Nuclear Fusion Idea: Using Magnetic Fields

In summary, the conversation revolved around the possibility of using a strong magnetic field to produce nuclear fusion. The idea was to use a spherical cavity with ionized Deuterium nuclei and increasing electromagnetic fields to compress the nuclei and cause fusion. However, the experts pointed out that this method is not feasible due to the repulsive force between the closely packed protons being greater than the applied force from the electromagnets. It was also mentioned that the fusion power rate in the sun is much higher due to the extremely high pressures and volumes. Additionally, it was noted that the power density in the proton-proton fusion is low and the cross-section for the reaction is also low. The conversation also touched upon the possibility of using a charged sphere instead
  • #1
I was wondering if you could use a very strong magnetic field to produce nuclear fusion. The basic idea is a spherical cavity containing Deuterium (and possibly tritium) nuclei whose walls will be electromagnets whose fields slowly increase in strength and will repel the nuclei and thus the ball of deuterium nuclei inside becomes smaller and smaller until finally the nuclei are close enough to fuse, could this work? If not why?
Engineering news on
  • #2
Magnetic confinement fusion is currently the most popular type of fusion under investigation and a lot of literature has been written about it. How much have you read on this subject?
  • #3
I'm not talking about using the field to confine plasma, I was thinking of actually using the field to cause fusion by producing a more powerful electromagnetic field of repulsion from the walls of the cavity then from the protons thus forcing them to crush together and hopefully fuse
  • #4
Is your fuel ionized?
  • #5
Yes it will be ionized
  • #6
Then you have magnetic confinement of a plasma, which would make this magnetic confinement fusion.

In any case, your basic idea is faulty. You can't compress the fuel until the nuclei are so close together that they fuse, as the repulsive force from the closely packed protons is much greater than the force applied by the electromagnets. Instead you would have to heat the fuel so that the kinetic energy of two colliding nuclei is great enough to overcome the repulsive force and allow them to fuse.
  • #7
Okay, but can I see the calculations?
  • #8
I haven't done any calculations.
  • #9
Then what do you base your claim off? Because to fuse correct me if I'm wrong but you need to give the nuclei 1MeV of force to overcome the coulomb barrier that force does not need to come from temperature, it could be done with a strong enough push, such as from an electromagnetic field
  • #10
Do you need calculations to see a human cannot throw stuff into an Earth orbit from the ground?
In terms of missing orders of magnitude, this is much closer than the idea you suggest.

Calculate the repulsion of two nuclei of hydrogen at a distance of 5 femtometers, and compare this to a force gradient (over 5 femtometers) from external electromagnetic fields. They are vastly different.
  • #11
I base it off of basic knowledge of physics. I can try to do some basic calculations later on, but I have to go apartment hunting right now. Perhaps someone else could explain things while I'm gone.
  • #12
Dt2000 said:
Then what do you base your claim off? Because to fuse correct me if I'm wrong but you need to give the nuclei 1MeV of force to overcome the coulomb barrier that force does not need to come from temperature, it could be done with a strong enough push, such as from an electromagnetic field

How much reading about nuclear fusion have you actually done? What is your background?
  • #13
High school student
  • #14
So the formula for the coulomb force is

Therefore the force between 2 Protons at 5 femtometers is 9.24N, I guess you're right it is unlikely that there could be any net energy gain of this
  • #15
Dt2000 said:
Then what do you base your claim off? Because to fuse correct me if I'm wrong but you need to give the nuclei 1MeV of force to overcome the coulomb barrier that force does not need to come from temperature, it could be done with a strong enough push, such as from an electromagnetic field
This is a faulty understanding. Firstly, 1 MeV is a measure of energy, not force. Secondly, one can determine the energy needed by integrating force over distance applied. Thirdly, force or pressure is quite high - take the force applied between two protons, which would be the same as between two deuterons or a deuteron-triton pair at the same distance, but now multiply by 1014, and see what pressures are involved.

Proton-proton fusion works in the sun, because the pressures are extraordinarily high, as in orders of magnitude greater than we can generate with many made systems on a large scale, the because the volume of the sun is so great.

For terrestrial fusion systems, we generally focus on d+t, which is the easiest reaction to achieve, or d+d which is slightly more difficult to accomplish. All the while, energy is radiating out of the plasma, and neutrals tend to leak out.

