Thanks for answering!
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  • #2
If I found that the limit is equal to 0 this way, can I conclude immediately that the original limit is 0 too?

yes you cani believe when you switch to polarand after simplification

plug in your r

if your equation is not a function of theta, then that is the limitif your equation is still a function of theta, then the limit DNE
and you can also use lhopitals rule once you switch to polar
if the conditions are met
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  • #3
kingwinner said:
What I believe is that for the part using polar coordinates r->0, it seems that it's appraoching the origin through straight lines paths ONLY, however my textbook says that "for the limit to exist, we must get the same result no matter which of the infinite number of paths is chosen"

Thanks for answering!
No, you are not approaching "through straight lines only" because you are not assuming that [itex]\theta[/itex] is a constant. You need to show that the limit goes to 0 as r goes to 0, no matter what [itex]\theta[/itex] is. The real point is that, in polar coordinates, r measures exactly the distance to the origin, irrespective of [itex]\theta[/itex]- and that is what must be made "less than [itex]\delta[/itex]".
  • #4
"You need to show that the limit goes to 0 as r goes to 0, no matter what theta is" <---but this covers only the paths of all the straight lines through the origin, how about in the paths of parabolas and cube root function through the origin, etc?
  • #5
Because theta can be a function of r...
  • #6
genneth said:
Because theta can be a function of r...

But how does this help? Sorry, I am not getting it...
  • #7
It's a straight line iff theta is a constant. But the proof allows theta to vary arbitrarily, therefore, you're allowed curves.
  • #8
How can it be a curve if theta can vary?
  • #9
Consider the equation [tex]\theta = r[/tex]. Plot it. Is it not a curve?
  • #10
kingwinner said:
How can it be a curve if theta can vary?
It seems you are unsure of what theta really is.

So I have to ask:

What, precisely, does the variable theta measure?
  • #11
arildno said:
It seems you are unsure of what theta really is.

So I have to ask:

What, precisely, does the variable theta measure?

theta is a counterclockwise measure of "angle" from the positive x-axis, this is what makes me think of r->0 as (x,y) approaching (0,0) through straight lines only
  • #12
Did you try and plot the function \theta = r as I suggested? It is a straight line?
  • #13
genneth said:
Did you try and plot the function \theta = r as I suggested? It is a straight line?

Do you mean [r cos(r) r^2 sin^2(r)] / r^2 ?

By the way, we are taking the limit r->0, shouldn't theta be fixed?
  • #14
kingwinner said:
theta is a counterclockwise measure of "angle" from the positive x-axis, this is what makes me think of r->0 as (x,y) approaching (0,0) through straight lines only
Any particular POINT can be uniquely specified by its distance from the origin, and the angle the line segment between the origin and the point makes with the positive x-axis.

By no means does this entail that all the points a particular curve consists of make the same angle to the positive x-axis with their respective line segments.
  • #15
kingwinner said:
By the way, we are taking the limit r->0, shouldn't theta be fixed?

No! That's the point! We DON'T have to fix theta!
  • #16
You can approach the origin by way of a straight line, but also by spiralling yourself inwards. And in many other ways as well.
Only if you approach the originalong a straight line will theta be constant.
  • #17
If theta is allowed to vary, will r->0 using polar coordinates cover ALL paths for which (x,y)->(0,0) ?
  • #18
  • #19
"Paths", in polar coordinates, depend only on r and [itex]\theta[/itex]. If r ranges from, say, 1 to 0, while [itex]\theta[/itex] is allowed to have any value, then, yes, it covers all paths. More to the point is that in polar coordinates, r alone measures the distance from the origin which is what you want: ||(x,y)- (0,0)||= r< [itex]\delta[/itex].
As long as the limit, as r goes to 0, is a number, that is, independent of [itex]\theta[/itex] that number will be the limit.
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  • #20
I think part of the confusion might be this: a path near the origin, if it goes through it, can be well approximated by a straight line. Unfortunately, whilst that's intuitively true, analysis can always come back to bite us:

