Proving Orthogonal Bases Homework Statement

In summary: I don't understand how to use the rules to evaluate v1⋅v2. I know what v1 and v2 are, but I don't understand how to break them down into linear combinations of the basis vectors or what rules to use.v1 = a1b1 + a2b2 + ... + akbkv2 = c1b1 + c2b2 + ... + ckbkv1 ⋅ v2 = (a1b1 + a2b2 + ... + akbk) ⋅ (c1b1 + c2b2 + ... + ckbk)You already found that v1 = (a1v1 + a
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let B be an ordered orthonormal basis for a k-dimensional subspace V of ℝn. Prove that for all v1,v2 ∈ V, v1·v2 = [v1]B · [v2]B, where the first dot product takes place in ℝn and the second takes place in ℝk.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Let B = (b1,...,bk)
Express v1 and v2 as linear combinations of the vectors in B:
v1 = a1v1 + a2v2 + ... + akvk
v2 = b1v1 + b2v2 + ... + bkvk
I am confused as to where to go from here.
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  • #2
It seems like a terrible idea to use the same notation for the first two basis vectors as for the two arbitrary vectors. Other than that, good start. What happens if you use what you wrote down to evaluate ##v_1\cdot v_2##?
$$v_1\cdot v_2=\cdots $$
  • #3
Okay so let the first basis be x = x1v1 + x2v2 + ... + xkvk and the second basis be y = y1v1 + y2v2 ... + ykvk. Then, the dot product of xy = (x1y1)v1 + (x2y2)v2 + ... + (xkyk)vk
  • #4
LosTacos said:
Okay so let the first basis be x = x1v1 + x2v2 + ... + xkvk and the second basis be y = y1v1 + y2v2 ... + ykvk.
Uhm...I assume that you meant to say that you now intend to use the notation x and y for the two arbitrary vectors in V.

LosTacos said:
Then, the dot product of xy = (x1y1)v1 + (x2y2)v2 + ... + (xkyk)vk
The result of a dot product is a number, but what you wrote here is a vector.

Could you please use sub tags for the indices? Like this: x2. Hit the quote button to see how I typed this. And here's a dot that you can copy and paste: ·
  • #5
Okay, well since B is an orthonormal basis, then the set of all its vecors are unit vectors. So when taking the dot product of xy, I must turn them into unit vectors:
xy = [(x1y1)v1]/IIv1II + [(x2y2)v2]/IIv2II + ... + [(xkyk)vk]/IIvkII.
But, since B is orthnormal:
IIvkII = 1
  • #6
Your notation is pretty hard to read, and that's still a vector.
  • #7
Sorry, xy = [x1y1]v1 / (Unit vector v1) + [x2y2]v2 / (Unit vector v2) + ...+ [xkyk]vk (Unit vector vk) = 1
  • #8
That's easier to read, but it's still wrong. As I've been saying, the result of a dot product isn't a vector, and what you're writing is. Also, you could write ||v1|| for the norm of v1. It's wrong to call it "unit vector v1".
  • #9
I am confused as to how the dot product works here. So i am going to try it from the other direction. Since B is an orthonormal basis, [v1]b = [v1·v1, + v1·v2, + ...+ v1·vk

Then, [v2]b = [v2·v1, + v2·v2, + ...+ v2·vk

So how could I represent teh dot product of both of these?
  • #10
LosTacos said:
Let B = (b1,...,bk)
Express v1 and v2 as linear combinations of the vectors in B:
v1 = a1v1 + a2v2 + ... + akvk
v2 = b1v1 + b2v2 + ... + bkvk
As Fredrik already noted, your notation is very confusing. Here's my attempt to unravel it.
v1 = a1b1 + a2b2 + ... + akbk
Here, v1 is written as a linear combination of the basis vectors b1, b2, ... , bk.
v2 = c1b1 + c2b2 + ... + ckbk
Here, v2 is written as a different linear combination of the same basis vectors b1, b2, ... , bk.

Now, what is v1 ##\cdot## v2?
  • #11
LosTacos said:
I am confused as to how the dot product works here. So i am going to try it from the other direction. Since B is an orthonormal basis, [v1]b = [v1·v1, + v1·v2, + ...+ v1·vk

Then, [v2]b = [v2·v1, + v2·v2, + ...+ v2·vk

So how could I represent teh dot product of both of these?
I can't imagine a more confusing notation than this :smile:

You started at the right end before, with an OK notation. You just need to use what you know about of the dot product to evaluate what you get when you replace the x and the y in x·y with the corresponding linear combinations of elements of B.
  • #12
v1 ⋅ v2 = a1c1(b1) + a2c2(b2) + ... + akck(bk)

Since B = (b1, b2, ... , bk) is the orthonormal basis,

v1 ⋅ v2 = [v1]B ⋅ [v2]B
  • #13
Still wrong, in the same way as before. What you're writing there is a vector, but ##v_1\cdot v_2## is not a vector, so what you wrote can't possibly be right. Think about what you know about the dot product, and write out the intermediate steps in your calculation.
  • #14
I understand v1 ⋅ v2 is not a vector. I don't know how to represent it. I understand that v1 ⋅ v2 = the sum of (1st element of v1)x(1st element of v2) + (2nd element of v1) x (2nd element of v2) + ... + (kth element of v1)x(kth element of v2)
  • #15
Suppose u = u1i + u2j + u3k, and
v = u1i + u2j + u3k

What is u ##\cdot## v? In the above, i, j, and k are the usual unit vectors in R3. Note that they are an orthonormal set.
  • #16
u ⋅ v = (u1)(u1) + (u2)(u2) + (u3)(u3)
  • #17
Do you know any theorems about the properties of the dot product? For example, if x,y,z are vectors and k is a number, what can you tell me about these expressions?
\begin{align}x\cdot (y+z)=?\\
(kx)\cdot y=?
  • #18
x⋅(y+z) = x⋅y + x⋅z

(kx)⋅y = k(x⋅y)
  • #19
LosTacos said:
u ⋅ v = (u1)(u1) + (u2)(u2) + (u3)(u3)
Yes, that's correct. Do you understand why there are no i##\cdot## j or i##\cdot## k (etc.) terms? Or why you don't need to include the i##\cdot## i and j##\cdot## j (etc.) terms?