One needs to do some homework on fusion technology, magnetic confinement and inertial confinement.
  • #16
Astronuc said:
Proton-proton fusion works in the sun, because the pressures are extraordinarily high, as in orders of magnitude greater than we can generate with many made systems on a large scale, the because the volume of the sun is so great.
Even if we could reproduce the conditions here on Earth, it would not help. The fusion power rate in the core is about ~200 W / m3. That's a lower power density than a human has!Concerning the force of magnetic fields: a gradient of 100 T/m gives about 10-24 N (calculation). We need a force gradient, so let's have 100T/m per centimeter, and consider the distance of 5 femtometers as above: 7*10-37 N difference in force between the protons. The force is 37 orders of magnitude too weak.
As comparison, the gravitational attraction between the protons is 7*10-36 N, 10 times stronger than the tiny magnetic effects. And we know gravity doesn't let hydrogen fuse.
All those numbers might be off by an order of magnitude or two, but certainly not by 37.
  • #17
mfb said:
Even if we could reproduce the conditions here on Earth, it would not help. The fusion power rate in the core is about ~200 W / m3. That's a lower power density than a human has!
That is the other aspect. The power density (energy production rate) in the pp cycle is very low, besides the fact that the cross-section for the reaction is quite low.
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  • #18
Alright my mistake about the magnetic fields the protons interaction with it will be quite small but what about if the sphere was charged instead? I did some crude calculations using coulomb's law and found that the sphere would have to be very tiny to overcome the massive forces of repulsion while my calculations say the repulsion at 5fm is 9.2N I decided to do an upper limit at 230-231N at 1fm assuming a charge of 400C so the fusion would take have to take place in a chamber with a diameter of 0.1mm which is ridiculously small and would not produce very much energy output compared to the energy going into charge the plates but it is very tiny so a lot of these could be setup per cubic meter, so in theory could this work?
  • #20
Wait sorry I'm not exactly that great at physics correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that law for electrostatics? What if there is current flowing?
  • #21
Current flow adds magnetic fields.
Time-dependent charge distributions are a bit more complicated, but you still cannot generate a spherical symmetric attraction without a charge sitting at the center.
  • #22
So, would there be a force acting on the protons? And of what magnitude?
  • #23
That depends on the geometry.
You can estimate the order of magnitude with some charges somewhere. But not 400 Coulombs, that will lead to a huge explosion.
  • #24
Dt2000 said:
I was wondering if you could use a very strong magnetic field to produce nuclear fusion. The basic idea is a spherical cavity containing Deuterium (and possibly tritium) nuclei whose walls will be electromagnets whose fields slowly increase in strength and will repel the nuclei and thus the ball of deuterium nuclei inside becomes smaller and smaller until finally the nuclei are close enough to fuse, could this work? If not why?

My guess:
If you were able to achieve good enough magnetic field, then presumably it would be easier just to construct something like:
  • #25
So the idea could hypothetically work?
  • #26
Tokamaks just confine a hot plasma to a specific macroscopic volume, they don't push protons together.
  • #27
I don't mean a Tokamak I mean the idea stated in the first post on this thread except instead of a magnetic field current will be used to charge up the sphere to fuse the nuclei by creating a stronger force of repulsion than that from the protons
  • #29
Okay, thanks
  • #30
How about using fast neutrons? Say there's a highly pressurised container, containing the deuterium or hydrogen nuclei, with a source providing it with fast neutrons, if one of these were to be absorbed by the nuclei, assuming that the neutron is very high energy, would it increase the momentum to sufficiently high energy to fuse?
  • #31
With a negligible probability. Scattering at other atoms until the energy is lost is much more likely.
Neutron absorption itself can release energy, but producing fast neutrons (outside a nuclear reactor) is highly inefficient so you don't gain anything. In a nuclear reactor, you better use the fast neutrons to make slow neutrons to keep fission running.
  • #32
Okay last idea, so I looked at fusor calculations and apparently one of them is:
Cross Sectional Area*Particles*Density of target*Target Volume
So I was wondering couldn't we simply increase the target volume or the density? Well actually I guess Density is a bit out of the question as it would have to be around the metallic hydrogen range
  • #33
ITER is increasing the volume compared to previous reactors, for example. It also increases the volume to surface ratio, which reduces heat losses.
In general, building something bigger is more expensive, and it is not a miracle that solves all problems - you can gain an order of magnitude or two, but you cannot make a completely impractical concept possible.
  • #34
Dt2000 said:
Okay last idea, so I looked at fusor calculations and apparently one of them is:
Cross Sectional Area*Particles*Density of target*Target Volume
So I was wondering couldn't we simply increase the target volume or the density? Well actually I guess Density is a bit out of the question as it would have to be around the metallic hydrogen range
Fusors are net power loser at any scale because they're accelerators and most of the intended particle collisions necessarily miss (don't cause a fusion event) and the energy used for acceleration is lost (thermalized). In other words, if you are selling at a loss, increasing sales volume won't help.

FAQ: Nuclear Fusion Idea: Using Magnetic Fields

1. How does nuclear fusion using magnetic fields work?

Nuclear fusion using magnetic fields involves using powerful magnets to contain and control plasma (superheated gas) in a confined space. The plasma is heated to extreme temperatures, causing the nuclei of atoms to collide and fuse, releasing large amounts of energy.

2. What are the advantages of using magnetic fields for nuclear fusion?

Using magnetic fields for nuclear fusion offers several advantages, including the ability to control and contain the plasma, reducing the risk of accidents and radiation exposure. It also produces less radioactive waste compared to traditional nuclear fission reactions.

3. What are the challenges of implementing nuclear fusion using magnetic fields?

One of the main challenges of implementing nuclear fusion using magnetic fields is the high temperatures and pressures required to initiate and sustain the fusion reaction. Additionally, creating and maintaining the necessary magnetic fields can be technologically complex and expensive.

4. How is nuclear fusion using magnetic fields different from traditional nuclear power?

Nuclear fusion using magnetic fields differs from traditional nuclear power in several ways. Fusion reactions produce less radioactive waste and do not emit greenhouse gases, making it a cleaner and more sustainable energy source. It also uses a different fuel source (hydrogen isotopes) compared to traditional nuclear power (uranium).

5. Is nuclear fusion using magnetic fields a viable source of energy?

While nuclear fusion using magnetic fields has shown promise as a potential source of clean and abundant energy, it is still in the research and development stage. Many technological and engineering challenges need to be overcome before it can be implemented on a large scale. However, with continued research and advancements, it has the potential to become a viable energy source in the future.

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