Normal modes of a system of springs

In summary, the conversation discusses a simple spring system with four identical springs holding up a square, load-bearing pallet plate in a warehouse. The equation of motion for the vertical normal mode of vibration is debated, with one person suggesting d2z/dt2 = -4(k/m)z and another suggesting d2z/dt2 = -4(k/m)z + g. The correct equation depends on the point of reference for z=0, either at the point of zero spring tension or at the point of equilibrium. The conversation also briefly mentions using a LaTex editor for equations.
  • #1
I'm looking at what should be just a simple spring system where four identical springs are holding up a square, load-bearing pallet plate in a warehouse. Now, someone says the equation of motion for the vertical normal mode of vibration is simply d2z/dt2 = -4(k/m)z.
Right away however, I see no gravity in this equation, I think it should be d2z/dt2 = -4(k/m)z + g. Which one is right?

Also where is the LaTex editor here?
Physics news on
  • #2
It depends on where you want z=0 to be. At the point of zero spring tension? You need your equation. At the point of equilibrium? You need the former equation.
TheGreatEscapegoat said:
Also where is the LaTex editor here?
Just put it in double $ or double # (inline).
##\int x^2 dx## -> ##\int x^2 dx##
  • #3
Alright good to know, thank you.

FAQ: Normal modes of a system of springs

1. What are normal modes of a system of springs?

The normal modes of a system of springs refer to the different ways in which the springs in the system can oscillate when disturbed from equilibrium. These modes are characterized by their unique frequencies of oscillation.

2. How are normal modes calculated for a system of springs?

The normal modes of a system of springs can be calculated by using the equations of motion for each individual spring and solving for the frequencies of oscillation that result in a stable, periodic motion. This can be done analytically or numerically using computer simulations.

3. What factors affect the normal modes of a system of springs?

The normal modes of a system of springs are affected by various factors such as the stiffness of the springs, the masses attached to the springs, and the boundary conditions of the system. These factors can change the frequencies and patterns of oscillation for the normal modes.

4. How do normal modes relate to resonance in a system of springs?

Resonance in a system of springs occurs when the driving frequency of an external force matches one of the natural frequencies of the system's normal modes. This results in a large amplitude oscillation of the system, which can be observed in musical instruments and other systems with springs.

5. Can normal modes be used to study the behavior of complex systems?

Yes, normal modes can be used to study the behavior of complex systems by decomposing the system into simpler components with known normal modes. This allows for a better understanding of the overall behavior of the system and can also be used to predict how the system will respond to different external forces.
