Quantum mechanics: how to sketch the wave function?

In summary, you integrated the function over the range [0, b], but you are unable to compute the same function in three points in the same interval.
  • #1
Fatimah od

Homework Statement


Homework Equations

The solution which I found:


The Attempt at a Solution

I tried to solve part (a)


Please explain it to me.
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2

I don't see how the solution you found corresponds to the problem.

Your solution is incorrect because you ignore the function in [0, a].
  • #3

so should i do the same integrate with the both intervales ?
  • #4
Compute the integral over the entire range [0, b]. Equate the result with 1 and solve it for A.
  • #5

how is it now !
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  • #6
I do not see any difference from the previous attempt. You are still not taking the entire [0, b] range.
  • #7
sorry I upload the wrong pic.

hear is the whole range.

http://im24.gulfup.com/2012-09-13/1347562820501.jpg I hope that I'm doing well.
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  • #8
This seems OK.
  • #9
Please make your images smaller or simply link to them. When they're large, like yours, it makes it hard to read the thread.
  • #10
fine,, thanx

so how should I sketch the function now ?!

help me please ,
  • #11
Put to use what you learned in your algebra classes and plot the function.
  • #12
Iam trying ,,
is the time on the (x-axis)
and the position on the (y-axis) ?

should I write two tabels for the both cases individual !
  • #13
You are asked to sketch the function at t = 0 as a function of x.
  • #14
while i asked to sketch at t=0 , so i will use the first function ..


i Supposed a random numbers ,,

how is it ?!
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  • #15
You need to sketch this on the interval [0, b]. With a somewhere in between. Random numbers are useless.
  • #16
can you explain more please ,,
how could I draw without a points !
  • #17
On the x axis, choose some interval. Label its left end "0", its right end "b". Somewhere in that interval, choose another point, label it "a". What are the values of the function at those three points? Put them on them on the diagram. What else do you need to complete the sketch?
  • #18
how to chose the values of the position,which located on the y-axis ?
  • #19
I do not understand the question.
  • #20
I am trying to say that ,,
if the time will label on the x-axis with 3 points (0,a,b)
what is the functions which should label on the y-axis ?
  • #21
As I already said, there is no time in this problem. As to what labels you should use on the y axis, consider what values you are going to plot.
  • #22
i'm keep trying , but I do not know why I did n't catch the idea !

is this right ?

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  • #23
What are the values of the function at 0, a and b?
  • #24
ψ = Ax/a
ψ = A (b-x)/(b-a)

i know that it's not available to put an (a variable) as a point ,,
that it's why I want to suppose a value for "a" and "b" !
  • #25
Those are not values of the function. Those are the function itself.
  • #26
huh ,, I confused !
would you like to draw an example ,, please !
  • #27
What is the value when x = 0? When x = a? When x = b?
  • #28
i think it's correct now ,,


i hope ()
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  • #29
No, that's not correct. You have one function, not two.

You have INTEGRATED the function over [0, b]. But you are unable to compute values of the same function in three points in the same interval. How is this possible?
  • #30
but the function is divided in the two interval , so how can I compute one function
I'm forced to express the function as two parts, I thought !
  • #31
Your function has ONE value at any ONE point x. Not two, not three, not any other number.
  • #32
you mean A=√3/b ?
  • #33
At what point is that the value of the function?
  • #34
at "A" from the integrated
  • #35
all what I need to draw is the values which are on the y-axis
and that is to describe the wave function ψ

the problem now is " what is the function on (0,b)"?

I'm not sure if I can summate the two parts from (0,a) to (a,b) without any other operator such as "integral" ?

actually I think it's not correct two ,, it leads to a complicated formulas !
but that's what I could think about to get one function as what you said ,,, !

please ,
I need to more help ()

FAQ: Quantum mechanics: how to sketch the wave function?

1. What is the wave function in quantum mechanics?

The wave function in quantum mechanics is a mathematical representation of the quantum state of a particle or system. It describes the probability amplitude of finding a particle at a certain position and time, and it is used to calculate the probability of different outcomes in quantum measurements.

2. How do you sketch a wave function?

To sketch a wave function, you first need to understand the mathematical form of the function, which is typically a complex-valued function of position and time. Then, you can plot the amplitude of the function at different positions and times to create a visual representation of the wave. It is important to note that the wave function is not a physical wave, but rather a mathematical tool used in quantum mechanics.

3. What does the shape of the wave function represent?

The shape of the wave function represents the probability amplitude of finding a particle at a certain position and time. The squared magnitude of the wave function at a specific point gives the probability of finding the particle at that point. The shape of the wave function can also provide information about the energy and momentum of the particle.

4. Can the wave function change over time?

Yes, the wave function can change over time. In quantum mechanics, the wave function is described by the Schrödinger equation, which governs how the wave function evolves over time. The wave function can change due to interactions with other particles or systems, and it is constantly evolving until a measurement is made.

5. How does the wave function relate to uncertainty in quantum mechanics?

The wave function is used to calculate the probability of different outcomes in quantum measurements. This means that the wave function can also provide information about the uncertainty of a particle's position or momentum. The Heisenberg uncertainty principle states that the more precisely we know the position of a particle, the less we know about its momentum, and vice versa. The wave function helps us understand and quantify this uncertainty in quantum mechanics.
