Solving for Simple: Proving M_2(Z_2) is a Simple Ring

In summary: But forget about the minimal ones for a second. Let's assume there's some nonzero element a in the ring with additive order n. Then there are n+1 elements in the ring that are both in a and 0, and those are the n+1 coordinates of the point a. Obviously, the point a is in the ring since it has coordinates in it. But now we need to show that the point a is in the additive subgroup H of the ring. But that's easy: every element in H has coordinates in it, so the point a must have coordinates in H too.In summary, the matrix ring M_2(Z_2) is a simple ring. The attempt at a solution did not work
  • #1
[SOLVED] show a matrix ring is simple

Homework Statement

Show that the matrix ring M_2(Z_2) is a simple ring; that is, M_2(Z_2) has no proper nontrivial ideals.

In my book M_2(Z_2) is the ring of 2 by 2 matrices whose elements are in Z_2.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I wrote down all of the elements of the ring. I stared at them for awhile and I couldn't think of anything to do. We want to show that if H is a nontrivial additive subgroup of the ring, then M_2(Z_2) H must equal M_2(Z_2). But how...
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  • #2
Hint: Think about the "standard bases matrices eij" of M_2(Z_2); here eij is the matrix with a '1' in the (i,j)th position and zeros elsewhere. An ideal is closed under left and right multiplication from the ring, so in particular if a is in your ideal, then so are eij*a and a*eij.

In general, the ideals of R correspond to the ideals of M_n(R) via the order-preserving bijection I <-> M_n(I). Consequently, M_n(R) is simple iff R is.
  • #3
Is an order-preserving bijection the same thing as an isomorphism?
  • #4
No. Well, it depends on what context the word "isomorphism" is being used in. I'm just setting up a bijection between the ideals of two rings; order-preserving here means if I is a subset of J [as ideals of R], then M_n(I) is a subset of M_n(J) [as ideals of M_n(R)]. This does NOT mean that R and M_n(R) are isomorphic. The fact that M_n(R) shares simplicity with R is a by-product of their Morita equivalence -- this means that these two rings are very similar but not necessarily isomorphic. But this is neither here nor there.

Another irrelevant remark is that order-preserving bijections can be considered "isomorphisms" if we're working in the 'category' (I'm using this term loosely) of ordered sets, where the underlying structure is the order on the sets. This is consistent with thinking about "isomorphisms" as structure-preserving maps.
  • #5
morphism said:
Hint: Think about the "standard bases matrices eij" of M_2(Z_2); here eij is the matrix with a '1' in the (i,j)th position and zeros elsewhere. An ideal is closed under left and right multiplication from the ring, so in particular if a is in your ideal, then so are eij*a and a*eij.

In general, the ideals of R correspond to the ideals of M_n(R) via the order-preserving bijection I <-> M_n(I). Consequently, M_n(R) is simple iff R is.

Hmmm. So let I be a nontrivial ideal of M_2(Z_2). We know that there are at least two elements in I and there is one that is not 0, call it a. a must have some component that is not 0. Say that component is (i.j). Obviously you cannot get the whole ring just by applying the basis matrices on the right and on the left since that only gives 8 matrices. But you can apply the elementary matrices in succession and apparently that will give you the whole ring. But how to prove that? Again, I wrote out the 8 products that result from applying the basis matrices on the right and I didn't see the proof :(
  • #6
Well, suppose we have a nonzero element a in the ideal, whose (1,2)th entry is nonzero. Then e11*a*e21 is the matrix with the (1,2)th entry of a in the (1,1)th position, and e21*a*e22 is the matrix with the (1,2)th entry of a in the (2,2)th position. Both of these are in the ideal, and so is their sum, which is the identity matrix. But if an ideal contains a unit (i.e. an invertible element), it must be the entire ring.

Try to generalize this. You'll have to get your hands dirty to see how the matrices eij behave.
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  • #7
ehrenfest said:
I wrote down all of the elements of the ring. I stared at them for awhile and I couldn't think of anything to do. We want to show that if H is a nontrivial additive subgroup of the ring, then M_2(Z_2) H must equal M_2(Z_2). But how...
Well, there aren't many nontrivial additive subgroups, are there? And you only need to consider the minimal ones anyways...
  • #8
Hurkyl said:
Well, there aren't many nontrivial additive subgroups, are there? And you only need to consider the minimal ones anyways...

There are tons of additive subgroups; every nonzero element of the ring has additive order 2.

FAQ: Solving for Simple: Proving M_2(Z_2) is a Simple Ring

1. What is a matrix ring?

A matrix ring is a set of square matrices of a fixed size with elements from a specific set, such as real or complex numbers. The multiplication of matrices within the ring follows certain rules, making it a mathematical structure with specific properties.

2. How is a matrix ring simple?

A matrix ring is simple if it has no nontrivial two-sided ideals, meaning that there are no proper subsets of the ring that are closed under both addition and multiplication. In simpler terms, a simple matrix ring has no nontrivial subrings.

3. What is a nontrivial ideal?

A nontrivial ideal is a subset of a ring that is closed under both addition and multiplication, and is not equal to the entire ring. In other words, it is a proper subset of the ring that shares the same algebraic structure.

4. How do you prove that a matrix ring is simple?

To prove that a matrix ring is simple, one must show that it has no nontrivial two-sided ideals. This can be done by assuming the existence of a nontrivial ideal and then showing that it must contain the entire ring, thus contradicting the assumption.

5. What are the applications of simple matrix rings?

Simple matrix rings have many applications in mathematics, physics, and engineering. They are used in the study of group representations, Lie algebras, and quantum mechanics. They also have practical applications in coding theory, signal processing, and data compression.