[tex]\theta = \pi sin(1/r)[/tex]
  • #21
1) Using polar coordinates, how can it cover the paths of say, parabolas, in approaching (0,0) ? (if theta can vary)

Say, if I am trying to eavluate a limit by changing it to polar coordinates, and I get a finite limit L using the polar coordinates, can I ALWAYS immediately conclude that the original limit is L in any case like this?
  • #22
Let's just get things clear. The definition of limits require a metric space. In R^n, there's the obvious euclidean metric. That means when you evaluate it, you convert to a "polar" representation (or more accurately, hyperspherical). However, that's not the only one possible -- you've got the infinite family of L^n norms, and that's just in R^n.

So, in R^2, in the case that you're using the euclidean norm (as you are), the definition of limit requires that you convert to polar coordinates.

The question of finding the polar representation of y=x^2 is left as an exercise.
  • #23
kingwinner said:
1) Using polar coordinates, how can it cover the paths of say, parabolas, in approaching (0,0) ? (if theta can vary)
If, say, the parabola is y= ax2, replacing y by [itex]r sin(\theta)[/itex] and x by [itex]r sin(\theta)[/itex], then the parabola becomes [itex]r sin(\theta)= r^2 cos^2(\theta)[/itex] or [itex]r= tan(\theta)sec(\theta)[/itex]. Now, with that relationship between r and [itex]\theta[/itex], as r goes to infinity, the point (x,y) will go to (0,0) along that curve. But, of course, the whole point is to allow r itself to go to 0, without regard for what [itex]\theta[/itex] is.

Say, if I am trying to eavluate a limit by changing it to polar coordinates, and I get a finite limit L using the polar coordinates, can I ALWAYS immediately conclude that the original limit is L in any case like this?
Yes, IF that finite limit is as r goes to 0 and does NOT depend on [itex]\theta[/itex].

For example, if f is any function, [itex]r f(\theta)+ 5[/itex], as r goes to 0, goes to 5 whatever [itex]\theta[/itex] is- if you had a function that reduced to that in polar coordinates, its limit at (0,0) would be "5". But [itex]r+ 5f(\theta)[/itex], as r goes to 0, goes to [itex]5f(\theta)[/itex] and so the value very close to (0,0) depends upon [itex]\theta[/itex] and so a function that reduced to that in polar coordinates would NOT have a limit at (0,0).

FAQ: Multivariable Calculus: Limits

1. What is the definition of a limit in multivariable calculus?

In multivariable calculus, a limit is the value that a function approaches as the input variable(s) get closer and closer to a specific point, often denoted as x0 or (a,b). It represents the behavior of the function at that point.

2. How do you evaluate limits in multivariable calculus?

Evaluating limits in multivariable calculus involves approaching the point of interest from multiple directions, such as along the x-axis and y-axis, and determining if the function approaches the same value from all directions. If the function approaches the same value from all directions, then that value is considered the limit. If the function approaches different values, the limit does not exist.

3. What are the properties of limits in multivariable calculus?

The properties of limits in multivariable calculus include the sum, difference, product, and quotient rules, as well as the power rule and composition rule. These properties allow for the evaluation of more complex limits by breaking them down into simpler parts.

4. How do limits in multivariable calculus differ from single variable limits?

Limits in multivariable calculus involve approaching a point in multiple dimensions, whereas single variable limits only involve approaching a point on a single axis. Additionally, in multivariable calculus, the function must approach the same value from all directions for the limit to exist, whereas in single variable calculus, the left and right-hand limits must be equal for the limit to exist.

5. Why are limits important in multivariable calculus?

Limits are important in multivariable calculus because they allow us to understand the behavior of a function at a specific point, as well as the overall behavior of the function in the surrounding area. They are also crucial in the development of the derivative and integral, two fundamental concepts in calculus.

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