Think about this when you're calculating v1 ##\cdot## v2. As Fredrik already said, this dot product represents a number, so should not involve any vectors.
  • #20
LosTacos said:
x⋅(y+z) = x⋅y + x⋅z

(kx)⋅y = k(x⋅y)
Exactly right. So what do you get if you use these rules to evaluate ##v_1\cdot v_2##? (First express ##v_1## and ##v_2## as linear combinations of the basis vectors. Then use these rules).
  • #21
v1 = a1b1 + a2b2 + ... + akbk

v2 = c1b1 + c2b2 + ... + ckbk

v1⋅v2 = a1c1 + a2c2 + ... + akck
  • #22
This is correct, but I would like to see an intermediate step that shows that you know why that last equality holds.
  • #23
v1⋅v2 = a1c1(b1) + a2c2(b2) + ... + akck(bk)

= a1c1(1) + a2c2(1) + ... + akck(1)
  • #24
No, that first equality is wrong. Each of those terms is a vector, so their sum is too. This is assuming that (b1) means b1. I don't know what else it could mean.

In the first step, you should just use the first two equalities from post #21, nothing else. In the second step, you should use the rules I mentioned.
  • #25
You didn't answer the questions I asked earlier.
Mark44 said:
Do you understand why there are no i##\cdot## j or i##\cdot## k (etc.) terms? Or why you don't need to include the i##\cdot## i and j##\cdot## j (etc.) terms?

LosTacos said:
v1⋅v2 = a1c1(b1) + a2c2(b2) + ... + akck(bk)

= a1c1(1) + a2c2(1) + ... + akck(1)
  • #26
v1⋅v2 = a1b1 + a2b2 + ... + akbk
v2 = b1c1 + b2c2 + ... + bkck

v1⋅v2 = (a1b1)c1 + (a2b2)c2 + ... + (akbk)ck

v1⋅v2 = (a1c1)b1 + (a2c2)b2 + ... + (akck)bk
  • #28
I used the fact that (kx)⋅y = k(x⋅y). Since the basis is orthonormal, all the vectors are unit vectors. Therefore, they are each = 1. So, I took the fact that 1 times xy = xy
  • #29
LosTacos said:
v1⋅v2 = a1b1 + a2b2 + ... + akbk
v2 = b1c1 + b2c2 + ... + bkck
If you're following Fredrik's suggestion, the first equation above should be
v1 = a1b1 + a2b2 + ... + akbk

The second equation would be better written as
v2 = c1b1 + c2b2 + ... + ckbk

(I added bolding to make the vectors more obvious.)

So v1 ##\cdot## v2 = (a1b1 + a2b2 + ... + akbk) ##\cdot## (c1b1 + c2b2 + ... + ckbk)

Now what do you get, showing the intermediate steps?
LosTacos said:
v1⋅v2 = (a1b1)c1 + (a2b2)c2 + ... + (akbk)ck

v1⋅v2 = (a1c1)b1 + (a2c2)b2 + ... + (akck)bk

LosTacos said:
I used the fact that (kx)⋅y = k(x⋅y). Since the basis is orthonormal, all the vectors are unit vectors. Therefore, they are each = 1. So, I took the fact that 1 times xy = xy
No, their magnitudes are 1. They are all still vectors, so they can't be equal to the number 1. For example, |b2| = 1, but b2 ≠ 1.
  • #30
v1⋅v2 = (a1b1 + a2b2 + ... + akbk)⋅ (b1c1 + b2c2 + ... + bkck)
= ((a1b1)(b1c1) + (a2b2)(b2c2) + ... + (akbk)(bkck)
  • #31
LosTacos said:
v1⋅v2 = (a1b1 + a2b2 + ... + akbk)⋅ (b1c1 + b2c2 + ... + bkck)
= ((a1b1)(b1c1) + (a2b2)(b2c2) + ... + (akbk)(bkck)

Since each vector has k terms, there should be k2 products. I see only k of them. You're missing most of them. Also, which things are vectors in what you wrote. I made an extra effort to indicate the things that were vectors in my last post.
  • #32
The b's would be squared because they are in each vector.
  • #33
LosTacos said:
v1⋅v2 = (a1b1 + a2b2 + ... + akbk)⋅ (b1c1 + b2c2 + ... + bkck)
Would you know how to handle this if we (temporarily) denote the first factor by x?

v1⋅v2 = (a1b1 + a2b2 + ... + akbk)⋅ (b1c1 + b2c2 + ... + bkck)
= x·(b1c1 + b2c2 + ... + bkck) =

Edit: I just noticed something that Mark44 has already made a comment about. The order of the bs and the cs there is pretty odd. We usually write the number first, and the vector second. So it would be better to write ##c_1b_1## instead of ##b_1c_1##, and it would be even better to use a notation like ##c_1\mathbf b_1##.
  • #34
Yes, it would be (b1x)c1 + (b2x)c2 + ... +(b1x)ck
  • #35
Yes, but it would make more sense to write it as ##c_1 x\cdot b_1+\cdots+c_k x\cdot b_k##. Now consider an arbitrary term from this sum, ##c_i x\cdot b_i##. What will this term look like if you use the definition of x?

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