Newton's second law and ice skating

In summary, the conversation was about two ice skaters, Paul and Tom, pulling on opposite ends of a rope. Paul's acceleration was 1.25 times greater than Tom's, leading to a ratio of 1:1.25 between their masses. The answer provided appears to be correct.
  • #1
Hello no answer is given to this problem so could somebody please tell me if the answer is correct?

thanks so much!

Two ice skaters, Paul and Tom, are each holding on to opposite ends of the same rope. Each pulls the other toward him. The magnitude of Paul's acceleration is 1.25 times greater than the magnitude of Tom's acceleration. What is the ratio of Paul's mass to Tom's mass?

Answer: They both experience the same amount of force, F=ma. However Paul's acceleration is 1.25 greater than Tom's acceleration. Acceleration and mass are inversely related. Thus, Tom's mass must be 1.25 times greater than Paul's mass. Thus P:T is 1:1.25 or 0.8
Physics news on
  • #2
Yes that looks correct to me.

FAQ: Newton's second law and ice skating

1. How does Newton's second law apply to ice skating?

Newton's second law states that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass. This means that the force applied to an ice skater will determine their acceleration and their mass will affect how easily they are able to change their speed or direction.

2. Why is friction important in ice skating when considering Newton's second law?

Friction is an important factor in ice skating because it is the force that allows the skater to move forward. Without friction, the skater would not be able to push off the ice and propel themselves forward. Friction also plays a role in slowing down the skater's motion, as they drag their skates against the ice to come to a stop.

3. How does the weight of an ice skater affect their acceleration on the ice?

The weight of an ice skater, or their mass, directly affects their acceleration on the ice according to Newton's second law. The greater the mass of the skater, the more force is needed to accelerate them. This is why larger skaters may have a harder time performing certain moves that require quick changes in direction or speed.

4. Can Newton's second law be applied to both straight line and circular motion in ice skating?

Yes, Newton's second law can be applied to both straight line and circular motion in ice skating. In straight line motion, the net force acting on the skater determines their acceleration. In circular motion, the net force acting on the skater is directed towards the center of the circle, causing them to change direction rather than speed up or slow down.

5. How does Newton's second law explain the concept of inertia in ice skating?

Newton's second law explains the concept of inertia in ice skating by stating that an object at rest will remain at rest and an object in motion will continue in motion with the same speed and direction unless acted upon by an external force. This means that an ice skater will continue to move in a straight line at a constant speed unless they are acted upon by an unbalanced force, such as friction or a push from another skater.
