Multivariable Limits, Squeeze Principle

In summary, the squeeze principle states that if three real-valued functions, f, g, and h, are defined on a neighborhood of a point a and f(x) is less than or equal to g(x) which is less than or equal to h(x) for all x, and the limit of f(x) and h(x) as x approaches a is equal to some value l, then the limit of g(x) as x approaches a is also equal to l. This can be proven using the epsilon-delta definition of the limit, which involves showing that for any epsilon greater than 0, there exists a delta greater than 0 such that when 0 is less than the distance between x and a, which is represented
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Homework Statement

(Squeeze Principle) Suppose f, g, and h are real-valued functions on a neighborhood of a (perhaps not including the point a itself). Suppose f(x) ≤ g(x) ≤ h(x) for all x and limx→a f(x) = l = limx→a h(x). Prove that limx→a g(x) = l. (Hint: Given ε > 0, show that there is δ > 0 so that whenever 0 < ||x - a|| < δ, we have -ε < f(x) - lg(x) - lh(x) - l < ε.)

2. The attempt at a solution

I don't understand the definition of a limit with ε and δ. The question confuses me, frankly, and I don't have any idea where I would begin. Could anyone help me understand this?
Physics news on
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There are two equivalent definitions of the limit, in terms of sequences and in terms of epsilon-delta. Both can be used to prove the squeeze principle.

What is your difficulty with the epsilon-delta definition?
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I guess I don't actually understand what epsilon and delta mean. Like, I'm struggling to understand how they define the limit.
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Do you understand how the limit is defined in the 1D case?
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Actually, I don't know that specific definition at all. My calculus teacher spent very little time doing limits. We learned the basic skill of taking a limit and L'Hopital's Rule, and then went straight into derivatives.

I know a limit is a way of looking at the continuity/discontinuity of a function, but that's about it.

FAQ: Multivariable Limits, Squeeze Principle

1. What is a multivariable limit?

A multivariable limit is a concept in calculus that describes the behavior of a function as it approaches a certain point in a two or more dimensional space. It is used to determine the value of a function at a point that is not defined, by examining the values of the function near that point.

2. How is the squeeze principle applied to multivariable limits?

The squeeze principle, also known as the sandwich theorem, is used to evaluate multivariable limits when the limit of a function cannot be easily determined. It involves finding two other functions whose limits at the given point are known and using them to "squeeze" the limit of the unknown function between them.

3. Why is the squeeze principle useful in evaluating multivariable limits?

The squeeze principle is useful because it provides a way to evaluate multivariable limits that are otherwise difficult or impossible to solve. It also helps to prove the existence of a limit at a certain point, even if the function is not defined at that point.

4. What are some common applications of multivariable limits?

Multivariable limits have various applications in physics, engineering, and economics. They are used to determine the maximum or minimum values of a function, to analyze the behavior of systems in multiple dimensions, and to optimize functions in real-world scenarios.

5. Can the squeeze principle be applied to multivariable limits with more than two variables?

Yes, the squeeze principle can be extended to multivariable limits with any number of variables. However, the concept becomes more complex and may require the use of advanced mathematical techniques such as partial derivatives and Taylor series.
