[noob] simple parity violation

In summary, the conversation discusses the violation of parity in a decay process in particle physics. The process involves two scalar particles with positive parity, but the resulting parity is negative due to the odd orbital angular momentum system. The conversation also mentions the conservation of angular momentum and the composition of two particles into a single system. It is concluded that while the rules of composition of angular momentum apply to spin, they do not apply to orbital momentum. The conversation ends with a request for a formalization of this concept in basic quantum mechanics.
  • #1
I'm studying parity violation in particle physics..

I have this decay:

1+ ---> 0+ + 0+

in J^P notation.

Why this process violate parity? All terms have positive parity.
The parity of the products is just (+1)*(+1)*(-1)^l,
so this means that the two scalar particles form an odd orbital angular momentum system?
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  • #2
There certainly must be orbital angular momentum. Or else you cannot conserve J.
  • #3
well, J shouldn't be conserved in any ways in this situation, right?
the composition of the 2 particles should give J_tot = 0 in any case
  • #5
The conservation of angular momentum should give J_inital=J_final. In this case J_in=1 so this lead to J_fin=1. The final particles are spin 0 particle so J=L=1. This also bring to:


which is in contrast with the initial parity.
  • #6
yes, but we have a composition of 2 J=0 states, so there shouldn't be any ways of conserving angular momentum, and this reaction shouldn't happen for this reason.
However, this book: http://books.google.it/books?id=HNcQ_EiuTxcC&lpg=PP1&hl=it&pg=PA88#v=onepage&q&f=false

says that the reaction has parity conservation problems, but in principle can happen if strong interaction would violate parity, which sounds wrong to me, because it would violate angular momentum, not parity...

EDIT: wait, I'm reading the last reply :P
EDIT2: Einj, you're right, but we have to assume that the final particles have S=0, in the book above it is written that J=0, so that J_f = 0
  • #7
Can you please tell me the page? However we are not "assuming" that final particle have 0 spin, we know it because the decay is a:

$$1^+ \rightarrow 0^+ + 0^+$$

I'm still convinced of what I wrote above. :-p
  • #8
Einj said:
Can you please tell me the page? However we are not "assuming" that final particle have 0 spin, we know it because the decay is a:

$$1^+ \rightarrow 0^+ + 0^+$$

I'm still convinced of what I wrote above. :-p

page 88, just below eq 3.7. It clearly says that J=0 for both final particles
  • #9
it says also that they are 2 scalar states, so S=0. Maybe it's just a notation error
  • #10
Yes, but it says that J=0 for the single particle. It just means, as you said that S=0. But this does not exclude that the two body system could have an orbital momentum. Probably you have been confused by the notation, as when you say that a particle is a J^P state, with J you obviously mean its spin as a single particle can't have an orbital momentum:-p
  • #11
I can't understand, sorry :)

we have 2 single particles, both with J=S=0. So L must be 0.
if we compose the 2 system, we must have all quantum number=0
So J_f = L_f = S_f = 0.

where is my error?
  • #12
Einj's last post said it perfectly.

When you quote the JP for a single particle, the assumption is that the particle is located at the origin. Orbital angular momentum L = r x p depends on where you put the particle.

When you combine two particles into a single system, you must also include their relative orbital angular momentum: J = S1 ⊗ S2 ⊗ L. So even if S1 = S2 = 0, the combined system can have nonzero L (and therefore nonzero J) if the two particles are "orbiting" each other.
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  • #13
ok, I didn't know this fact. So the rules of composition of angular momentum work exactly with the spin hilbert space, but not for the orbital momentum, where we can add a relative momentum?
Is there a formalization. maybe in some basic quantum mechanics book?

FAQ: [noob] simple parity violation

What is simple parity violation?

Simple parity violation is a phenomenon in particle physics where the laws of physics are not symmetrical under the exchange of spatial coordinates.

How is simple parity violation measured?

Simple parity violation is measured through experiments involving the weak force, which is responsible for radioactive decay. By studying the decay of particles, scientists can observe the violation of parity symmetry.

What are the implications of simple parity violation?

Simple parity violation challenges our understanding of the fundamental laws of physics and suggests that there may be other yet undiscovered symmetries in the universe.

Can simple parity violation be explained by the Standard Model of particle physics?

No, simple parity violation cannot be explained by the Standard Model. It requires the inclusion of the weak force, which was not originally part of the Standard Model.

Is simple parity violation relevant to everyday life?

Not directly, but understanding simple parity violation can help us better understand the fundamental laws of the universe and potentially lead to new technologies and advancements in the future.

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