Normal Force - riding over a hill

In summary, the equation used is to calculate the normal force on an object at a certain point. This equation was used to calculate the normal force on a bicyclist at the top of a hill.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I am studying for my physics exam on tuesday and i came across this question and i am not sure why this equation was used.

A bicycle and bicyclist of combined mass 62 kg go over a circular hump of radius 6.0 m at a speed of 5.0 m/s. What is the normal force on the bicycle at the top of the hump?

The Attempt at a Solution

The equation used and answer is..

n - mg = - (mv2)/r

n = - [(62*(52))/6] + (62*9.8)

n = 349 N

Can anyone explain why or how to come up with this equation used. I am confused on how and where this comes from. I would have never of thought to do this and would have probably gotten it wrong if it was on the test so any clarification to help me understand would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you :)
Physics news on
  • #2
At the top of the hill, if you draw a FBD, the normal reaction N acts upwards and the weight mg acts downwards.

The resultant of these two must be sufficient such that they keep him in contact with the hill.

For that to happen, the resultant in the direction of the weight must be the centripetal force, else the resultant is opposite of the weight, which would mean the boy would fly off of the hill.

Hence mg-N= mv2/r

Does it make a little more sense now?
  • #3
Two forces act on the bicyclist.
i) Normal force N acting in the upward direction due to centripetal force.
ii) weight mg in the down ward direction.
So net centripetal force acting on him in the downward direction is
N - mg = -(mv^2)/R
  • #4
Yes That makes more sense. I guess that's a little easier and not as complex as i was making it out to be.

Thank you :)

FAQ: Normal Force - riding over a hill

What is normal force?

Normal force is the force that a surface exerts on an object that is in contact with it. It is always directed perpendicular to the surface and is exerted in the opposite direction of the force acting on the object.

How does normal force affect riding over a hill?

When riding over a hill, the normal force plays a critical role in keeping the rider on the bike. As the bike goes up the hill, the normal force from the ground pushes the bike and rider in the opposite direction, allowing them to maintain contact with the ground and stay balanced.

What happens to normal force when riding over a hill?

The normal force will change as the bike goes over the hill. As the bike goes up the hill, the normal force will decrease, but as it goes down the hill, the normal force will increase. This is because the angle of the slope changes, and therefore the direction and magnitude of the normal force change as well.

Can normal force be greater than the weight of an object?

Yes, in some cases, normal force can be greater than the weight of an object. This typically occurs when an object is accelerating upwards, such as a rider pedaling up a hill. In this case, the normal force will be greater than the weight of the rider and bike, providing the necessary force to move them up the hill.

How can normal force be calculated?

The normal force can be calculated using the equation FN = mgcosθ, where m is the mass of the object, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and θ is the angle of the slope. Alternatively, it can also be calculated as the sum of all the forces acting perpendicular to the surface of the object.

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