Stellar reddening via Av calculation

In summary, the conversation discusses the calculation of stellar reddening via interstellar extinction. The speaker shares their own calculations and compares them to values found in literature, which show a discrepancy. They also mention a potential issue with the measurement of apparent and absolute magnitudes.
  • #1
Hello, please do somebody have some experiences with calculating of stellar reddening via interstellar extinction? I made some calculation based on apparent and absolute magnitudes and distances of brigthtness star but maximum Av which I got for Betelgeuse was 1.12 mag ( for its maximum apparent magnitude since it is variable star) and for Deneb 0.11 mag.
This results are in disagreement with Av presented in literature which reached values at least about 5-10 mag or more ( for example I found some equation Av (mag) = 2*d(kpc) for latitude b to 2 o and Av (mag) = 0.18/sin (b) for b over 10 o...
Thank you very much
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  • #2
thank you. I can say that maybe , here is problem that is not clear if apparent and absolute magnitudes which I found posted on net are these calculated according to equation which neglected extinction or these which was real measured.

Thank you

FAQ: Stellar reddening via Av calculation

What is stellar reddening and how is it calculated?

Stellar reddening is the phenomenon in which light from a star appears to be redder than it actually is due to the scattering of dust and gas along its path. It is calculated using the extinction coefficient, Av, which takes into account the amount of dust and gas between the star and Earth.

Why is it important to calculate stellar reddening via Av?

Calculating stellar reddening via Av allows us to correct for the effects of dust and gas on the observed color and brightness of a star. This is important for accurately determining the intrinsic properties of the star, such as its temperature, luminosity, and distance.

How is the Av value determined?

The Av value is determined through observations and measurements of the star's brightness in different wavelengths of light, such as infrared and visible. These values are then compared to the expected brightness of the star based on its known properties, and the difference is attributed to stellar reddening.

What are some factors that can affect the Av value?

The Av value can be affected by the amount and distribution of dust and gas along the path between the star and Earth. Other factors such as the star's distance, age, and chemical composition can also play a role in determining the Av value.

How does stellar reddening via Av calculation impact our understanding of the universe?

Stellar reddening via Av calculation is an important tool in astrophysics as it allows us to correct for the effects of interstellar dust and gas and obtain more accurate measurements of stars. This in turn helps us to better understand the properties and evolution of stars, as well as the structure and composition of our galaxy and the universe as a whole.
